Top 1200 Finding Oneself Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Finding Oneself quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
What is a memory? Not a storehouse, not a trunk in the attic, but an instrument that constantly refines the past into a narrative, accessible and acceptable to oneself.
Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle.
The questions which one asks oneself begin, at least, to illuminate the world, and become one's key to the experience of others. — © James Baldwin
The questions which one asks oneself begin, at least, to illuminate the world, and become one's key to the experience of others.
To grumble about the world and its unhappiness is always easier than to beat one's breast and groan over oneself.
People don't acknowledge loneliness in themselves, and don't appreciate its benefits, the reflection and attentiveness that come with it, the deepened acquaintance with oneself.
The contemplative life is often miserable. One must act more, think less, and not watch oneself live.
Writing of every kind is a way to wake oneself up and keep as alive as when one has just fallen in love.
With every adversity comes a blessing because a shock acts as a reminder to oneself that we must not get stale in routine.
American poetry is always about defining oneself individually,claiming one's right to be different and often to break taboos.
As a writer of philosophy, it's good to ask oneself, 'Will I still believe this a week from now, or months, or even years?'
Through the years, I have learned there is no harm in charging oneself up with delusions between moments of valid inspiration.
Simplicity, a delicate silence about oneself, increases their worth and makes one love those whom one admires.
It's important to relax and not put too much pressure on oneself, players must be patient when striving to improve. — © Tiger Woods
It's important to relax and not put too much pressure on oneself, players must be patient when striving to improve.
Anyone who has discovered Christ must lead others to him. A great joy cannot be kept to oneself. It has to be passed on.
When you are not treated seriously, you develop comically. Its sense of oneself is so fractured and fragile that it's like the picked-on kid who has to become funny.
There is only one way to win hearts and that is to make oneself like unto those of whom one would be loved.
one should always talk well about oneself! The word spreads around and in the end, noone remembers where it started
Negative feelings can either lead to sinking into oneself and disappearing, or they can make you angry and want to prove that you're worthy to be in the conversation.
It is by extending oneself, by exercising some capacity previously unused that you come to a better knowledge of your own potential.
A general rule for the good use of time is to accustom oneself to live in a continual dependence on the Spirit of God.
To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one's own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat.
If an artist wants to use his mind for creative work, cutting oneself off from society is a necessary thing
To be forced to defend oneself is an inherently undesirable position to be in. The focus shifts from ideas to the person conveying them.
Perhaps the basic thing which contributes to charm is the ability to forget oneself and be engrossed in other people.
The desire not to be impinged upon, to be left to oneself, has been the markof high civilisation both on the part of individuals and communities.
To congratulate oneself on one's warm commitment to the environment, or to peace, or to the oppressed, and think no more is a profound moral fault.
Success, like happiness, is the unexpected side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.
To defend oneself against a fear is simply to insure that one will, one day, be conquered by it; fears must be faced.
Character is the final decision to reject whatever is demeaning to oneself or to others and with confidence and honesty choose what is right.
Through my own observations. I am convinced that an absolutely honest and direct inquiry into oneself will lead to understanding.
One curiosity of being a foreigner everywhere is that one finds oneself discerning Edens where the locals see only Purgatory.
Love is union with somebody, or something, outside oneself, under the condition of retaining the separateness and integrity of one's own self.
Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we're gone.
The only ideals allowed are healthy ones - those everyone may aspire to, or comfortably imagine oneself possessing.
I realized that to become a saint one must suffer a great deal, always seek what is best, and forget oneself.
The study of crime begins with the knowledge of oneself. All that you despise, all that you loathe, all that you reject, all that you condemn and seek to convert by punishment springs from you.
One must see one's model correctly and experience it in the right way; and furthermore express oneself forcibly and with distinction.
The old shepherd was right: The only solution was to forget a part of uncertainty and create a new history for oneself. — © Paulo Coelho
The old shepherd was right: The only solution was to forget a part of uncertainty and create a new history for oneself.
One must not make oneself cheap here - that is a cardinal point - or else one is done. Whoever is most impertinent has the best chance.
Love is that enviable state that knows no envy or vanity, only empathy and a longing to be greater than oneself.
One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true of false. It comes to be the dominating thought in one's mind.
The ultimate aim of the quest must be neither release nor ecstasy for oneself, but the wisdom and the power to serve others.
I go to a lot of museums, I read a ton of poetry - anything that's a creative expression of oneself, I find really inspiring.
Many times, people who are self-involved or bullies, it stems from a place of hurt and insecurity within oneself.
To work effectively as an agent of change in a pluralistic society, it is necessary to be able to connect with people different from oneself.
Better be secure under one king, than exposed to violence from twenty millions of monarchs, though oneself be one of them.
The greatest evil that one has to fight constantly, every minute of the day until one dies, is the worst part of oneself.
If no one speaks out for [young readers], if they don’t speak out for themselves, all they’ll get for required reading will be the most bland books available. Instead of finding the information they need at the library, instead of finding novels that illuminate life, they will find only those materials to which nobody could possibly object... In this age of censorship I mourn the loss of books that will never be written, I mourn the voices that will be silenced — writers’ voices, teachers’ voices, students’ voices — and all because of fear.
Friendship involves many things but, above all the power of going outside oneself and appreciating what is noble and loving in another. — © Thomas Huxley
Friendship involves many things but, above all the power of going outside oneself and appreciating what is noble and loving in another.
Never too late to learn some embarrassingly basic, stupidly obvious things about oneself.
Which of the religions of the world gives to its followers the greatest happiness? While it lasts, the religion of worshiping oneself is best.
All artists are self-sacrificing human beings, and to become an artist is nothing but to devote oneself to the subterranean gods.
And this is the simple truth - that to live is to feel oneself lost. He who accepts it has already begun to find himself to be on firm ground.
The place one's in, though, doesn't make any contribution to peace of mind: it's the spirit that makes everything agreeable to oneself.
Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. . . . It gives one the ability to maintain oneself, one's family, to contribute to the growth of one's own nation.
It is well to remember that reading books about the Bible is a very different thing to searching the Word for oneself.
Indeed, President Trump seems to have a pretty good idea how to enrich oneself at taxpayer expense.
A book is so much a part of oneself that in delivering it to the public one feels as if one were pushing one's own child out into the traffic.
Sometimes the child in one behaves a certain way and the rest of oneself follows behind, slowly shaking its head.
SPIRITUAL EXERCISES whereby to conquer oneself, and order one's life, without being influenced in one's decision by any inordinate affection.
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