Top 1200 Freedom Of Speech And Expression Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Freedom Of Speech And Expression quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
True and False are attributes of speech, not of things. And where speech is not, there is neither Truth nor Falsehood.
I feel - and this goes back to social media and freedom of speech - when you're on a public platform, and you put something out there in front of people who don't know you, they might just perceive it in a very different way altogether.
'Free speech' isn't speech at all if it's being used without listening, attention, or care. — © Timothy Morton
'Free speech' isn't speech at all if it's being used without listening, attention, or care.
Languages and cultures are disappearing at an enormously fast rate, and many of them are in Canada. These are extreme examples of removal of freedom of expression - to actually lose a language and the ability to express that culture.
If one more 'journalist' makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans' help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech.
'Freedom' means a lot to conservatives, but they have such a narrow sense of what it means. They think a lot about freedom from - freedom from government, freedom from regulation - and precious little about freedom to. Freedom to is absolutely something that has to be safeguarded by good government, just as it could be impaired by bad government.
In Kashmir, rights relating to life, liberty, dignity of the people, and freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution, embodied in the fundamental covenants and enforceable by courts of law, have been gravely violated.
Where there is a great deal of free speech there is always a certain amount of foolish speech.
Much speech is one thing, well-timed speech is another.
Free speech is meaningless unless it tolerates the speech that we hate.
A law imposing criminal penalties on protected speech is a stark example of speech suppression.
Pleasant speech yields joy to all, and observing this, is there any need for unpleasant speech?
I begin to feel like most Americans don't understand the First Amendment, don't understand the idea of freedom of speech, and don't understand that it's the responsibility of the citizen to speak out.
Music has been called the speech of the angels; I will go farther and call it the speech of God Himself. — © Charles Kingsley
Music has been called the speech of the angels; I will go farther and call it the speech of God Himself.
Free speech should never mean hate speech.
Unfortunately, the media, which are not at all reluctant to act in their own self-interest, have succeeded in equating reform in the public mind with further restrictions on just about everyone else's freedom of political speech.
Flag-burning is plain wrong, and I'll stand up for free speech - even speech I don't like.
Advertising is speech. It's regulated because it's often effective speech.
Even though the Internet touches every part of our lives, one person is to blame for potentially destroying its potential for innovation and freedom of expression: former FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.
We have ways to protect the public when free speech crosses over in hate speech.
What I do in films is really special work but it doesn't happen everyday. On the other hand, art is completely my domain. It is my freedom of expression; I decide what I want to say, which satisfies and completes me.
None of us would trade freedom of expression for the narrowness of the public censor. America is a free market for people who have something to say, and need not fear to say it.
Does a person have a right to change his or her own religion? This is a fundamental human right, just like a right to freedom of speech.
The arts are suffering amongst public schools, but also, minority theater companies are struggling, and I firmly believe in freedom of expression through the arts.
I believe in freedom of expression, I don't believe in censorship.
I believe in religious liberty. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in working hard and playing by the rules. I'm showing up for work tomorrow.
In the national debate about a serious issue, it is the expression of the minority's viewpoint that most demands the protection of the First Amendment. Whatever the better policy may be, a full and frank discussion of the costs and benefits of the attempt to prohibit the use of marijuana is far wiser than suppression of speech because it is unpopular.
Just at the age 'twixt boy and youth, When thought is speech, and speech is truth.
He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the universe.
Acting is the most pure fun as far as jobs go, but it can be limiting in terms of freedom of expression. You are never the master of the story, just a part of it. But writing and directing give you the power of the gods.
I joined the Labour party because I believed in equality, in freedom of speech and in tolerance, compassion and understanding for people, irrespective of their background and views. In whatever I decide to do in the future I will hold to those principles.
I wouldn't perform in front of the Nazis. I hear they didn't take freedom of speech too well. It would be a fun gig to rip into them, but I don't think the ending would be great for me.
The most effective way to combat speech you don’t like is with speech.
The right to free speech is more important than the content of the speech.
You know, if James Brown is the godfather of soul then Richard Pryor is the godfather of comedy, period. That man knocked down all those last freedom of speech doors.
The major difference frequently is in time. The motion picture, for example, gives you considerably more freedom of expression than does the confined thirty-minute television show. But in essence, they're not that dissimilar.
Together, we must all remember that one of the most effective responses to hate speech is more speech.
The court has said you are entitled to robust speech on public sidewalks, even insulting speech. — © Jay Alan Sekulow
The court has said you are entitled to robust speech on public sidewalks, even insulting speech.
The Turkish road is not my model because I am critical of the way you are dealing with freedom of expression, of how you are dealing with the treatment of minorities, and your economic vision.
Freedom in economic arrangements is itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself ... Economic freedom is also an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom.
The solution when you don't like someone's speech is not to silence that person, or that corporation. It's more and louder speech of your own.
Those who created this country chose freedom. With all of its dangers. And do you know the riskiest part of that choice they made? They actually believed that we could be trusted to make up our own minds in the whirl of differing ideas. That we could be trusted to remain free, even when there were very, very seductive voices - taking advantage of our freedom of speech - who were trying to turn this country into the kind of place where the government could tell you what you can and cannot do.
The American people are sick and tired of being afraid to speak their minds lest they be politically smeared as 'Communists' or 'Fascists' by their opponents. Freedom of speech is not what it used to be in America. It has been so abused by some that it is not exercised by others.
I am an optimist, and I believe that people are inherently good and that if you give everyone a voice and freedom of expression, the truth and the good will outweigh the bad.
Changing our decision sets up a bad habit. It reinforces decision-making as an expression of bewilderment and ignorance, instead of wisdom and freedom.
Freedom is a need of the soul, and nothing else. It is in striving toward God that the soul strives continually after a condition of freedom. God alone is the inciter and guarantor of freedom. He is the only guarantor. External freedom is only an aspect of interior freedom. Political freedom, as the Western world has known it, is only a political reading of the Bible. Religion and freedom are indivisible. Without freedom the soul dies. Without the soul there is no justification for freedom. Necessity is the only ultimate justification known to the mind.
If someone offends you by speech, you must learn to defend yourself by speech.
Dr. King gave the "I have a dream" speech, not the "I have a plan" speech.
It seems the feminists are all about female freedom of expression so long as the female is overweight or transgender. You can't pick and choose what type of women fit your agenda.
Private religious speech can't be discriminated against. It has to be treated equally with secular speech. — © Samuel Alito
Private religious speech can't be discriminated against. It has to be treated equally with secular speech.
I'm not a great dancer. I'm a great advertisement for freedom of expression. I don't care what you think. I'm having a great time.
Greek is the embodiment of the fluent speech that runs or soars, the speech of a people which could not help giving winged feet toits god of art. Latin is the embodiment of the weighty and concentrated speech which is hammered and pressed and polished into the shape of its perfection, as the ethically minded Romans believed that the soul also should be wrought.
In liberal democracy and anxious anarchy, the traditional classic dance, compact of aristocratic authority and absolute freedom in a necessity of order, has never been so promising as an independent expression as it is today.
In communism, we never had any freedom - of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots.
I have always been among those who believed that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool, the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking.
Very often in free speech cases you find yourself defending material that you personally detest, because of course it's no trick to defend the free speech of people you either agree with or who don't particularly upset you. It's when people really upset you that you discover if you believe in free speech or not.
I indeed had only one scene, one speech, one little speech, but it was with Robin Williams.
Products are a form of speech, and free speech must be fiercely protected, even if we disagree with some of the voices.
In his State of the Union speech in January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt declared America's commitment to Four Freedoms in the struggle against Nazi totalitarianism. Among them was the freedom from fear.
One certain effect of war is to diminish freedom of expression. Patriotism becomes the order of the day, and those who question the war are seen as traitors, to be silenced and imprisoned.
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