Top 1200 Forever Grateful Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Forever Grateful quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I am grateful to be here, and I will always be grateful for the opportunity Manchester City gave me.
Working with Disney is really and truly like working with a family. Everyone is so supportive and so wonderful. I've worked with Disney since I was twelve, and they've given me so many opportunities that I'll forever be grateful for.
Our officers work tirelessly on the front lines every day and truly embody the spirit of selflessness and public service found only in the bravest amongst us. We are forever grateful for their continued courage and sacrifice.
The bible tells us to be grateful in every situation. I am grateful for mine. — © Jim Abbott
The bible tells us to be grateful in every situation. I am grateful for mine.
At the core, the American citizen soldiers knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn't want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So they fought, and won, and we all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful.
A grateful world, nation and cadre of surgeons general who followed in his shadow are forever indebted to Surgeon General Koop's wisdom, fortitude, integrity and selfless service.
Reflect each day on all you have to be grateful for and you will receive more to be grateful for.
The Vikings saw something in me, and I will forever be grateful for that. They saw me as someone who, with the right help, could really succeed.
It's impossible to feel sad or have any negative feeling when you're grateful. If you're in the midst of a difficult situation, look for something to be grateful for.
I think people were grateful for the intensity of the romantic aspects of Bridgerton;' I'm not sure how grateful I was to watch it for myself.
There is something that happens when you are grateful: You continue to keep receiving blessings. So I will always be grateful.
I'm so grateful to Hugo Lindgren, Jon Kelly, and the people who gave me the opportunity to write a weekly column. It's an amazing thing to do, and when I started they both said, you know, the problem with columns is they just exist forever.
Very gratefully, with grateful appreciation, with sincere appreciative gratitude, in appreciatively grateful sincerity of regret, he declined.
That could stay, not forever, because we believe that nothing exists that is forever, not even the dinosaurs, but if well maintained, it could remain for four to five thousand years. And that is definitely not forever.
It is easy to be grateful for a bonus; it is character to be grateful for a salary. — © Jack Hyles
It is easy to be grateful for a bonus; it is character to be grateful for a salary.
I was at a point in my career where I longed for a bigger stage, a brighter light, and I'm very grateful to 'Dancing With the Stars' for allowing me to become part of that incredible production and incredibly talented cast. I am forever in debt to them for that opportunity.
Im grateful for my health, glad Im making people laugh, glad my wife still likes me after a lotta years, grateful my daughter is growing, glad I dont take myself too seriously, glad L.A. has Astro Burger, grateful to be coming home to Harlem soon. Its a gratitude list. It works.
What am I grateful for? Aside from my own great life, you mean? I'm just grateful that my wife, and daughter, and dogs are all healthy.
Here is the world, and you live in it, and are grateful. You try to be grateful.
I made dance records and the gay community gravitated toward them. They gave me a place to really shine, a place to develop, and a place to spread my wings - I'll forever be grateful for that.
I feel so rich in my emotions and in my life and so grateful when I'm home and so grateful when I'm at work.
I love all of my colleagues here at The Federalist, but everyone knows that David Harsanyi is my favorite. I will be forever grateful for the guidance and support he gave me when we started this enterprise. He is a rock. His work is consistent, productive, done to a high standard. He is supportive of his colleagues.
Not in my wildest dreams did I think it would ever become a job. I'm forever grateful for it happening. Although it did take me years to own up to being a dancer.
I've been waiting for you forever." "Forever' as in several hundred years, or forever as in since my lesson began?
I've known who I am as an artist for a long time; 'Idol' has shown me what I'm capable of. I know it's all possible for me now. I can go in any direction I want. I'm forever grateful to them.
I leave CNN with the utmost respect, love and admiration for the company and everyone who works here. This has been my family and shared endeavor for the past 27 years, and I am forever grateful and proud of all that we have accomplished.
My gratitude for good writing is unbounded; I’m grateful for it the way I’m grateful for the ocean.
A man can't ask for much more than the chance to make a difference in his chosen field of work. Politics is my vocation. I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this great country of ours. I know I am a better person for it.
One can promise actions, but not feelings, for the latter are involuntary. He who promises to love forever or hate forever or be forever faithful to someone is promising something that is not in his power.
No one had ever made it big from my town until I was able to make it to the NFL and now the big screen. The journey from my town to where I am now has taught me how to be resilient and fearless, and for that I will forever be grateful.
I'm grateful for my health, glad I'm making people laugh, glad my wife still likes me after a lotta years, grateful my daughter is growing, glad I don't take myself too seriously, glad L.A. has Astro Burger, grateful to be coming home to Harlem soon. It's a gratitude list. It works.
As a believer, the Lord is growing me every single day. I'm married and I'm really grateful for my wife. The Lord has been using her to make me more like Jesus. I have a son and I'm really grateful for that. I'm grateful for what the Lord is doing in my life.
I had such a great time doing commercials and things as a kid. My grandparents were on set with me all the time, and I loved that I got to hang out with them, so I will forever be grateful for that. But I just loved every minute of it.
I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever.
As an exercise in appreciation, try for one hour to feel grateful for every single thing you find yourself doing. When you read, be grateful you can see and read. When you walk, be grateful for the use of your feet. When you talk, be grateful for the ability to communicate with others. For a full hour do not take even the smallest action for granted. Be aware of every detail of what you can do. Anyone who does this daily for even a short time will have a much greater appreciation for everything he does.
I'm grateful for the doctors that'll be scooping out these lungs and giving me some more life to work with. I'm grateful for the chance to keep being a person.
If we chew every morsel of our food, in that way we become grateful, and when you are grateful, you are happy.
When we are moved by art we are grateful that the artist lived, grateful that he labored in the service of his gifts.
To all the haters out there I wish you the best. You can't bring me down. I wake up everyday grateful for the opportunity and grateful to the fans. — © Justin Bieber
To all the haters out there I wish you the best. You can't bring me down. I wake up everyday grateful for the opportunity and grateful to the fans.
A grateful heart is not one that is very selective and choosy about what to be grateful for.
Discipline yourself to start each day identifying something to be grateful about. The world opens to those who approach it with a grateful heart.
To be honest, my time at Dortmund wasn't a big success. I didn't settle well at the club and eventually moved on to Sevilla. But I am forever grateful about it because it gave me the opportunity to work with Jurgen Klopp. If I didn't go to Germany, I would never have had a chance to work with him.
'Get Out' was born out of the genius mind of Jordan Peele, to whom I will be forever grateful for believing in me and allowing me to help him tell a story so dear to him.
Nobody wants to be on food stamps, but when my family lost everything, we were grateful for it. I was grateful the program was there so I could concentrate on my schoolwork and not on my empty belly. We were grateful that we had the support we needed to roll up our sleeves and rebuild our lives.
Forever is a really long time, you know? What do you do with forever?" "The same thing you do when you don't have forever." He smiled wanly. "Live.
Forever is not an idea or a concept, it is reality. All of the things here come from forever. We call forever nirvana in Zen.
I loved the city of Chicago, and I love the Reinsdorfs. I'm forever grateful for them in taking a chance on me, allowing me to become the player that I am today. It's still incredible to me that I got to hoop in a Bulls jersey.
When I got 'forever' tattooed on my throat, it meant that my legacy was going to live forever. So anything that I create, I do it because I believe it will live on, forever.
I have a lot to be grateful for. I really do kind of get into the holiday spirit and try to find something to be grateful for anyway but this is the time of year so.
Like many athletes, I played in college for the chance to play in the pros. In the years since I retired, I've come to realize that the education I got in college was for life. I will have it forever and for that I am incredibly grateful.
And I reminded myself that it's easy to be grateful for the obvious blessings in life, much harder to be grateful for the tough moments and the lessons they teach. — © Celia Rivenbark
And I reminded myself that it's easy to be grateful for the obvious blessings in life, much harder to be grateful for the tough moments and the lessons they teach.
I am grateful, you know. I have to be grateful in the sense that I feel that what I have is a gift.
What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for.
Remember, if you are criticising, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful.
Icelanders are grateful to meet foreigners who have heard of their country. And even more grateful to hear someone say it deserves better.
Cage Warriors is a brilliant organisation. They're doing great things for European MMA, and they're giving the platform for guys like me who came through. They're vital. I'm forever grateful for the opportunities I got.
I love documenting. Having these videos forever is priceless to me, so I think I will be doing it forever, but who knows if YouTube is gonna be around forever.
If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice.
Without my music, no doors would have opened, so I am forever grateful, and I am always going to be singing. But yeah, when the other doors open, why not walk through?
I am truly grateful. I'm a grateful human being.
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