Top 269 Firing Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Firing quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
This is the weirdest industry. When you have a job, you can't fall into the pitfalls of thinking you're secure. If it's not a firing, it's a strike.
You always know when something works it's a result of everything firing on all cylinders.
She was like a sinking ship firing on the rescuers. — © Alexander Woollcott
She was like a sinking ship firing on the rescuers.
It was comical because you're at a firing range, all these people are so seriously shooting their little guns.
Higher education is the only business that has a ceremony for firing its customers.
Creativity is the firing of my soul.
The greatest threat to extremism isn't drones firing missiles, but girls reading books.
Buy when the cannons are firing, and sell when the trumpets are blowing
I can't imagine doing anything cooler or better than what we did on 'The Stage' and felt like we're firing on all cylinders.
The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot.
I can analyze how I do things, but the actual doing it - when the synapses just start firing - I can't explain.
I like for Sue Sylvester to be firing on all cylinders.
I love to go to the playground and watch the children jumping up and down. They don't know I'm firing blanks. — © Emo Philips
I love to go to the playground and watch the children jumping up and down. They don't know I'm firing blanks.
I know having a Jason Bourne all alone in a field firing at bad guys is much more dramatic, but it's not real.
It's not everybody that can handle firing Denzel Washington or coming to blows and saying, 'This is what's happening because I said so.' Usually, it's the reverse.
Ronald Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.
I'm much more indecisive and a people-pleaser than someone who's willing to step into the firing line.
Twitter is an extension of every dumb thought I have, firing it off - Instagram is a little more methodical.
Management don't really have any problem at all with firing people. It's a powerful idea that, If I'm not happy, I'll quit. I'll try something else!
One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it.
In the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water, there she was, incomprehensible, firing into a continent.
the teenage zone: the stage when an adolescent's brain synapses quit firing while the rest of their body races toward adulthood.
I don't believe in firing professors. They have academic freedom.
Firing someone who is investigating you is a counterproductive strategy.
I do like to do TV work when it's firing on all cylinders.
When you're out here grinding away, firing at some flags, firing at the middle of the green, you just got to be very patient, and I always do a pretty good job of that in the majors.
It's so rare to get all of your muscles firing at once. That's what I look for in any role.
Benteke is a threat when he's fit, fully motivated and firing on all cylinders.
By push of bayonets, no firing until you see the whites in their eyes!
I am not a bomber. I'm more about precision and being target-oriented. I have to rely on all parts of my game firing if I'm going to win.
I love firing guns. It's an amazing feeling - so sexy and powerful.
Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet communism without firing a shot.
Now in Utah if you get the death sentence, they have the firing squad. In Russia, they call that early retirement.
The response to Season 1 of 'Firing Line' has been a thrill for everyone involved with the show.
Become better at firing than hiring - it's crucial for building a business.
Welcome to Israel, where chanting “Death to Arabs” is democracy, running over children is equality, and firing on funerals is peace.
You have to be responsible when you're running an organization, and firing people who are your friends is part of that responsibility.
Firing the prosecutor who's about to get you or your campaign is kind of quintessential obstruction of justice. — © Neal Katyal
Firing the prosecutor who's about to get you or your campaign is kind of quintessential obstruction of justice.
My dislike has no consequences. It accrues only in my mind—like preserves on a shelf or guns zeroing in, and never firing.
Because Utah is largely Mormon country, the firing squad's a little different. You're blindfolded but no cigarette.
Trump claims he'd be the "best jobs president that God ever created." But isn't his claim to fame firing people?
Trump's anti-China trade demagoguery may work in firing up his base, but it does a disservice to the truth.
One of the most insane environments I have ever spent time in is a gun range. There we are, all in a line, armed to the teeth, firing away.
We should be firing bad teachers.
Everything is firing on all cylinders for me.
I always do my firing in the morning because that's when I'm fresh.
I don't even like firing people. I don't think I've ever said, 'You're fired' to anybody.
I do enjoy running down a ditch full of mud, firing bullets. It’s the way I am. I love it. — © Prince Harry
I do enjoy running down a ditch full of mud, firing bullets. It’s the way I am. I love it.
When a top club comes calling, who you know will be firing on all fronts with competitions and medals, that's ultimately what you want to be playing for.
There are naked people in boots on a mountain top firing guns.
You won't shoot nine under unless you birdie the first two or three holes. You just start firing at everything.
In firing his gun, John Brown has merely told what time of day it is. It is high noon.
With TV, the pace is so fast, the scripts are coming at you, the directors are firing things at you, it's breathtaking.
The purest surrealist act is walking into a crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it randomly
Am I afraid of President Maurizio Zamparini's reputation for hiring and firing? No, the only thing I fear is death!
Hamas is firing at our cities, at our people, firing from these areas, from these homes, from these schools, from mosques, from hospitals. They are actually using them as weapon storage, as command posts and as firing positions, or right next to them.
Firing employees, that's unfortunately part of doing business.
Fidel Castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.
We need all those divisions of country music, firing on all cylinders.
At every turn, Molly Antopol's gorgeous debut story collection, 'The UnAmericans,' is firing on multiple cylinders.
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