Top 1200 Four Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Four quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, 'Four. I don't think I can eat eight.'
I've been a huge Winona Ryder fan for a while. I'm one of four girls, so there are four sisters, so we used to watch 'Little Women' seriously, maybe once a month.
I believed in realism, as summarized by John McCarthy's comment to the effect that if we worked really hard, we'd have an intelligent system in from four to four hundred years.
Let's pretend six people live in your house. And you propose that only four people get to eat every day, and you put it to a vote. If four people vote that only four people get to eat, two people don't, that prevails. That's what a democracy is. It's strictly majority-minority rule.
Personally, I think four is the perfect number of children for our particular family. Four is enough to create the frenzied cacophony that my husband and I find so joyful.
When I decided to go for four gold medals I planned it out over a few years. It was in four different events and there was a lot to it. — © Carl Lewis
When I decided to go for four gold medals I planned it out over a few years. It was in four different events and there was a lot to it.
I run about four to five miles, three days a week. I have four young children, so pretty much the only time I can get away is real early in the morning.
Four directors through their own interpretation created four different characters. And I had to play them in a fairly short period of time.
I see guys who can't make 10 percent of what I make, and yet they have four Bentleys, three houses, and four bodyguards.
You can be in Tokyo or Alberta at four in the morning in your hotel and you can still practice if you feel like it. A trombone cannot do that at four in the morning.
My first four fights in amateur at middleweight, and the first four professional were at welterweight. And I just kind of went down from there.
I wanted to capture the excitement of house music, almost like a four-four beat, and the best way to do that was to use a language that was rhythmic and performative.
My wife wants four kids, and obviously if we're having four kids, I need to make sure that the priority is family first.
I think I'm a three. But if we got three wings out there, I'll go play the four. As a four, I'm in the post a lot more. It changes your role.
The reality is that when three or four networks are at the table with three or four political parties, someone is going to be the victim.
Safe popular freedom consists of four things, the diffusion of liberty, of intelligence, of property, and of conscientiousness, and cannot be compounded of any three out of the four.
Medicine is aptly described as an art, not a science. To this end, four different doctors may have up to four different diagnoses or prescriptions. — © Andrew Saul
Medicine is aptly described as an art, not a science. To this end, four different doctors may have up to four different diagnoses or prescriptions.
Four grey walls, and four grey towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And the silent isle imbowers The Lady of Shalott.
[On turning down an invitation to appear for four minutes on the Ed Sullivan Show:] Honey, it takes Moms four minutes just to get on the stage.
Bach was so mathematical and I liked this idea that you could have one instrument going, 'One, two, three, four', and then you have another instrument going, [double time] 'One, two, three four', and another instrument going, [doubled again] 'One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four', so you could add twos and fours and eighths, and that happens a lot in Bach.
Five trolls in a dra-a-a-a-ag,' the four-inch man sang from my shoulder. 'Four purple condoms, three French ticklers, two horny vamps and a succubus in the snow.
The sound of the Seekers, that four-part harmony sound, three boys and a girl, is so unlikely, you would not choose those four voices to blend together.
A miracle is an act or event out of the order of nature and unaccountable, as beating a normal hand of four kings and an ace with four aces and a king.
The man who has learned that three plus one are four doesn't have to go through a proof of that assertion with coins, or dice, or chess pieces, or pencils. He knows it, and that's that. He cannot conceive a different sum. There are mathematicians who say that three plus one is a tautology for four, a different way of saying "four" ... If three plus one can be two, or fourteen, then reason is madness.
You had to be there at the time to understand the wild creative energy of the Fab Four, and this contains forays into Indian music as well as classics such as 'When I'm Sixty-Four.'
I have four Macs, four iPads, and two phones, and I upgrade them all to the newest build pretty much every day.
On at least four separate occasions and recorded in the four Gospels the Lord Jesus called His disciples to deny their soul life, deliver it to death, and then to follow Him.
I have four chickens. I have four laying hens. And I have 50 fruit trees. I make apricot and plum jam every summer. I brought Memphis to Malibu.
The Four Horsemen whose Ride presages the end of the world are known to be Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence. But even less significant events have their own Horsemen. For example, the Four Horsemen of the Common Cold are Sniffles, Chesty, Nostril, and Lack of Tissues; the Four Horsemen whose appearance foreshadows any public holiday are Storm, Gales, Sleet, and Contra-flow.
Getting married in four days was the biggest... mistake I've ever made. I have two beautiful kids, but... how can you know somebody in four days? Bonehead.
It's easy to think you can get discovered on the street, but I developed my chops on the stage - four years of theater in high school, and then another four in college.
'Proximity' features four legends and four rising stars who each bring their own athleticism, thoughts, and experiences in this behind-the-scenes look at modern surfing.
I like the energy of doing things fast. We shot 'Starred Up' in just four weeks, and we edited it in four weeks.
Most Americans and other Westerners claim to have read all or part of the Bible. However, when asked to identify even four books of the Bible or four of Jesus' disciples or four of the Ten Commandments, fewer than half even attempt to respond and fewer than one in ten respond correctly.
At my first tournament, about four years ago, I got four twos. Now I have a poker problem. I do win every so often, so that's what keeps me going.
I feel like the eight most at-risk years for young men or young women are the four they're in high school and the four they should be in college.
I'm spending more time at this library in four days than I did at the Eureka College Library in four years.
So here's the question: Without a change in leadership, why would the next four years be any different from the last four years?
I had rather, if cruelty has been prevented by the four prints [The Four Stages of Cruelty], be maker of them than of the [Raphael] cartoons.
I cannot judge what motivates people. We are all moved by one of four things or a combination of these four things: money, romance, recognition or survival.
It doesn't necessarily take four years to write a good piece of music. It might take four hours. It just depends on when your inspiration comes. — © Bryce Dessner
It doesn't necessarily take four years to write a good piece of music. It might take four hours. It just depends on when your inspiration comes.
My whole life . . . two and two has made four.”... “But now . . . it’s all gone wrong.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make four anymore. It makes you.
TV [series] is a six-year decision. It's not four or five weeks. If a filmmaker and I don't get along, it's four weeks of your life, so whatever.
But twice-two-makes-four is for all that a most insupportable thing. Twice-two-makes-four is, in my humble opinion, nothing but a piece of impudence. Twice-two-makes-four is a farcical, dressed-up fellow who stands across your path with arms akimbo and spits at you.
I believe that two and two are four and that four and four are eight.
It's actually four, because the fifth state they get the advantage with a tie. It's literally four states out of 50, 57 if you're [Barack] Obama.
Mathematics has the completely false reputation of yielding infallible conclusions. Its infallibility is nothing but identity. Two times two is not four, but it is just two times two, and that is what we call four for short. But four is nothing new at all. And thus it goes on and on in its conclusions, except that in the higher formulas the identity fades out of sight.
Some perfect wife I am. I've been married four times, divorced four times, have no children, and can't boil an egg.
I'm going to have four kids in a little over four years and it's just one of those things where I'm going to let life lead me in that direction.
People talk about you won four national championships. Well, I feel like we've had good enough teams to win eight. So I feel like we failed four times. I feel like I failed four times.
We are sometimes asked what the result would be if we put four +'s in one gene. To answer this my colleagues have recently put together not merely four but six +'s.
At the end of the day I'm still a four-time world champion at four different weight classes and I'll still be in the history books. — © Adrien Broner
At the end of the day I'm still a four-time world champion at four different weight classes and I'll still be in the history books.
But you take a four-year state college, with a broader range of admission, and what happens during those four years may be an even greater value-added educational experience. I don't know.
I think Roosevelt had four terms, didn't he? I think we should go back to that, and we should go back to four years for a senator, four years for a congressman, and I think we'd see a huge change in our society.
Beware the Four Horsemen of the Information Apocalypse: terrorists, drug dealers, kidnappers, and child pornographers. Seems like you can scare any public into allowing the government to do anything with those four.
I had a tremendous four seasons there in Denver, and you know, those are four years that I'll always hold very close to my heart.
The feeling of commiseration is the beginning of humanity; the feeling of shame and dislike is the beginning of righteousness; the feeling of deference and compliance is the beginning of propriety; and the feeling of right or wrong is the beginning of wisdom.Men have these Four Beginnings just as they have their four limbs. Having these Four Beginnings, but saying that they cannot develop them is to destroy themselves.
For a tree, to endure four months of daylight is like you or I going without sleep for four months.
My lord, they say five moons were seen to-night-- Four fixed, and the fifth did whirl about The other four in wondrous motion.
Last four months were great for me, was probably one of the best four months of my career, playing unbelievable in the clay court season.
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