Top 1200 Free Money Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Free Money quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
Free speech, free press, free religion, the right of free assembly, yes, the right of petition... well, they are still radical ideas.
One of the profound effects of economics in our day is that the people with the money and the power have embraced the guilt-free, external-less, everything-will-turn-out-okay-in-the-end philosophy of economics in order to justify their own evil works. And the economists, for the most part, have sucked up to that money.
The fact is that many countries that call themselves free succumbed to medical dictatorship...people are sicker and less healthy...A country which mandates vaccination is not a free country...It is a country of zombies who do what they are told by vested interests who intimidate them and use them to make money.
For mines are for men, not for money. And money is not something to go mad about, and throw your hat into the air for. Money is for food and clothes and comfort, and a visit to the pictures. Money is to make happy the lives of children. Money is for security, and for dreams, and for hopes, and for purposes. Money is for buying the fruits of the earth, of the land where you were born.
Let me be a free man - free to travel, free to stop, free to work. — © Chief Joseph
Let me be a free man - free to travel, free to stop, free to work.
I think Yandex is something in between two different cultures. One originated from the old Soviet culture of the scientific institute. It was a free atmosphere of scientists, maybe too free because nobody cared about making money. Another origin is something close to what you usually see in California startups.
As I've said before, free money scams are a problem.
People don't seem to make the connection between their tax money and the benefits that they get from their tax money, like free education, and the fire department, and police protection, and everything else. It drives me bonkers, because it's pretty straightforward to me.
You ask my wife or my two sons, and they'll tell you that I ain't free with the money.
I don't use a wallet. My money is just free-flowing in my bag.
Money is the sign of liberty. To curse money is to curse liberty- to curse life, which is nothing, if it be not free.
In order to learn, you have to be free. You have to be free to experiment, free to try, free to make mistakes.
And is it not the chief good of money, the being free from the need of thinking of it?
All meditations are nothing but efforts to bring you to the present. When you live in the present moment, with no past hanging around you, with no future projection, you are free from life and death, you are free from body and mind. You are free - simply free - you are freedom.
Best things in life are free, and money can't buy you love. — © Monica Crowley
Best things in life are free, and money can't buy you love.
If you start free trade with a Communist country, allow them to develop their own businesses, they don't remain communistic. They become a free society when they're able to make money themselves, and we increase trade with them and allow them to really produce products.
Money bought freedom; without it one could never be free.
Nothing's free and only the cheaper things can be bought with money.
Preaching is tax free. Very little to do with God, a lot to do with money
I am neither a free-trade man, willing to collect all the money we have to raise by direct tax upon the people, nor am I willing to lay a tax simply for protection when the Government does not need the money.
I don't want to do free jazz! Because free jazz - which is the musical equivalent of free marketeering - isn't actually free at all. It's just constrained by what your muscles can do.
Elsevier operates by racket: if you do not send money, you will not read any papers. On my website, any person can read as many papers as they want for free, and sending donations is their free will. Why Elsevier cannot work like this, I wonder?
I wanna be free. Free to scream, free to bathe, free to paint my toes all day.
I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.
Free of who I was, free of presence, free of dangerous fear, hope, free of mountainous wanting.
People 'demand' the opportunity to gamble away money they do not have, just like people 'demand' money from loan sharks at extortionate interest rates. This is a warped, empty type of freedom, in which the powerful are free to exploit the vulnerable.
The ultimate self is free from sin, free from old age, free from death and grief, free from hunger and thirst, which desires nothing and imagines nothing.
Everybody likes money. I like money. I need money to survive. But I don't love money. Money is not my god.
America has an important role to play as the world leader in creating a global order, free trade, free waterways, free commerce, free movement of people. That happens because of U.S. military might.
I think you're only free if you're working on very low or huge money.
In the free-to-play industry, the most money-making games are often coming from making people fighting against each other and really hating each other and wanting to revenge, so they spend more money to dominate.
I believe that free money is as addictive as cocaine
The money is what made me miserable. I want to be free of that stress.
Is money money or isn't money money. Everybody who earns it and spends it every day in order to live knows that money is money, anybody who votes it to be gathered in as taxes knows money is not money. That is what makes everybody go crazy.... When you earn money and spend money every day anybody can know the difference between a million and three. But when you vote money away there really is not any difference between a million and three.
Money was made for the free-hearted and generous.
The greater the importance to safeguarding the community from incitements to the overthrow of our institutions by force and violence, the more imperative is the need to preserve the constitutional rights of free speech, free press and free assembly in order to maintain the opportunity for free political discussion.
A free people, free to believe as we wish, free to speak our minds, free to raise our children as we see fit, will, make no mistake about it, endure.
Money has no religion. Money does not belong to any class or creed. Neither it belongs to a gender nor an age. Money decides fate. Money also decides status. Money buys you food and money buys a basic necessity like water too.
The signs of good health are an intellect which is free from inhibition and arrogance, a heart which is full of compassion is healthy, a confusion-free mind, a trauma-free memory and a sorrow-free soul.
Sound money and free banking are not impossible; they are merely illegal. — © Hans F. Sennholz
Sound money and free banking are not impossible; they are merely illegal.
People see me as a person who can make them some money, which makes it hard to make real friends. I'm asked to do a lot of stuff for free - to wear certain clothes, turn up to events - people use you to make money. I think that's why I tend to jump into relationships.
The key to fixing public financing is to free politics from big money.
Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I stand before you a free man. Free in body, free in spiret and free in mind! It has been a long, hard and excruciatingingly painful road. For more than five years there has been one investigation after another and now, vindication. And to give the proper dimension I take the cherished words of the late great Dr Martin Luther King: Free at last...thank God Almighty, I'm free at last.
The excellence of metallic money in free circulation consists in the fact that it renders impossible the abuse of the power of the government to dispose of the possessions of its citizens by means of its monetary policy and thus serves as the solid foundation of economic liberty within each country and of free trade between one country and another.
I like free money.
I'M FREE! - I'm free, And freedom tastes of reality, I'm free - I'm free, An' I'm waiting for you to follow me.
As bank customers, we tend to believe that we can have both perfect security for our money, drawing on it whenever we want and never expecting it not to be there, while still earning a regular rate of return. In a true free market, however, there tends to be a tradeoff: you can enjoy a money warehouse or you can hope for a return on your investment. You can't usually have both. The Fed, however, by backing up this fractional-reserve system with a promise of endless bailouts and money creation, attempts to keep the illusion going.
I am free to use my money the way I see fit.
I was always free because I felt free. It's very important to be free inside. The most important thing is to feel free.
In the United States, unlike any other advanced democracy, money really talks. Our Supreme Court has said that spending money on politicians is a form of free speech. No other court has said that.
The best things in life are free. Sunsets and sunrises are free. Air is free. Love is free. Death is free. The best things in life are free. — © Frederick Lenz
The best things in life are free. Sunsets and sunrises are free. Air is free. Love is free. Death is free. The best things in life are free.
It's our money, and we're free to spend it any way we please.
Shoot, I ain't working for free. You can never have enough money.
Fannie and Freddie made two-thirds of all subprime mortgages. That is not a free market institution. That entity, along with the Fed printing too much money back in '03 and '04, caused the housing collapse. So we need to take free markets seriously. That means we have to put an end to all these tax credits and tax deductions and loopholes.
Money solves a lot of problems and when you don't have money, you've got to do all this other stuff to solve the problem. It's very hard. I would love to have not necessarily a studio because then you lose so much control but I would love to have decent independent financing where I have the freedom and I have the money to do it right, to not be asking people to work for free or to work for half the rate and not ask those favors again and again because I now owe all these people back who've helped me.
He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being.
For my money, all theatre should be free.
The poet must be free to love or hate as the spirit moves him, free to change, free to be a chameleon, free to be an enfant terrible. He must above all never worry about this effect on other people.
What a terrible thing could be freedom. Trees were free when they were uprooted by the wind; ships were free when they were torn from their moorings; men were free when they were cast out of their homes—free to starve, free to perish of cold and hunger.
The one sure mark of a con, though, is the promise of free money.
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