Top 1200 Free Society Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Free Society quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
In a free society, how can you commit a crime against yourself?
Society needs first of all to be free from meddlersthat is, to be let alone.
Free, free! what a glorious ring to the word. Free! the bitter heart-struggle was over. Free! the soul could go out to heaven and to God with no chains to clog its flight or pull it down. Free! the earth wore a brighter look, and the very stars seemed to sing with joy. Yes, free! free by the laws of man and the smile of God-and Heaven bless them who made me so!
Consciousness means choicelessness, and to be choiceless is to be free from all desire, is to be free from all projection, is to be free from all imagination, is to be free from future.
A society can never be free without women’s liberation — © Abdullah Ocalan
A society can never be free without women’s liberation
In a free society, you get what you celebrate.
A free society is regarded as one that does not engage, on principle, in attempting to control what people find meaningful, and a totalitarian society is regarded as one that does, on principle, attempt such control.
A society without its dreamers can never be free.
At the core of the risk-free society is a self-indulgent failure of nerve.
I believe that one of the most important institutions in a democratic society is a free press.
Free competition is worth more to society than it costs.
I want a society free of human trafficking
Tolerance is the price we pay for living in a free, pluralistic society.
Nothing is free. You got to pay to be in society. First you start with homework.
We are not yet a society free of sexism, and this will continue to be an issue for all women candidates. — © Campbell Brown
We are not yet a society free of sexism, and this will continue to be an issue for all women candidates.
My country will be a symbol of free human society.
Free speech is essential to education, especially to a liberal education, which encourages the search for truths in art and science. If expression is restricted, the range of inquiry is also curtailed... The beneficiaries of a free society have a duty to pursue the truth and to protect the freedom of expression that makes possible the search for a new enlightenment.
The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details. It will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch on each citizen of the world.
I wanna be free. Free to scream, free to bathe, free to paint my toes all day.
I am free, and always have been; free to accept my own reality, free to trust my perceptions, free to believe what makes me feel sane even if others call me crazy, free to disagree even if it means great loss, free to seek the way home until I find it.
Free thought means fearless thought. It is not deterred by legal penalties, nor by spiritual consequences. Dissent from the Bible does not alarm the true investigator, who takes truth for authority not authority for truth. The thinker who is really free, is independent; he is under no dread; he yields to no menace; he is not dismayed by law, nor custom, nor pulpits, nor society-whose opinion appals so many. He who has the manly passion of free thought, has no fear of anything, save the fear of error.
In other countries, rich and poor, education remains substantially free, with educational standards that rank high in global comparisons. Even in the US, higher education was almost free during the economically successful years before the neoliberal reaction - and it was a much poorer country then. The GI bill provided free education to huge numbers of people - white men overwhelmingly - who would probably never have gone to college, a great benefit to them personally and to the whole society. Tuition at private colleges was far below today's exorbitant costs.
Secrecy is never so appealing as in a free society.
There are contradictory tendencies in American society. There's a huge range of activities that one can engage in that mark it as a quite free society. It's also true to say that the powers that be have so much control over how people think that there are fewer and fewer people who make use of the rights and information available to them.
Anarcho-syndic alism took for granted that working people ought to control their own work, its conditions, the enterprises in which they work, along with communities, so they should be associated with one another in free associations, and democracy of that kind should be the foundational elements of a more general free society.
A third place to build the Great Society is in the classrooms of America. There your children's lives will be shaped. Our society will not be great until every young mind is set free to scan the farthest reaches of thought and imagination. We are still far from that goal.
The very word Secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.
If you start free trade with a Communist country, allow them to develop their own businesses, they don't remain communistic. They become a free society when they're able to make money themselves, and we increase trade with them and allow them to really produce products.
I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.
In order to learn, you have to be free. You have to be free to experiment, free to try, free to make mistakes.
The principles of Jefferson are the definitions and axioms of free society.
There's only one free person in this society, and he is white and male.
He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being.
Free software' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech,' not as in 'free beer'.
Loyalty in a free society depends upon the toleration of disloyalty.
Free of who I was, free of presence, free of dangerous fear, hope, free of mountainous wanting.
Sometimes You Have to Pay a Heavy Price to Live in a Free Society
In free society art is not a weapon...Artists are not engineers of the soul.
A truly free society is based on a vision of respect for people and what they value.
A society is only as free as its most oppressed and afflicted members. — © Silvia Tennenbaum
A society is only as free as its most oppressed and afflicted members.
In a free society, government has the responsibility of protecting us from others, but not from ourselves.
It was a privilege to be president and it is a privilege to be a former president and I believe that I have got a chance to be a part of something that is influential - but not for my sake, but for the sake of people dying in Africa or people worried about a free society in their countries or people who wonder whether there will be a free market.
I'M FREE! - I'm free, And freedom tastes of reality, I'm free - I'm free, An' I'm waiting for you to follow me.
If a society is to be free, its government has to be controlled.
Mind, I am not preaching anything contrary to accepted morality. I am not advocating free love in this or any other case. Society must go on, I suppose, and society can only exist if the normal, if the virtuous, and the slightly deceitful flourish, and if the passionate, the headstrong, and the too-truthful are condemned to suicide and madness.
At one and the same time, therefore, society is everything and society is nothing. Society is the most powerful concoction in the world and society has no existence whatsoever
Everyone asks for freedom for himself, The man free love, the businessman free trade, The writer and talker free speech and free press.
There are very few people in our society who are actually free to say what they believe. I am in an extremely fortunate position in having this enormous gift of freedom and believe I should try to use it to do something useful for society. As long as I feel as if I have something to say, I’ll continue to try to do that.
There is no society, however free and democratic, where wealth will not create an aristocracy.
A crowded society is a restrictive society; an overcrowded society becomes an authoritarian, repressive and murderous society. — © Edward Abbey
A crowded society is a restrictive society; an overcrowded society becomes an authoritarian, repressive and murderous society.
The ultimate foundation of a free society is the binding tie of cohesive sentiment.
Good literature is absolutely necessary for a society that wants to be free.
A world turned into a stereotype, a society converted into a regiment, a life translated into a routine, make it difficult for either art or artists to survive. Crush individuality in society and you crush art as well. Nourish the conditions of a free life and you nourish the arts, too.
There's an ease that I have living in Australia. The best things about Sydney are free: the sunshine's free, and the harbour's free, and the beach is free.
Democracy is disruptive... there is no right in a democratic civil society to be free of disruption.
A free society is a society in which all traditions have equal rights and equal access to the centers of power. A tradition receives these rights not because the importance the cash value, as it were) it has for outsiders but because it gives meaning to the lives of those who participate in it.
Swedes are such a civilised, perfect society - at least on the surface. There's a great safety net, a huge middle class, free education, free health care. People are very polite, they wait their turn. They're not too loud, they're not too quiet, but sometimes it's a little too perfect.
A free and open society is an ongoing conflict, interrupted periodically by compromises.
Society can only be happy and free in proportion as it is virtuous.
Anyone in a free society where the laws are unjust has an obligation to break the law.
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