Top 1200 Found Someone Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Found Someone quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
You have to understand, child. Everyone wants someone in their life, someone who cares for them, someone they can care for. Even a queen.
Back in the '80s, if someone's happy, someone's doing well, someone's getting hardships, you cheered for that person.
Scientists have found the gene for shyness. They would have found it years ago, but it was hiding behind a couple of other genes. — © Jonathan Katz
Scientists have found the gene for shyness. They would have found it years ago, but it was hiding behind a couple of other genes.
If someone busted into your house and robbed you, would you then forgive them if you found out they were a veteran? Of course not. So why are we forgiving McCain for selling out his country by supporting the Bush agenda?
There is no such things as God's word on earth. Or if there is it is not to be found in books. -Then where is it to be found?- In love. In the laughter of children. In a gift given. In a life saved. In the quiet of morning. In the dead of night. In the sound of the ocean, or the sound of a car. It can be found in anything, anywhere. It is the fabric of our lives, our feelings, the people we live with, things we know to be real.
I looked for a very long time, knowing that it had to happen, but it took me a long time to find someone with the same background and whatnot and I finally found him
Someone has to take the garbage out, someone has to cook the food, and someone has to clean the dishes. I want to do all of that.
If there really is no new way to be found, we are not afraid to stick with the old one that we found previously. So, I do not make every building different.
I don't know what I would have done had I not found the Internet. I found a community of people who I really liked and who I felt got me.
I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.
Gossip is when you have a malice of intent or mindless, third-party conversation to someone about someone, something you haven't said to that someone.
When I found film, it was like, 'Of course!' It was this very intense realization that this is perhaps the most powerful, honed context that I've found.
A toast once heard: "To my big sister, who never found her second Easter egg until I'd found my first."
I found in the past when I did a bit of punditry, I was very conscious of not saying anything negative about people I played against, because players are elephants and they remember when someone says something - I stored things for years and just waited for my opportunity.
But you cant shut everyone out. I mean you have to have someone to love. . .someone to hold on to. . . someone--
When someone has found not just another person they can live with but a person they can't live without, they should have an equal right to the true qualities of a bond that runs deeper than any law.
The simple shepherds heard the voice of an angel and found their Lamb; the wise men saw the light of a star and found their Wisdom.
I found my sound through exploring. I was in the studio yelling, going low, trying things, and that's how I found that I have a lot of sounds. — © A Boogie wit da Hoodie
I found my sound through exploring. I was in the studio yelling, going low, trying things, and that's how I found that I have a lot of sounds.
That words could cause something in the world, make someone move or stop, laugh or cry: even as a child he had found it extraordinary and it never stopped impressing him. How did words do that? Wasn't it like magic?
What I wanted to do was the comedy, and I found that. I found my bliss, I think.
Let's all embrace someone near us. Pick someone special to you. Tell this someone how you feel.
Actually, I started to become an actress because I met someone who was just a friend and I found his life wonderful, I thought, Oh my god, you can travel, you're free, you can do what you want, you're the boss. And then I met an actor and I was in love with him.
Eloquence may be found in conversations and in all kinds of writings; it is rarely found when looked for, and sometimes discovered where it is least expected.
I'm into the idea of responsibility and edification and these things have found me and I have found them. I wanted to be in the movie and I made it known to Mike.
An uncle of mine emigrated to Canada and couldn't take his guitar with him. When I found it in the attic, I'd found a friend for life.
During those years the past life recollections began. Psychic powers developed, my meditation increased and I found myself changing, over and over again, becoming someone new almost every day.
Weighing too much on someone's talent and not someone's personality. I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.
I found myself again and then found love.
I don't claim to have found the Truth, but I know it has found me.
I never found anybody I wanted to spend my life with. People say, "Didn't you want to get married?" Well, sure, but it's not abstract, there has to be someone you want to marry. I'm pretty traditional. Marriage would have to come first, before kids.
My life changes dramatically every time I get up out of bed. After my proposal life changed in that I wasn't asked to change. I always thought that marriage meant someone was going to ask you to stop being who you were. And I met someone who not only wants me to be who I am but likes it. So, my life changed in that my views towards marriage stopped being morbid. I found I was ready to be a good partner where I don't think I was a very good partner to people before. I stepped up my game.
I admire the actors that truly can impersonate someone - become someone, inhabit someone. It's amazing when you see it done.
Picasso says that an artists paints not to ask a question but because he has found something and he wants to share—he cannot help it—what he has found.
We'd like to have immediate answers to all of our questions. I think medicine in particular. I found it frustrating as a physician sometimes to not be able to tell someone exactly why something was happening to them. There are still so many mysteries in medicine.
I've found that having role models and mentors who I resonate with is so important - a lot of people have so many questions and may not know where to go to get answers or may not have someone who can relate enough to even answer in the first place.
Don't believe you have to travel far and wide to discover opportunities. The best opportunities will always be found in your own back yard, and not half way around the world in someone else's backyard. You have to look for them, however.
What is a friend if not someone you feel close to, someone you like being with, someone you can confide in and share pleasure with. -Jeremy Malory-
Be someone who listens, and you will be heard. Be someone who cares, and you will be loved. Be someone who gives, and you will be blessed. Be someone who comforts, and you will know peace.
I think we all have experiences when we were young where we either had an interaction with someone we admired or you know, had a vision of how they were and found out that they weren't necessarily that and that it tends to be a big let down sometimes.
I need someone to fold the sheet, someone to take the other end of the sheet and walk towards me and fold once , then step back , fold and walk towards me again .We all need someone to fold the sheet.Someone to hitch on the coat at the neck .Someone to put on the kettle. Someone to dry up while I wash.
You want to know, but are afraid to ask, whether or not I found someone. If there could be anyone to fill that hole in my heart after I lost him. I did. "Life is futile," says my new therapist, Michaela, "and no one gets out of it alive. There is only love.
Liam really enjoyed a good movie. He found it restful to watch people's conversations without being expected to join in. But he always felt sort of lonesome if he didn't have someone next to him to nudge in the ribs at the good parts.
When I'm getting to know someone, I look for someone who has passions that I respect, like his career. Someone who loves what he does is really attractive. — © Taylor Swift
When I'm getting to know someone, I look for someone who has passions that I respect, like his career. Someone who loves what he does is really attractive.
I looked for a very long time, knowing that it had to happen, but it took me a long time to find someone with the same background and whatnot and I finally found him.
If, by chance, someone among those men of extraordinary talent is found who has firmness of soul and who refuses to yield to the genius of his age and to debase himself with childish works, woe unto him! He will die in poverty and oblivion.
After I found April Barrows, I felt I had found a soul mate. Her stuff is exactly what I was looking for.
[Sylvester Stallone] and I still touch base. I found out he was a fan of Heroes. That's kind of an amazing thing, when you look up to someone for so many years and they're actually following what you're doing. That's really a nice thing to know.
When the ivy has found its tower, when the delicate creeper has found its strong wall, we know how the parasite plants grow and prosper.
When I found out that I was going to be singing with Jennifer Holliday, I literally freaked out! I grew up listening to her, and I was going to cry because I sang with someone who is a huge inspiration to me.
Found, I told myself. Try to get found.
I knew immediately that she was going to be in my life forever. I didn't know in what capacity, but I knew that I had found someone who was going to be close to me for a long time. We became great friends fast.
One of the main reasons I came back to Mexico is because I've found freedom and democracy here, something I never found in the United States.
Once you share a ring with someone, go to war with someone... you have a different type of respect for someone. — © David Haye
Once you share a ring with someone, go to war with someone... you have a different type of respect for someone.
My wife Lorrie actually looked in the dictionary to see what the definition was of heroism because it had been used so much. She found at least one definition is someone who chooses to put themselves at risk to save another.
If the truth is told how I want to be remembered... as someone who cared. Someone who worked really hard and someone who didn't sit around.
I was a little girl with a pot belly and Afro puffs, hyperactive and overdramatic, and I found the theater and I found my home.
Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings.
I shout at the radio when someone starts talking over the end of a song. Shut up! I don't want to hear that the DJ has just found a mouldy sandwich in the corner of the studio. Nor do I like it when the magic of something you're watching is shattered by an advert for Argos.
Every time you answer the phone, someone is crying, someone is raging, someone is begging you to solve their problems.
If anybody understands God's order for his children, it's someone who has rescued an orphan from despair, for that is what God has done for us. God has adopted you. God sought you, found you, signed the papers and took you home.
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