Top 1200 Force Fields Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Force Fields quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I don't think you can force a moral opinion or you can force something through a Bollywood film.
I want to be a force for real good. In other words. I know that there are bad forces, forces that bring suffering to others and misery to the world, but I want to be the opposite force. I want to be the force which is truly for good.
Freedom... refer[s] to a social relationship among people-namely, the absence of force as a prospective instrument of decision making. Freedom is reduced whenever a decision is made under threat of force, whether or not force actually materializes or is evident in retrospect.
There is a difference between being a political force, or a political apparent force or a potential force, and between a real discourse or a real argument. — © Jay Rockefeller
There is a difference between being a political force, or a political apparent force or a potential force, and between a real discourse or a real argument. the time, King Herbert felt that to remain safe, the kingdom needed an effective intelligence force." "An intelligent force?" said Will. "Not intelligent. Intelligence. Although it does help if your intelligence force was also intelligent.
I have a great belief in spiritual force, but I think we have to realize that spiritual force alone has to have material force with it so long as we live in a material world. The two together make a strong combination.
The only justification in the use of force is to reduce the amount of force necessary to be used.
I used to work in the cotton fields a lot when I was young. There were a lot of African Americans working out there. A lot of Mexicans - the blacks and the whites and the Mexicans, all out there singing, and it was like an opera in the cotton fields, and I can still hear it in the music that I write and play today.
We need to transform our military forces by focusing on force posture, not force structure.
Space exploration is a force of nature unto itself that no other force in society can rival.
Do not mistake the rule of force for true power. Men are not shaped by force.
I can't force anybody on stage. I can't force anybody into a studio. I can't force anyone anywhere.
Spiritual force is like any other force at the service of man.
The force generated by nonviolence is infinitely greater than the force of all the arms created by man's ingenuity. — © Mahatma Gandhi
The force generated by nonviolence is infinitely greater than the force of all the arms created by man's ingenuity.
In order to create there must be a dynamic force, and what force is more potent than love?
When fear dissolves, you no longer separate yourself from this single flow of immense force. Love is continuity with infinite life force, a Oneness of being with no separation. Love is the key to opening to this flow of life force.
If we develop the force of will, we shall find that we do not need the force of arms.
You can successfully force people to follow a certain course, but you cannot force them to understand it.
The lash may force men to physical labor, it cannot force them to spiritual creativity.
Poets need be in no degree jealous of the geologists. The stony science, with buried creations for its domains, and half an eternity charged with its annals, possesses its realms of dim and shadowy fields, in which troops of fancies already walk like disembodied ghosts in the old fields of Elysium, and which bid fair to be quite dark and uncertain enough for all the purposes of poesy for centuries to come.
If you can't force or are unwilling to force your people to follow you, with or without threats, you are not a leader.
Force that the performance of duty naturally generates is the non-violent and invincible force that satyagraha brings into being.
Speaker Newt Gingrich has appointed a task force, which I'm on, and over the next couple months the task force is going to try to come up with legislation that does what we're all trying to do. I feel pretty good about the members that are on the task force.
Non-violence is backed by the theory of soul-force in which suffering is courted in the hope of ultimately winning over the opponent. But what happens when such an attempt fail to achieve the object? It is here that soul-force has to be combined with physical force so as not to remain at the mercy of tyrannical and ruthless enemy.
The fact that mankind persists shows that the cohesive force is greater than the disruptive force, centripetal force greater than centrifugal.
FORCE, n. "Force is but might," the teacher said p/ "That definition's just."/ The boy said naught but throught instead,/ Remembering his pounded head:/ "Force is not might but must!"
When I was a girl, the West was still young, and the law of force, of physical force, was dominant.
Matter is capable of infinite subdivision...All matter is in a state of perpetual activity [motion], whether the substance under consideration be inanimate or animated, visible or invisible...There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage.
Any military force should be dictated by the vital national security interests of the United States. And if and when we use force, we should use overwhelming force for a clearly stated objective. And then when we're done, we should get the heck out.
A government which uses force to maintain its rule teaches the oppressed to use force to oppose it.
I'm a city boy. I grew up in a big city, in Birmingham, and I want to write about a city. It's much richer tapestry for me than green fields. Fields and wild life make me feel ill. I don't like - I don't want to write about that stuff.
'X-Force' #1 sold 5 million copies. By default, the second issue dipped and did 1.3 million copies. But the cover of 'X-Force' #2 is Deadpool. It's not X-Force, It's Deadpool.
The way you stop a takedown in wrestling is to meet force with force. You don't try to go away.
It's important to Russia to be able to attract capital and to attract technology to develop their oil fields, their oil and gas fields, many of which suffer from lack of access to the very best technologies. And it's also important, and this has been the US government's view to have diversification of supply, diversification of supply roots and, of course, diversification in terms of alternative energy.
Come into our home, daughters of Earth; dwell in our tunnels, harvest our fields; what we cannot do, you are now our hands to do for us. Blossom, trees; ripen, fields; be warm for them, suns; be fertile for them, planets: they are our adopted daughters, and they have come home.
Money is nothing more than a tool. It can be a force for good, a force for evil, or simply idle.
America is now the dominant force and the only countervailing force is Europe.
When a man attempts to deal with me by force, I answer him, by force.
The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. — © Hippocrates
The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
Do not attempt to conquer the world with force, for force only causes resistance.
The most powerful force ever known on this planet is human cooperation - a force for construction and destruction.
History supplied numerous instances to prove that brute force is as nothing before soul-force.
There is in this world no such force as the force of a person determined to rise. The human soul cannot be permanently chained.
Mostly your love is passionate force. But when this passionate force turns itself to be a compassionate force under the guidance of compassionate intelligence, that is where one becomes brahm giani. One knows all, one sees all, one says all.
But if we establish the working hypothesis that the UFOs are machines, we also have to assume the following: a) They are not built by human beings.. b) They are flying by means of artificial fields of gravity.. c) They produce high-tension electric charges in order to push the air out of their paths, so it does not start glowing, and strong magnetic fields to influence the ionized air at higher altitudes.
The universe does not exist 'out there,' independent of us. We are inescapably involved in bringing about that which appears to be happening. We are not only observers. We are participators. In some strange sense, this is a participatory universe. Physics is no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself.
...What you are is a force--a force that makes it possible for your body to live, a force that makes it possible for your whole mind to dream...You are life
The essence of government is force, and most often that force is used to accomplish evil ends.
[Individuals] have a right to defend themselves and recover by force what by unlawful force is taken from them. — © John Locke
[Individuals] have a right to defend themselves and recover by force what by unlawful force is taken from them.
Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely. But one must know the limitations of force; one must know when to blend force with a maneuver, a blow with an agreement.
In the world there is, parallel to the force of death and constraint, an enormous force of persuasion that is called culture.
Trade unions are a force for good - a force for a more equal society.
With kids, they force you to get out of bed. They force you to smile. They remind you of spontaneity.
For Christians above all men are forbidden to correct the stumblings of sinners by is necessary to make a man better not by force but by persuasion. We neither have authority granted us by law to restrain sinners, nor, if it were, should we know how to use it, since God gives the crown to those who are kept from evil, not by force, but by choice.
I feel like everyone, at least all teenagers these days, wears Air Force 1s or Converse. But I would much rather have Air Force 1s over Converse for sure. I think Air Force 1s are cooler and they're more comfortable.
Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui In the green fields of Lebennin! Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from the Sea The white lilies sway, And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin In the green fields of Lebennin, In the wind from the Sea!
If Pakistan has any ideas of annexing any part of our territories by force, she should think afresh. I want to state categorically that force will be met with force and aggression against us will never be allowed to succeed.
When liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered.
My advice is: 1. Be judicious in the use of military force. 2. When military force is required, use overwhelming force. 3. Do not micromanage military leaders. 4. Ensure your battle plans will win the conflict and win the peace.
Four: If you try to force yourself into my head, I will force myself into your pants.
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