Top 1200 Focused Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Focused quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The general rule is that my life is focused on the present, and very little on the past. If anything, I'm a little bit more focused toward the future.
In the bubble that was dot-com 1.0 emerged Google, Amazon, and some of the most valuable companies on the planet. They were successful because they focused on their customer; they focused on revolutionary products.
I think that, as you get older, you become less focused on yourself and more focused on the people in your life. — © Caroline Quentin
I think that, as you get older, you become less focused on yourself and more focused on the people in your life.
Even in the days of early YouTube, we always focused on narratives, and we always focused on franchises. We didn't do a lot of vlogging and stuff like that.
Also, the more you're not focused on showbiz and instead focused on life, learning about other people, and keeping your eyes open and trying to be aware of the world.
I'm happy with getting older and getting more focused. I thought I was focused when I was young, but you're only as focused as experience will allow you to be.
I'm more focused or try to be more focused on my acting and writing and comedy and let the other stuff fall where it may.
The goal of an effective leader is to recondition your team to be solution focused rather than problem focused.
There was always a question of Sreesanth not being focused enough. All I can say is that I was always focused.
I'm a gay man who came from the last years of illegality. That focused my whole character. I think it focused everyone's character in a way. You saw yourself as outside of the main structure.
Religion is so focused on family. These days, for many people, being gay is also focused on family.
Successful people spend 10% of their time focused on the problems and 90% of the rest, focused on the solution.
Michael Bealmear is a philanthropist, and he has become interested in the issue of refugees, and he proposed that we do an event in his community, where we could dedicate an entire evening focused on the global refugee crisis, focused primarily on Afghanistan.
A highly successful person is very focused on what they want to be doing. The weekend and the week look very similar: They are focused on creating the life they want.
You know what, man? I dont have time to worry about what people think. Im focused on the youth of America. Im focused on the kids who are dressing like whores. Because thats the message in the media.
When you're in the moment and not over thinking the song is when things tend to really work. You're not so focused on the minutiae. You're focused on the overall feel, and that's the stuff that I get from the demos.
I used to have tears in my eyes on the way to practice because I was so focused. For me, track and field was serious business. I didn't have any friends. I was very isolated and very focused.
The Heisman attention has definitely been a little bit of a surprise. It's been out of my hands. It's something I'm not focused on. I'm focused on the season and trying to win as many games as possible.
Stay away from those who would hang around you and drink and do drugs. Drugs are not the answer, because you have to remain focused. There is a lot to be had within music, but you have to stay focused.
Don't fall for the trap. Stay focused. It's about staying focused but at the same time God is the greatest, pray it up. — © DJ Khaled
Don't fall for the trap. Stay focused. It's about staying focused but at the same time God is the greatest, pray it up.
My tendency is to be quiet and to stay focused and in character. Not the entire time, but certainly to stay focused while I'm on set.
The average American is more focused on leadership than likeability. And more focused on qualifications than quality of speakership.
I'm focused on going out and winning ballgames. Focused on getting better with the team every week.
I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq.
Healthy striving is self-focused: "How can I improve?" Perfectionism is other-focused: "What will they think?"
The American people aren't focused on the debates of the past. They're focused on their future. They're focused on the challenges that we're facing at home and abroad.
My Jiu-Jitsu is very MMA focused. I was not the best striker, and when I considered becoming a MMA fighter I just focused to improve my BJJ.
Sometimes you have faced no shots during 90 minutes, and in minute 91, there is a shot. You always need to be focused, concentrated, and this is what makes you tired, being so focused.
I'm doing whatever I have to do to help my team win. So, instead of being focused on anything from the outside, I'm focused on winning and that next game.
I think that what was genius about the politics of Trump's campaign is that he focused on workers and he focused on jobs. It wasn't about the wealthy entrepreneur with a private jet. It wasn't about a government handout. It was about the folks in the middle.
CNBC is a very serious-minded financial news network, and what we've seen thus far from Fox appears to be not as investment-focused or financially focused, and that's good for us.
Innovation hubs are going to be in cities focused on the industries and clients of that city. So in Houston, it's focused on our industrial companies, particularly the energy sector, robotics, and automation.
I was focused on The Hunger Games movie with my director, with the studio, and with the cast and crew. We all just focused on making the best possible movie we could, and earning the right to do more.
I'm not focused on the outrageousness. I'm just focused on being funny, and raising my kids. I don't even read the newspaper, I don't read that crap.
I'm not nearly as much of a fan of the NBA as I was maybe 10 or 15 years ago, or certainly as I was when I was a player. It's become more entertainment focused, and less focused on the purity of the game.
I'm one of these very focused people when it comes to day-to-day work, and I'm trying not to think about what comes next so that I can stay very focused on what I'm doing now.
I think it's real big to be honest just because of how the media say I'm a bust and all of that stuff. I really don't pay too much attention to it but I know one thing about it is when I'm focused, I'm focused.
With 'Haters Back Off,' I'm creating something that I want to make, and I'm not focused on, 'Is this gonna trend, is this gonna be popular?' I'm just focused on telling the story.
They ought to be focused on saving healthcare. They ought to be focused on making sure we don't privatize Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. That's where the Democrats ought to be.
China's energy is very much focused on coal, and the economy is very focused on heavy industry, which is carbon intensive, so restructuring won't be easy. — © Ma Jun
China's energy is very much focused on coal, and the economy is very focused on heavy industry, which is carbon intensive, so restructuring won't be easy.
The country wants the president and the Congress focused on jobs and the economy. Any regulation that the president promulgates that isn't focused on, I think, is a risk for him, and the same is true for Congress.
I played at RB Leipzig from 2013 to 2015, and my coach was Alexander Zorniger. He was a coach who was very focused on the details. He did a lot of analytics and we were focused at Leipzig on the play against the ball.
Democrats should be focused on which way we can help the most people in this country, and Republicans should be focused on how to do that in the most fiscally responsible manner possible.
You are truly focused when you're so focused that you don't know you're focused.
I could have spent eight years doing anything, and at some level, it would have been fine. I could have focused on flowers. I could have focused on decor. I could have focused on entertainment. Because any First Lady, rightfully, gets to define her role. There's no legislative authority; you're not elected. And that's a wonderful gift of freedom.
If you aren't focused on what's right here in front of you, if you're daydreaming about what might be, you really aren't focused at all.
What we focus on, we empower and enlarge. Good multiplies when focused upon. Negativity multiplies when focused upon. The choice is ours: Which do we want more of?
And I think before I was so focused on speed or I was so focused on trying to hit this great putt that I just wasn't reacting to what I was doing. I react when I hit an iron shot, why can't I do that when I'm over the putter?
You have to stay focused because a lot of things will break your confidence. But if you stay focused and want it bad enough you can achieve. I know that sounds like a PBS special, but it's true, straight up.
I'm focused on football; focused on my family right now.
Gymnastics does take great focus and concentration. What I do is look to my coach. He keeps me focused. And I meditate to get myself confident before the competition floor. That helps keep me focused, too.
There have been times in my career where I've been so dialed-in and focused, and I realized when people told me, 'Do you remember this?' And I'll be like, 'Oh, I don't,' because I was so focused on everything.
If you're competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.
I think in general the American scene is much more focused on bouldering, where in Europe they're more focused on sport climbing.
What I'm really focused on is connecting people around shared interests, so together they can make good stuff happen. I'm more focused on helping people discover their power as individuals, but through those connections with one another.
There are multiple ways to be externally focused that are very successful. You can be customer-focused or competitor-focused. Some people are internally focused, and if they reach critical mass, they can tip the whole company.
If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right. — © Jeff Bezos
If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right.
I think the whole definition of a geek is somebody being passionate and focused, and being proud of saying that they're passionate and focused, on a narrow range of subjects.
I have always been focused on my job. No profession allows you the luxury of being half-focused. If you're not into it, you're not there. And the film industry is all the more harsh in these cases, perhaps because it's a business of the limelight.
That's the dream scenario: when people approach these stressful situations not focused on that concrete outcome but just focused on being there and being themselves and enjoying connecting with people. You're not going to be present all the time, but if you can figure out how to connect with yourself and bring that self forth in those moments, you will probably be feeling a lot better over time, and it's likely that even though you're not focused on the outcome, the outcomes will be better.
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