Top 1200 Fly Fishing Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Fly Fishing quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
When I was picked to fly the X-1, it was my duty to fly it, and I did.
Fly from the company of the wicked--fly and turn not back.
The way I see it, you can either work for a living or you can fly airplanes. Me, I'd rather fly. — © Len Morgan
The way I see it, you can either work for a living or you can fly airplanes. Me, I'd rather fly.
I think the reason why we got into such idiocy in investment management is best illustrated by a story that I tell about the guy who sold fishing tackle. I asked him, "My God, they're purple and green. Do fish really take these lures?" And he said, "Mister, I don't sell to fish." Investment managers are in the position of that fishing tackle salesman.
When angels fly inside your heart, that's when you can fly.
A man must walk before he can fly - one cannot fly into flying.
Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough, it will sooner or later become the right fly.
A fly rod extends a fly fisher's being as surely as do imagination, empathy or prayer.
Not everyone can be an astronaut and go into space, some people with sufficient resources can purchase and fly sub-orbitally thanks to various companies and for more money (considerably) fly into orbit.
It's just the vibe I got when I landed in New Orleans. The culture is absolutely different. It's so dangerous, I tell you, I fly in and I fly out of town. That's how scared I am. And this is where I came from.
The thing is helicopters are different from airplanes An airplane by it's nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongly by unusual events or incompetent piloting, it will fly
I fly economy. I do often fly first class, but I don't travel with a posse, or bodyguard, or an assistant.
Too bad brooms can't really fly. Now if you miss the bus you can't just go in your room and fly to school with a nimbus two thousand! — © Rupert Grint
Too bad brooms can't really fly. Now if you miss the bus you can't just go in your room and fly to school with a nimbus two thousand!
When you fly high people will throw stones at you. Don't look down. Just fly higher so the stones won't reach you
The problem with politicians getting to know the issues in indigenous townships is that we tend to suffer from what Aboriginal people call the 'seagull syndrome' - we fly in, scratch around and fly out.
Sure, I could retire anytime. I don't need to work for money. But retire to what? Sitting around the pool reading? Or even trout fishing. I love trout fishing, and I go every time I get a chance. But a man with pride in his profession need to work.
If bringing down the wall would require you to fly, you must believe you can fly. Otherwise, when the decisive moment comes, you will surely discover you ahve no wings.
During fashion week, I dream about fashion; afterwards, I dream about fishing. After fashion week, I always go fishing to wind down.
The sparrows jumped before they knew how to fly, and they learned to fly only because they had jumped.
Three miles long and two streets wide, the town curls around the bay ... a gaudy run with Mediterranean splashes of color, crowded steep-pitched roofs, fishing piers and fishing boats whose stench of mackerel and gasoline is as aphrodisiac to the sensuous nose as the clean bar-whisky smell of a nightclub where call girls congregate.
I won't go deep sea fishing. The first time I experienced it, I went salmon fishing. My problem is, before I even get to the fish, I have vomited. You have to go out five miles, and you are just throwing a line in and bringing them to the surface. And then you have to go back five miles, and all of a sudden the wind comes up, and it gets choppy.
He won't fly on the Balinese airline, Garuda, because he won't fly on any airline where the pilots believe in reincarnation.
Fly, on your way, like an eagle / Fly as high as the Sun.
When I fly overseas, I usually fly business class. If not, my knees are going to be at my chin.
From the movie, The Boy Who Could Fly Somewhere, deep inside, we can all fly.
Really, anyone can learn how to fly. If you can drive a bus, you can fly an airplane.
Clever man is a chicken; it can fly, but a little. Genius, on the other hand, is a migratory bird; it can fly at high altitudes until He disappears on the horizon!
I don't throw money away. First class tickets are very expensive. Why should I fly first class if I can fly business, which is the same thing? I would only fly first class if the ticket included access to some sort of special compartment that could save me if there was any crash.
Hunting and fishing involve killing animals with devices (such as guns) for which the animals have not evolved natural defenses. No animal on earth has adequate defense against a human armed with a gun, a bow and arrow, a trap that can maim, a snare that can strangle, or a fishing lure designed for the sole purpose of fooling fish into thinking they have found something to eat
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
Guys standing around and talking about Spanish fly: 'You know anything about Spanish fly?' 'No, tell me about it.' Well there's this girl Crazy Mary, you put some in her drink man, she, 'Haaaaaaaaaaaaah.' Oh yeah, that's really groovy man, Spanish fly is groovy, yeah. From then on, any time you see a girl: 'Wish I had some Spanish fly.' Go to a party see five girls standing alone: 'Boy if I had a whole jug of Spanish fly, I'd light that corner up over there. HAAAAAAH.'
We could fly anywhere in the world given that we had to fly coach but we could fly anywhere in the world or do whatever we wanted to do.
Somewhere in the wide range of activity between the hard physical effort of wading for long hours against a swift current in a rocky stream, casting steadily, and the indolence of lying quietly in the sun waiting for a bobber to go under there is a type of angling to suit everyone's mood and everyone's pocketbook. Fishing is fishing wherever it is found... Angling's problems are never solved.
If I'm on the plane, I insist on being comfortable. I don't believe in getting dressed up to fly. There's no reason for that, especially when it's 16 hours to fly internationally.
The idea of the industrial fishing affects everyone. Those factory ships play this game of hit and run with the international fishing limits, and somebody said it's like hunting squirrels with a bulldozer. They pull everything in and they are only looking for certain types of fish and everything else dies and they just throw it back. It's like chumming.
In New York City, the common bats fly only at twilight. Brick-bats fly at all hours.
Mobile is a seaport town, and we ate a lot of seafood. We'd go fishing, we'd catch our fish and we'd eat our fish. It was a ritual on Saturday morning for all my family - my grandfather, my brothers, my uncles, my father - to go fishing, and then the ladies of the family would clean the fish and fry them up.
With any sci-fi fantasy storytelling, you must have rules be very clear, otherwise you lose people, like 'OK, they can fly; now they can't fly.' — © Melissa Rosenberg
With any sci-fi fantasy storytelling, you must have rules be very clear, otherwise you lose people, like 'OK, they can fly; now they can't fly.'
There is one distinctive charm about fishing - its fascinations will stand any climate. You may sit crouching on ice over a hole inside the arctic circle, or on a Windsor chair by the side of the River Lea in the so-called temperate zone, or you may squat in a canoe on an equatorial river, with the surrounding atmosphere forty-five percent mosquito, and if you are fishing you will enjoy yourself.
The thing is helicopters are different from airplanes An airplane by it's nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongly by unusual events or incompetent piloting, it will fly.
There are two kinds of airplanes - those you fly and those that fly you . . . You must have a distinct understanding at the very start as to who is the boss.
I had a really intense flying dream most of my childhood into my teens. I would go out at night and fly all over the city and I could facilitate other people to fly with me.
The life of man in this world is like the life of a fly in a room filled with 100 boys, each armed with a fly-swatter.
Fly, dotard, fly! With thy wise dreams and fables of the sky.
Fiction is such a world of freedom, it's wonderful. If you want someone to fly, they can fly.
The fly that doesn't want to be swatted is most secure when it lights on the fly-swatter.
Most birds were created to fly. Being grounded for them is a limitation within their ability to fly, not the other way around. You, on the other hand, were created to be loved. So for you to live as if you were unloved is a limitation, not the other way around. Living unloved is like clipping a bird’s wings and removing its ability to fly. Not something I want for you. Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly. And if left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place.
The thing is, helicopters are different from planes. An airplane by it's nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongly by unusual events or by a deliberately incompetent pilot, it will fly. A helicopter does not want to fly. It is maintained in the air by a variety of forces and controls working in opposition to each other, and if there is any disturbance in this delicate balance the helicopter stops flying; immediately and disastrously. There is no such thing as a gliding helicopter.
We put in hundreds of hours at SpaceX, studied over 90 different kinds of training guides and manuals and lessons to learn how to fly the fly the Dragon and what to do in emergency situations.
If you want to fly higher, first you have to spread your wings.. The world’s big and there are a lot of places you can fly^^ — © Minzy
If you want to fly higher, first you have to spread your wings.. The world’s big and there are a lot of places you can fly^^
"Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly"... "And if left unresolved you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place."
It is best not to swat at the fly's starting position, but rather to aim a bit forward of that to anticipate where the fly is going to jump when it first sees your swatter.
I want to be able to fly like a superhero. I won't be happy until I can fly across oceans and cities, saving people from being murdered.
The helicopter appeared so reluctant to fly forward that we even considered turning the pilot's seat around and letting it fly backward.
How come it can’t fly no better than a chicken?’ Milkman asked. Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can’t nobody fly with all that [stuff]. Wanna fly, you got to give up the [stuff] that weighs you down.’ The peacock jumped onto the hood of the Buick and once more spread its tail, sending the flashy Buick into oblivion.
If you can fly an airplane competently, you can fly it safely even if something does happen.
I'd rather have my teeth drilled than listen to that awful song, 'Fly, Eagles Fly.'
If faith is what you have to go on, if faith is the link between your beliefs and the world at large, your beliefs are very likely to be wrong. Beliefs can be right or wrong. If you believe you can fly, that belief is only true if indeed you can fly. Somebody who thinks he can fly, and is wrong about it, will eventually discover there's a problem with his view of the world.
I wanted to fly when I was little. I still want to fly.
When I'm fishing, I feel guilty that I'm not writing, and when I'm writing, I feel guilty that I'm not fishing. But when push comes to shove, I'll always take the writing.
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