Top 1200 Following Jesus Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Following Jesus quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
If the guilt of sin is so great that nothing can satisfy it but the blood of Jesus; and the filth of sin is so great that nothing can fetch out the stain thereof but the blood of Jesus, how great, how heinous, how sinful must the evil of sin be.
Keep on following your dreams and don't let anyone put you down or tell you that you can't do it!
The only certainty about following the crowd is that you will all get there together. — © Mychal Wynn
The only certainty about following the crowd is that you will all get there together.
I'm truly doing it my own way. I'm not following what the traditional #? BMX route is.
I'm sorry if the following sounds combative and excessively personal, but that's my general style.
We are a puny and fickle folk. Avarice, hesitation, and following are our diseases.
Following what everyone else is doing is rarely a way to get rich.
It is only by following your deepest instinct that you can lead a rich life.
In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to KNOW something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to BECOME something...The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan by which we can become what children of god are supposed to become...Charity is something one becomes.
What the members of the Church need, more than anything else, are strong testimonies of Jesus Christ and the gospel He restored. They need to know. And they need to know that they know. This is the best protection against the tsunami of temptations and the waves of immorality that crash against us. Perhaps this is just another reason why the first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Our Father, here I am, at your disposal, your child, to use me to continue your loving the world, by giving Jesus to me and through me, to each other that we allow Jesus to love in us and through us with the love with which His Father loves him.
Christianity is an extreme call to a radical life following a revolutionary leader.
It's like living in a retirement home! Clarence is taking a nap right now, and he eats at five. It's so boring." "You've only been here for two days." "And that's been more than enough. The only thing keeping me alive is that he keeps a hefty supply of liquor on hand. But at the rate I'm going, that'll be gone by the weekend. Jesus Christ, I'm climbing the walls." His eyes fell on the cross at my neck. "Oh. Sorry. No offense to Jesus.
I'm interested in making a path instead of following a trail, and that's what I want to do in life - in everything I do.
We should study Christ, and praise and bless God, and have our hearts enlarged for Jesus Christ. This is the duty of believers to whom God has revealed Christ as wonderful, that in their conversations they should hold out the wonderful glory of Jesus Christ. You should so walk before men as to manifest to all the world that your Savior is a wonderful Savior
It feels great to know that someone from the younger generation is following me. — © Govinda
It feels great to know that someone from the younger generation is following me.
Susannah Heschel's The Aryan Jesus is a brilliant and erudite investigation of the convergence between major trends in German Protestantism and Nazi racial anti-Semitism. By concentrating on the history of the Institute for the Study and Eradication of Jewish Influence on German Religious Life, Heschel describes in forceful detail the Nazification of all aspects of Protestant theology, including the Aryanization of Jesus himself. This is a highly original and important contribution to our understanding of the Third Reich.
Was not Jesus an extremist for love: "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." Was not Amos an extremist for justice: "Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." Was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel: "I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."
Israel ranks her priorities in the following way: security, land, and water.
I get recognized now and again, but the paparazzi aren't following me around.
Magic happens, see. It's just like on those bumper stickers, the ones that say, 'Miracles Happen', or 'Jesus Happens'. I never really took those too seriously. I mean, they're bumper stickers. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. Miracles? Right. Jesus? Maybe. But magic?
As we develop, I just see us following our heart on this musical journey.
Be an individual. I mean, obviously it's hard for a brand, for a corporation, to have a huge following.
So, I subscribe to the following reading: Star Wars is an essentially Christian tale.
What I sell is the higher knowledge of knowing what's next and not following the trend of what's now.
Following your own vision is one of the only things that will sustain you.
A lot of people think that Jesus is coming back. That's fine, it's your right. But you know, I live in New York, and I think he's running a little late. I'm asking myself, 'Alright, what happens if Jesus comes back tomorrow? What - does he make rounds to churches?' 'OK, everyone who's been good, buses leave in 10 minutes. I'll meet you in front of the post office. I gotta go. Oh, don't tell the Jews I'm back.'
We need to be following the direction of our public health professionals and the CDC.
Half the time, I have trouble following our own pitcher's sequence.
I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons: It represses women, it's generally illegal.
Avoid prologues: they can be ­annoying, especially a prologue ­following an introduction that comes after a foreword.
The three years following the release of See The Light were a whirlwind.
In Ephesians 5, Paul shows us that even on earth Jesus did not use his power to oppress us but sacrificed everything to bring us into union with him. And this takes us beyond the philosophical to the personal and the practical. If God had the gospel of Jesus's salvation in mind when he established marriage, then marriage only 'works' to the degree that approximates the pattern of God's self-giving love in Christ.
Govern your tongue before all other things, following the gods.
I was quite intrigued by the idea of following the exploits of people who are often in the margins.
Straight photography, following the medium, is intoxicating - trying to wrestle it into the form of a poem.
Jesus Christ conferred power upon Peter, but what sort of power was it? Jesus’ three questions to Peter about love are followed by three commands: feed my lambs, feed my sheep. Let us never forget that authentic power is service, and that the Pope too, when exercising power, must enter ever more fully into that service which has its radiant culmination on the Cross.
Allegiance to Jesus and loving the truth are primary truths (2Thessalonians 2 v10). The Body of Christ must tolerate all religions in the sense of greatly valuing the dignity of their people and religious liberties. They possess great dignity before God. Yet, we are not willing to let them go to hell by refusing to love them and tell them the truth about Jesus. A false application of tolerance is foundational in the movements that lead to the harlot religion.
When commanded by the Jewish officials to quit invoking the name of Jesus Christ, Peter responded, "And there is salvation in no one else: for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Remember, Peter was a Jew, speaking to a group of Jews, claiming that there is no salvation for Jewish people - or anyone else - apart from faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus receives us with all of our limitations, He bring us the mercy of the Father who forgives us, and transforms our heart, rendering it a new heart, capable of loving Him, who loved His own to the end (cf. John 13:1). And this love is manifested in his mercy. Jesus always forgives us.
I've always been a risk taker; I've never believed in following the expected path. — © Mindy Grossman
I've always been a risk taker; I've never believed in following the expected path.
Men as well as rivers grow crooked by following the path of least resistance.
Everyone has to find his own path and don't worry about following trends.
I think you have to drop an album to truly see the effects of your following.
We don't want to repeat the unintended consequences that surfaced following the NAFTA agreement.
It feels great to have an equally huge fan following of guys and girls.
Following rulers instead of prophets, the wicked can rule you, but the knowledge can stop it.
If you seek Jesus in all things you will surely find Jesus. And if you seek yourself, you will surely find yourself, but only to your ruin.
And this presence of the Spirit will enlighten not only yellow skin people or white skin people but even black skin people. I believe in the last days the Spirit of God will be poured out in the nations of Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Because Jesus Christ is the Lord. Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Universe. Amen.
What woman wants a camera following around her naked butt?
Jesus proclaimed, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. .. He is saying that a whole new order is about to enter history, and if you want to be a part of it, you will need a change so fundamental that the Gospel of John would later refer to it as a "new birth". Being born again was not meant to be a private religious experience that is hard to communicate. .. but rather the prerequisite for joining a new and very public movement - the Jesus and kingdom of God movement.
Mary adored Jesus as the Bridegroom of souls. Union is the final purpose of love. Jesus by the gift of His substance in the Eucharist unites Himself with our souls as with His dear spouses. As a Bridegroom, He gives them all His possessions, His name, His heart, His whole Self, but on the condition that the soul reciprocates. The soul, His spouse, shall live for Him only
There's clearly something to be said for success and following through on your commitments. — © Frank Carlucci
There's clearly something to be said for success and following through on your commitments.
Developing a following and maintaining that is so much free labor - just for the love of it.
Brute force crushes many plants. Yet the plants rise again. The Pyramids will not last a moment compared with the daisy. And before Buddha or Jesus spoke the nightingale sang, and long after the words of Jesus and Buddha are gone into oblivion the nightingale still will sing. Because it is neither preaching nor commanding nor urging. It is just singing. And in the beginning it was not a Word, but a chirrup.
I don't physically have the strength to be productive at work following a three-hour sleep. I can't do that.
I would want to create something new instead of following others.
I was relaxing in my parents' swimming pool with my brother, Peter. I asked him how the engineering business was going, and he reciprocated: 'How's the ministry world going?' 'Okay,' I said, 'except that a couple of weeks ago I realized that I don't know why Jesus had to die.' Then Peter, without skipping a beat, without even a moment's hesitation, said, 'Well, neither did Jesus.'
He that thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk.
There is a great destructive force that comes upon us when we start comparing ourselves in the flesh with what we could be spiritually. We should never compare what we are with what we could be, because we will always be down on ourselves when we do this. Just look to Jesus and what He is. As long as we look to Jesus we will go toward Him. When we look at our inferiority we will go toward it.
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