Top 1200 Forget Your Past Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Forget Your Past quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
It is an example of what films can do, how they can slip past your defenses and really break your heart.
There are a plenty of shots that I have been amazed by, but a lot of these shots are played because you have worn an iron mask. Take away the protection, and let me see if they play them. Don't forget that the past players did not have any protection.
Do you want your name to live forever? You fool! Forget your name, try to save yourself! What use there is for you, if your name lives and you die? You fool! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
Do you want your name to live forever? You fool! Forget your name, try to save yourself! What use there is for you, if your name lives and you die? You fool!
You are a success when you have made friends with your past, are focused on the present, and are optimistic about your future
The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.
You can move past your eating disorder and not let it have control over your life anymore.
It is impossible to carry everyone you know to your future! Most will remain in your past!
Over the next four days, I want you to write about your deepest emotions and thoughts about the most upsetting experience in your life. Really let go and explore your feelings and thoughts about it. In your writing, you might tie this experience to your childhood, your relationship with your parents, people you have loved or love now or even your career. How is this experience related to who you would like to become, who you have been in the past, or who you are now?.
You can't master your future if you're still a slave to your past.
When your future arrives, will you blame your past?
Fans don't care what's in your private life, what happened in your past, where you come from. If you don't perform, they judge.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back today if you don't want your clocks to be set to the right time.
You are not free until your past has no effect on your future — © Myles Munroe
You are not free until your past has no effect on your future
A lot of people are really hung on the past - they can't get past that - but you've gotta get past that if you want any future.
No matter what your past has been, your future is spotless.
PAST, n. That part of Eternity with some small fraction of which we have a slight and regrettable acquaintance... The Past is the Future of yesterday, the Future is the Past of to-morrow. They are one - the knowledge and the dream.
May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future.
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground.
There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can’t, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having.
The Past is dead, and has no resurrection; but the Future is endowed with such a life, that it lives to us even in anticipation. The Past is, in many things, the foe of mankind; the Future is, in all things, our friend. In the Past is no hope; The Future is both hope and fruition. The Past is the text-book of tyrants; the Future is the Bible of the Free. Those who are solely governed by the Past stand like Lot's wife, crystallized in the act of looking backward, and forever incapable of looking before.
You become the victim of the past, and your tormentor today is your self left over from yesterday.
It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
If you have donated, these children may never know your name, but they will never forget your kindness.
A true friend sees past your excuses to the real reason it's not your fault.
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up
How you see your future is much more important that what has happened in your past.
While your past can inform you and your future can inspire you, the moment of choice exists in the here and now.
Honestly, I try to forget Fashion Week once it's over. I just want to go home and rest and just forget I even did it. It could drive you crazy! It's just show after show after show, and you're missing your family and they feel really far away. You don't go to sleep. You work for a month.
So yesterday you fell off the wagon? Or maybe you blew your diet? Or lost your temper and shot off your mouth? Well, that was yesterday. Today is a brand-new day with a clean slate, so forget yesterday!
Lord knows what incommunicable small terrors infants go through, unknown to all. We disregard them, we say they forget, because they have not the words to make us remember. ... By the time they learn to speak they have forgotten the details of their complaints, and so we never know. They forget so quickly, we say, because we cannot contemplate the fact that they never forget.
If we are not given the chance to forget, we are also not given the chance to recover our memories, to alter them with time, perspective, and wisdom. Forgetting, we can be ourselves beyond what the past has told us we are; we can evolve. That is the possibility we want from the future.
Many writers are paralyzed by the thought that they are competing with everybody else who is trying to write and presumably doing it better.... Forget the competition and go at your own pace. Your only contest is with yourself.
Your current conditions are echoes of your past choices.
Why can’t you remember your Shakespeare and forget the third-raters. You’ll find what you’re trying to say in him- as you’ll find everything else worth saying. 'We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with sleep.'' - 'Fine! That’s beautiful. But I wasn’t trying to say that. We are such stuff as manure is made on, so let’s drink up and forget it. That’s more my idea.
Being able to wear contacts, you don't have to worry about your glasses falling off or how you look during your beam routine. As soon as they're in, literally two minutes later, you forget that they're on.
Forget the press - just being a partner of somebody who's very, very famous, it's hard to keep your center and your personality intact.
Do not worry about the past or the future. This moment needs your attention, for this is where your life exists.
Your children make it impossible to regret your past. They're its finest fruits. Sometimes the only ones. — © Anna Quindlen
Your children make it impossible to regret your past. They're its finest fruits. Sometimes the only ones.
Forget: Refuse to dwell; let go and loosen one's hold, particularly on memory. To forget is an active - not passive - endeavor.
Forget the economy. Just rewire your mentality. Then you'll create your own economy.
Advice to rock gods: drugwise, stick to Ibuprofen, decaf lattes, and pale Pilsners ... If your stomach is not a flat slab, please leave your shirt on while performing ... If your girlfriend asks you to choose between her and your music, sell your instruments immediately - especially if you're a drummer ... Finally, go easy on the supermodels, don't forget to tune, and remember: a tiny bit of dry ice and lasers goes a long way. Ditto with tattoos.
I think that you find out what your boss wants you to do, and you do more. To me, that's work ethic. Because, if you demonstrate that your capabilities extend past your current job, they'll probably give you a better job.
I see a lot of actors that are doing things to please their coaches, their teachers in the past. They say 'No' to parts they should have said 'Yes' to simply because of the opinion of people in their past. I have no one in my past who is judging me and saying, 'Maybe you shouldn't do that.' I'll do it all.
You can't base your life on the past or the present. You have to tell me about your future.
In order to plan your future wisely, it is necessary that you understand and appreciate your past.
Sometimes when you're relegated to your neighborhood, you forget that there's more important things than your neighborhood going on out in the world.
Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows.
Regardless of your past, your tomorrow is a clean slate. — © Zig Ziglar
Regardless of your past, your tomorrow is a clean slate.
It seems to me that kings and queens can be fools when they forget what they are and act like who they are, but they're worse when they only remember what they are and forget who.
I don't do manbags! But don't flaunt your money, your most expensive camera or your best watch. And don't use a cashpoint in the middle of nowhere, or carry anything loose; it might get stolen by someone racing past on a scooter.
It's important that the United States not forget the lessons of September the 11th, 2001. I assure you, I'm not going to forget them.
I will rememeber you. Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by and don't forget all your memories.
Be nice to your siblings. They are your link to the past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
If a movie is really working, you forget for two hours your Social Security number and where your car is parked. You are having a vicarious experience. You are identifying, in one way or another, with the people on the screen.
I think that all human systems require continuous renewal. They rigidify. They get stuff in the joints. They forget what they cared about. The forces against it are nostalgia and the enormous appeal of having things the way they always have been, appeals to a supposedly happy past. But we've got to move on.
If you don't make peace with your past it will keep showing up in your present.
But... what about us? What about the past?" she asks blankly. "The past isn't real. it's just a dream," I say. "Don't mention the past.
No one remembers her beginnings. Mothers and aunts tell us about infancy and early childhood, hoping we won't forget the past when they had total control over our lives and secretly praying that because of it, we'll include them in our future.
If I have learned one thing in my life, it is that lamentation and regrets only make things worse. A person must move on, move forward but never forget the past, but learn from it. If you ponder the 'if onlys' of life, they will drive you mad.
In your past lies your future. [Acheron Parthenopaeus]
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