Top 1200 Fixed Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Fixed quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
One operator is no big deal. That can be fixed in a jiffy.
The lesson for Asia is; if you have a central bank, have a floating exchange rate; if you want to have a fixed exchange rate, abolish your central bank and adopt a currency board instead. Either extreme; a fixed exchange rate through a currency board, but no central bank, or a central bank plus truly floating exchange rates; either of those is a tenable arrangement. But a pegged exchange rate with a central bank is a recipe for trouble.
Even things that aren't broken can be fixed. — © Lauren DeStefano
Even things that aren't broken can be fixed.
Everything in nature is the result of fixed laws.
In city planning, there is no limit to be fixed.
Not everything needs to be fixed
Your place in life is not fixed by heredity.
Because there's nothing wrong with you... that can't be fixed.
A fixed deadline and a flexible scope are the crucial combination.
Quality begins with the intent, which is fixed by management.
We're not running out of [fixed] targets. Afghanistan is.
There are so many flaws, .. I don't think they can be fixed.
Islam is fixed, stable, ordered and disciplined, and so are Muslims. — © Abu Bakar Bashir
Islam is fixed, stable, ordered and disciplined, and so are Muslims.
I think there are some things that just cannot be fixed.
Of all things visible, the highest is the heaven of the fixed stars.
Crimes spring from fixed ideas.
War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula
Me too, I make do, I anoint what cannot be fixed.
To have a full stomach and fixed income are no small things .
Our brains do not have to be fixed, they can be plastic.
Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.
Be prepared to go mad with fixed rule and method.
No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap.
Romeo wants Juliet as the filings want the magnet; and if no obstacles intervene he moves towards her by as straight a line as they. But Romeo and Juliet, if a wall be built between them, do not remain idiotically pressing their faces against its opposite sides like the magnet and the filings with the card. Romeo soon finds a circuitous way, by scaling the wall or otherwise, of touching Juliet's lips directly. With the filings the path is fixed; whether it reaches the end depends on accidents. With the lover it is the end which is fixed, the path may be modified indefinitely.
History, when rightly written, is but a record of providence; and he who would read history rightly, must read it with his eyes constantly fixed on the hand of God. This statement of a nineteenth-century historian sums up the responsibility of the Christian teacher of history, for he who would teach history or any subject matter rightly, must teach it with his eyes constantly fixed on the hand of God.
Obamacare sucks, it can't be fixed.
Who ever has no fixed opinions has no constant feelings.
Botany is based on fixed genera.
The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.
A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
There's no fixed pattern or formula to life.
If I wanted to do a fixed fight, I'd be doing WWE.
God fixed my heart, so I could bless yours.
Nothing is fixed or foolproof; I have no delusion about that.
No day is so bad that it can not be fixed by a good nap.
There's no great shame in having your nose fixed.
In America, we have a depleted military. It has to be helped, has to be fixed.
In the beginning was the word, but it wasn't a fixed number of bits. — © Bob Barton
In the beginning was the word, but it wasn't a fixed number of bits.
'Single' is usually applied to women as though they are a problem to be fixed.
The path to your success is not as fixed and inflexible as you think.
Grief is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived out.
Things rarely get fixed the way they need to be.
Follow the accident, fear the fixed plan--that is the rule.
You speak of destiny as if it was fixed.
There are no fixed points in space.
For nothing is fixed, forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.
A fixed idea ends in madness or heroism.
Fixed principles of truth are the only safeguard for youth. — © Ellen G. White
Fixed principles of truth are the only safeguard for youth.
An aphorism is true where it has fixed the impression of a genuine experience.
The Russians have fixed world chess.
Mortal danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas.
Intelligence is a fixed goal with variable means of achieving it.
If you are to advance, all fixed ideas must go.
Fixed formation is bad. Study this well.
My ambitions were already very clearly fixed by the time I was 6 or 7.
You can’t run away. The past will be only too happy to chase you —- in absolute, complete, and total earnest. Do you know why? Because they’re lonely. The past and memories are very lonely things. I don’t believe in God. Because he doesn’t have a fixed form. The past certainly does exist, even in a world where the future doesn’t have a fixed form. Even if it’s being colored by misunderstandings and delusions, a person’s past can’t be anything but the truth as long as he believes in it. If that’s what you base your actions or your way of life on, isn’t that like being god?
All things obey fixed laws.
I definitely have a firm, fixed idea of what compromise is for me.
The intelligence of an individual in not a fixed quantity.
He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.
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