Top 1200 Finding Your Way Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Finding Your Way quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
In the final analysis, finding a way to do clean business and not to pay bribes actually improves your bottom line.
I think that what is exciting to us about 'Robocop' was this idea of a character who's finding himself and finding his past and even though it's a dark movie it's also extremely emotional in that way.
Finding your passion is like finding your career soul mate. You 'date around' a bit, trying various jobs, but one day you find something you love so much you wanna marry it and see it every morning before your first cup of coffee.
Today you have that exposition of your body on social media and you also have this big competition of finding 'likes' and followers and that is for me a new kind of finding love.
Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself as you seek your way in life, I offer you "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Wherever else you think you may be going, I ask you to "come unto Him" as the imperative first step in getting there, in finding your individual happiness and strength and success.
You may have lost your way more than a little bit, but I believe you can find your way back. That's the trick. Finding your way back.
Chaos is my natural habitat. I write about chaotic situations and about people finding their way through the chaos, the hope that you can find your way.
The most effective way to build a brand is not by spending millions in advertising, but by finding a clever way to keep your name in the press. — © Barbara Corcoran
The most effective way to build a brand is not by spending millions in advertising, but by finding a clever way to keep your name in the press.
F-A-I-L-I-N-G [is] Finding An Important Lesson, Inviting Needed Growth. So you don't actually fail, you find a better way to do whatever you're doing, and that's your ability, the truth of your core from past life experiences to where you are now in this life. It gives you the ability to be in your truth, without anything holding you down in a box that will never open.
There's this pet phrase about writing that is bandied around particularly in workshops about "finding your own voice as a poet", which I suppose means that you come out from under the direct influence of other poets and have perhaps found a way to combine those influences so that it appears to be your own voice. But I think you could also put it a different way. You, quote, find your voice, unquote, when you are able to invent this one character who resembles you, obviously, and probably is more like you than anyone else on earth, but is not the equivalent to you.
No matter what product or service your company offers, people have a way of finding out if you are genuinely providing value.
Finding the hidden dimensions of your life is the way to fulfill your deepest hunger.
I believe therapy can be done more rapidly. I'm into your finding the source of what's making you think and feel the way you do and shifting it quickly.
That's what stress management is about, that's what psychotherapy is about, finding religion, or finding your loved one or your hobby - any of those, they give you more outlets, more of a sense of control, more of a sense of predictability, of social support. They give you the means to psychologically finesse ambiguous outside reality.
I'm working with fragments a lot of the time and the connective tissue isn't there yet. I think of it the way comics work. You have a block here and a block here, and there's this white space in between. Somehow your mind makes the leap to connect those two blocks. Finding a way to trick your mind into connecting those blocks is one of the fun things for me about writing. You can have those leaps that will emerge into something, if you're lucky.
It's just a matter of finding the styles, finding the fabrics, shapes, that accentuate your own body. You can't be altered, but the clothes can.
If you could figure out how to live with family then you'd gone a long way toward finding your peace.
I've been through a lot of throwing myself away, and finding my way back. Making myself who I wasn't, then finding me back.
Producing is a way of finding a great script that nobody's making, and believing in it, and doing what you can to get it made. It lets you work with your friends, people you really love to do something with.
Success means at least you are finding full potential to who you are in terms of your intelligence, your capability and competence: you are finding full expression to who you are. This is important.
If you think God looks only one way or sounds only one way or is only one way, you're going to look right past Me night and day. You'll spend your whole life looking for God and not finding Her. Because you're looking for a Him.
The main trend with the theme episodes is that anywhere there is a misconception about the way the physical world works, we're finding fertile material. Whether it's in a phrase like "going over like a lead balloon" or "a needle in a haystack," or tackling movie myths or even a genre, like MacGyver or James Bond, we're finding that all these things can lead to people believing the world works in a certain way. It might not be correct, but we can test out if it's true.
Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings you the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run.
Finding your voice is something you have to keep working at. Your voice as a comic evolves the same way that you evolve. You have to find out what works for you. How can you express your opinion, your take on the situations in a way that feels natural to you? That's where you find your voice.
I had great luck with Tim McGraw twice in 'Friday Night Lights' and 'The Kingdom.' I love finding off-beat casting and finding someone you know in one way and you reinvent them in another way. I like doing that as a director.
After all these years, being alone, creating your art and finding your way, finding the path I wanted to take, writing the songs, being more comfortable and confident in what I do, it's been actually an incredible joyride.
When you've been out for five months, it takes a while to get everything straight in your head. Luckily, my coach and team-mates have treated me extremely well, because that's important when you're finding your way back.
Forget about finding your passion. Instead, focus on finding big problems. — © Mark Cuban
Forget about finding your passion. Instead, focus on finding big problems.
Finding joy is probably tantamount to finding yourself and being comfortable in your own skin.
Perhaps cliche is nothing more than the weight of the past pinning down your mind. In this sense, imaginative freedom is a way of finding the future, though it isn't so easy to do.
We have to always spread sugar on top of it in order that we can tolerate swallowing the things we're supposed to do, which is an incredibly depressing way of thinking about living your life. Not just that your work or your home life would be so miserable that you have to slather sugar on it, but then the sugar is all you're tasting. If that's the only way that I'm finding meaning, then we have this sort of mental diabetes that we're descending into.
Finding your way doesn't mean surviving, just as pleasing an audience doesn't mean twisting your editorial around search engine optimization and Facebook algorithms.
You leave school, work terrible jobs to pay rent, and that's when you start finding your way in music and forming bands. — © Ted Dwane
You leave school, work terrible jobs to pay rent, and that's when you start finding your way in music and forming bands.
Neuroscientists are finding that what passes as a typical presentation is usually the worst way to engage your audience.
There is something transformative about the act of finding your own way without a to-do list.
Although the skills aren't hard to learn, finding the happiness and finding the satisfaction and finding fulfillment in continuously serving somebody else something good to eat, is what makes a really good restaurant.
And when you're on your own there is that terrifying possibility that you may be the only person on the planet who thinks it's funny - and you have no way of finding out.
That's what tournament football's all about. It's about finding your feet in the first game, finding what works, and gaining confidence.
Buddhism is all about finding your own way, not imitating the ways of others or even the ways of Buddha himself.
The hardest part of art-making is living your life in such a way that your work gets done-over and over-and that means, among other things, finding a host of practices that are just plain useful.
My strength is in finding ways to make the government work for the people: finding waste, or money that is not being properly used... or finding opportunities that are out there and making them work for the community.
It's fun finding your way to the performance instead of coming in and hoping to God you're impressing the director - and hoping you're delivering the lines right with no treatment beforehand.
The struggle ends when the gratitude begins. The search is over when the finding starts. And the finding is not a finding at all, but a creating. You cannot find what you have been struggling for, but you can create it. And the jump-start of creation is gratitude.
Play isn't you being clever, or finding a trick, or finding a way of covering over your own misery, or persuading someone to do what you want. It's the process of working with the materials that you find and discovering what's possible with them.
Finding your way doesn't mean you always know where you're going. It's knowing how to find your way back home that's important. — © Clare Vanderpool
Finding your way doesn't mean you always know where you're going. It's knowing how to find your way back home that's important.
You must be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way.
There are three sorts of pleasures which are advantageous, and three which are injurious. Finding pleasure in the discriminating study of ceremonies and music, finding pleasure in discussing the good points in the conduct of others, and finding pleasure in having many wise friends, these are advantageous. But finding pleasure in profligate enjoyments, finding pleasure in idle gadding about, and finding pleasure in feasting, these are injurious.
Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn't marry. And you couldn't have that special day the way your friends do-you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person's shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach
Finding a way to really reinterpret your home as an expression of how you live, is really good design in my opinion.
Finding your passion isn't just about careers and money. It's about finding your authentic self. The one you've buried beneath other people's needs.
Love's about finding the one person who makes your heart complete. Who makes you a better person than you ever dreamed you could be. Its about looking in the eyes of your wife and knowing all the way to your bones that she's simply the best person you've ever known.
Acting is about finding truth and finding the way to convey the truth.
Sharon Shinn is a lover of words and a builder of worlds. She makes science-fiction seem like fantasy. Her characters jump off the page, finding their way under your skin and into your heart.
Cold and fire has a way of creeping into the tiniest crack in your courage and finding that coward.
Don’t dismiss the synchronicity of what is happening right now finding its way to your life at just this moment. There are no coincidences in the universe, only convergences of Will, Intent, and Experience.
Stories move in circle. They don’t move in straight lines. So it helps if you listen in circles. There are stories inside stories and stories between stories and finding your way through them is as easy and as hard as finding your way home. And part of the finding is the getting lost. And when you’re lost you start to look around and to listen.
There is a difference between finding trouble in your path and going out of your way searching for it.” -Jacen Solo
Relationships end, but they don't end your life. But people do often spending more time finding out about failed relationships than finding successful ones.
In response to skyrocketing gas prices, liberals say, practically in unison, 'We can't drill our way out of this crisis.' What does that mean? This is like telling a starving man, 'You can't eat your way out of being hungry!' 'You can't water your way out of drought!' 'You can't sleep your way out of tiredness!' 'You can't drink yourself out of dehydration!' Seriously, what does it mean? Finding more oil isn't going to increase the supply of oil? It is the typical Democratic strategy to babble meaningless slogans, as if they have a plan. Their plan is: the permanent twilight of the human race.
What affects men sharply about a foreign nation is not so much finding or not finding familiar things; it is rather not finding them in the familiar place.
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