Top 1200 Following Instructions Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Following Instructions quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
I thought about the cameras following me in the terminal and pictured my family watching my entrance on TV. I hoped they’d be proud.
We're following the evolution of tennis. On the women's side, there has been a very positive change, with the arrival of many new stars.
We would like otherworldly visitations to come as distinct voices with clear instructions, but they may only give small signs in dreams, or as sudden hunches and insights that cannot be denied. They feel more as if they emerge from inside and steer you from within like an inner guardian angel. . . . And, most amazing, it has never forgotten you, although you may have spent most of your life ignoring it.
The minister expressed appreciation for the offer, and our embassy in Uzbekistan will be following up in more detail with them — © Richard Boucher
The minister expressed appreciation for the offer, and our embassy in Uzbekistan will be following up in more detail with them
Following my muse has worked out pretty well so far. I can't see any reason to change the formula now.
It cannot be assumed that equity was following common law whenever they agreed, any more than the converse.
Keeping quiet means being without any techniques, effort or intention to meditate... not following the thought stream.
A thoroughly socialized person is one who desires only the rewards that others around him have agreed he should long for - rewards often grafted onto genetically programmed desires.A person who cannot override genetic instructions when necessary is always vulnerable..The solution is to gradually become free of societal rewards and learn how to substitute for them rewards that are under one's own powers.
My verses, I cannot say poems. . . . I was following in the exquisite footsteps of Miss Millay, unhappily in my own horrible sneakers.
A sane mind should not be guilty of a logical fallacy, yet there are very fine minds incapable of following mathematical demonstrations.
I'm not a headline guy. I know that as long as I was following Ruth to the plate I could have stood on my head and no one would have known the difference.
I love you crookedly because my heart's been unhinged from birth. The doctors gave me strict instructions not to fall in love: my fragile clockwork heart would never survive. But when you gave me a dose of love so powerful - far beyond my wildest dreams - that I felt able to confront anything for you, I decided to put my life in your hands.
I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following.
I'm yet to attack French cooking, you know, where it's intense, following recipes and stuff. I'm more of a 'make it up' kind of thing. — © Sam Smith
I'm yet to attack French cooking, you know, where it's intense, following recipes and stuff. I'm more of a 'make it up' kind of thing.
Right now, I'm following the Buddhist principle: Smile as abuse is hurled your way and this too shall pass.
Put your trust in Him and following His example, always act humbly, graciously, and in good faith.
A real foolproof way to do it is play your stuff by hook or by crook and build up a grass roots following.
I see a lot of actor-bashing because they are the face of the film. Actors are just following someone else's direction.
When I follow my own head, I am, in general, much more correct in my judgment than following the opinion of others.
I experienced direct telepathy with other people, and during one such incident, I I received a channelling of cosmic information from some being in another realm. It came directly through a friend who was tripping on acid, and as he began speaking stream-of-consciousness to me and my girlfriend - and both of us were very stoned on grass - his words conveyed cosmic instructions and information we all three knew to be profoundly important and meaningful.
The Kannada industry is a good place to work in and I have a huge fan following with people over there appreciating me and my films.
A real foolproof way to do it is play your stuff by hook or by crook and build up a grass roots following
I always thought my father [influenced me most] because he was so well read, I tried to model myself on him, but really as I go through life I realise it was my mother who gave me the most valuable instructions. I didn't understand or accept it at the time. She taught me to read and to pray - two things that have really stayed with me.
It's pretty much about doing what you love and following your dreams. It sounds really corny, but it's so real.
What football means to an Italian coach is tactics, trying to control the game by following the ideas and systems of the manager.
I'm not restrictive in terms of diet. I'm just sensible for the few days following a day where I have been pigging out.
However, the occasional visit of success provides just the excitement an engineer needs to face work the following day.
Look at children... If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. They can still play with that person the following day.
I have a very staunch following, and I've had fan clubs all over the world. And these people I term as my 'cheerleaders' - my 'spark plugs.'
Once there are good sentences on the page, I can feel a loyalty to them and start following their logic, and take refuge from myself.
When you score 30 goals in a season, you can expect that the following year there will be a little bit more pressure and attention on you.
When I did 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off', I had the idea on Monday and the following Tuesday it was in budget at Paramount. I couldn't walk.
What the tech industry often forgets is that with age comes wisdom. Older workers are usually better at following direction, mentoring, and leading.
To make something really great and different and interesting means taking risks and following these ideas in your head.
Following your heart means allowing the possibility of finding true love to be stronger than the fear of rejection.
No society has gone the way of gulags or concentration camps by following the path of Spinoza and Einstein and Jefferson and Thomas Paine
I'm following my interests, and there's something about investigating the world and creating a watchable, entertaining programme out of it that is deeply satisfying.
All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I to do? 3. What may I hope?
I have the following, I have the talent and I have the work ethic. I just want to be great and I feel like everyone is trying to control me. — © Ryan Garcia
I have the following, I have the talent and I have the work ethic. I just want to be great and I feel like everyone is trying to control me.
Mr. Modi is engaged in projecting himself as the saviour of the country by capitalising on the air strike following Pulwama attack.
It?s a beautiful descent in a 737, into the Bitterroot Valley, following the Clark Fork River, on a perfect golden autumn day .
It seems to work out that following anything you do, you are pretty much approached with versions of the last thing people saw you in.
When I first created the world of 'Mr. Robot,' I thought it would be a niche television series with a small, cult following.
Fashion has a political role insofar as following it can give you the impression to belonging to a certain social group or a private club.
We still have a very good core following, and the shows have been almost one hundred percent sold out.
The initial two or three wins that you get really give you a surge in confidence. That helps for the following games.
As fall the light autumnal leaves, one still the other following, till the bough strews all its honors on the earth below.
A cup final is all about seizing the moment. You cannot put right a mistake or a missed opportunity the following week.
There is no such thing as low-cost Christianity. Following Jesus means swimming against the tide, renouncing evil and selfishness — © Pope Francis
There is no such thing as low-cost Christianity. Following Jesus means swimming against the tide, renouncing evil and selfishness
Some marques, like Ferrari, I believe have peaked at the very top end, and other cars are following suit.
I'm not even a trained producer. I just keep following my ear and working on stuff until it sounds the way I like it.
If you go all the way back to the days just following creation, men lived nine hundred years or more.
When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following: Stop it!
The only people I ever get irritated with are the ones who announce, using my Twitter handle, that they are no longer following me and why.
In fashion, my inspiration comes from pop culture - the 1960s and the following years. Whereas in interior design, my influences are much broader.
I tend to make my most important decisions by following my instincts rather than any straightforward logic.
She turned back to Jace. "Do you have to be so-," she began, but stopped when she saw his face. It looked stripped down, oddly vulnerable. "Unpleasant?" he finishes for her. "Only at days when my adoptive mother tosses me out of the house with instructions never to darken her door again. Usually I'm remarkably good-natured. Try me on any day that doesn't end in y.
There's harmony and inner peace to be found in following a moral compass that points in the same direction regardless of fashion or trend.
When I did 'Wonder Woman,' I was especially proud that I had both a very large straight female and gay male following.
He who thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk. Leadership is getting people to work for you when they are not obligated.
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