Top 1200 Fried Green Tomatoes Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Fried Green Tomatoes quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
I must say that when I first learned of the existence of the Australian Greenhouse Office, I assumed it was responsible for supplying tomatoes to the Parliament House kitchen. But, no, as I soon learnt as industry minister, it was in fact a government funded redoubt of veritable soldiers in a war against carbon dioxide. The zealotry and obsessive passion of these warriors in the battle against the apparent evils of carbon dioxide remains a curiosity to me. After fighting these people for three years as industry minister, I really did wish they would just go away and grow tomatoes.
This sounds like a brag, but I know how to make good fried rice. I learned in college. There are two secrets - take the rice after you cook it and let it get cold in the fridge. Then cook the egg like you're making a fried egg and just before it's done, dump the rice and veg on it and swirl it around.
Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.
When I was younger, I watched Spiderman, and they had the Green Goblin, and before the Green Goblin died, he told Spiderman that it wasn't him, it was the Green Goblin that was killing all those people. I thought, 'Hmm, I should try to change my personality sometimes when it comes to interviews.'
Acting with a green screen has been physically challenging. I look at the green screen and then I'll look somewhere else and everything looks red. It's a bizarre thing where green has an effect on my vision, but it's fun.
When I was younger, I ate nothing but fried food. Everything was fried, from oysters to chicken to potatoes to vegetables. When you die in New Orleans, they deep fry you before they put you in the coffin. When we baptize children in New Orleans, we baptize them with a bordelaise sauce; we don't use water.
The spring of 1942 was given over to a very impassioned, strategic debate about where we should first attack in counterpunching against the Germans and Italians. The British argued very persuasively on the part of Winston Churchill, prime minister, that this was a very green American Army, green soldiers, green commanders.
You are green, it is true; but they are green also. You are all green alike. — © Abraham Lincoln
You are green, it is true; but they are green also. You are all green alike.
Green is the fresh emblem of well founded hopes. In blue the spirit can wander, but in green it can rest.
'Green Garden' is about beauty and joy and lush green and dance and excitement and smiling from within.
Phoenix is great. I love Phoenix, .. I love Scottsdale. I love the James Hotel. I have a Kathy Griffin suite. I love -what's that place called? AZ 88. I had never had a cheese crisp, so I went to - oh, can't remember. We went to the State Fair, where I was all about the deep-fried Twinkie. I ate every deep-fried thing - oh, it was heavenly. I ate until I got sick.
Now her eyes meet mine like green lightning-they are green, these eyes of hers, whose power is so indescribable-green, but as are precious stones, or deep unfathomable mountain lakes.
If a synesthetic person says the letter a is green, it can't ever be anything but green.
Reptilian green the wrinkled throat, Green as a bough of yew the beard; He bent his head, and so I smote
Green issues have been used as a marketing tool. Sometimes these green claims are completely meaningless.
Brayden met my eyes. His were hazel, almost like Eddie’s but with a little green. Not as much green as Adrian’s, of course. No one’s eyes were that amazingly green.
Green is a process, not a status. We need to think of 'green' as a verb, not an adjective.
When I was 12 I was obsessed with green and had my mom get me a bunch of green bedding for my room. — © Doja Cat
When I was 12 I was obsessed with green and had my mom get me a bunch of green bedding for my room.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
She was green when green wasn't in. From sea to shining sea, Lady Bird Johnson has left her legacy in a more beautiful America. From millions of trees and wildflowers planted, to interstates free from billboards and replaced with green.
Why don't you have a room done up in every color green? This will take months, years, to collect, but it will be delightful-a melange of plants, green glass, green porcelains, and furniture covered in sad greens, gay greens, clear, faded, and poison greens?
Seoul promises to make a big investment in the transition of ecology and civilization that will transform the green crisis into a green opportunity.
I see a green tree. And to me it is green. And you would call the tree green also. And we would agree on this. But is the colour you see as green the same colour I see as green?
All green was anished sae of pine and yew, That still displayed their melancholy hue; Sae the green holly with its berries red, And the green moss that o'er the grael spread.
Green, the color of growth, or surgent life, enwraps the land. New green, still as individual as the plants themselves. Cool green, which will merge as the weeks pass, the Summer comes, into a canopy of shade of busy chlorophyll.
I became a vegetarian in 1995. I had some fried chicken, and my teeth hit the bone. My mind said, 'Dead bird, dead bird.' It didn't feel right, so I stopped. I kept eating fish until one day, in 1997, the chef brought my ginger-fried snapper with the head still on it.
I took the name Green Destiny from - well there is such a sword called Green Destiny. It is green because you keep twisting it, it's an ancient skill, you keep twisting it and knocking it and twisting it until it is very elastic and light.
My mother did a fried vegetable dish called 'stuff.' It's fried potatoes and carrots. Then you add bell peppers, mushrooms and other softer vegetables. At the end you add onion. Then, you steam the dish with hot pepper cheese on the top and it melts down through the dish. It's delicious. It's wonderful.
I did toy with the idea of doing a cook-book . . . The recipes were to be the routine ones: how to make dry toast, instant coffee, hearts of lettuce and brownies. But as an added attraction, at no extra charge, my idea was to put a fried egg on the cover. I think a lot of people who hate literature but love fried eggs would buy it if the price was right.
For the forest to be green, each tree must be green.
If 'heartache' sounds exaggerated then surely you have never gone to your garden one rare morning in June to find that the frost, without any perceptible motive, any hope of personal gain, has quietly killed your strawberry blossoms, tomatoes, lima and green beans, corn, squash, cucumbers. A brilliant sun is now smiling at this disaster with an insenstive cheerfulness as out of place as a funny story would be if someone you loved had just died.
I plot the par 5s back from the green and make my plan. If I can reach the green in two shots, I'm going to be aggressive off the tee. But if 's a three-shot hole, the goal changes. You want to put yourself in position to hit your favorite shot to the green.
When I wrote 'Green, Green,' it was like a really a statement of where I was at philosophically in my life.
I would suggest that a Green Real Deal is something to be far more excited about than the Green New Deal because the Green New Deal will never happen.
Jake Green isn't just Jake Green. Jake represents all of us. The colour green is the central column of the spectrum and the name Jake has all sorts of numerical values. All things come back to him within the film's world of cons and games.
Annihilating all that's made, To a green thought in a green shade.
I do not like tomatoes.
I think I look great in green, and I'm going to start wearing more green.
One travels like a golf ball, hopping from green to green.
I don't like green Christmases. They're not green—they're just nasty faded browns and grays.
If you are a Jewish Israeli, you go to Gaza, you get the villa of your life, the villa which you did not dream of ever getting in Israel, a beautiful two-story villa with green meadows and so on, practically for nothing. Then you put up hothouses of tomatoes or flowers; you take the very Arabs from whom you grabbed this land and employ them as laborers in your hothouses. Israeli law does not apply in Gaza: There is no minimum wage, no annual vacation, no compensation for dismissal - so you get the work very, very cheap. It is a wonderful setup economically.
Innovative companies have started to realize there are not enough 'green consumers' willing to pay more for something just because it's green.
Green technologies - going green - is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. — © John Doerr
Green technologies - going green - is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century.
I wanted green in my hair, so I did green. And I got my sunflowers to match. I've never done it before. Just said, 'OK, I'm doing my hair green.'
O the green things growing, the green things growing, The faint sweet smell of the green things growing! I should like to live, whether I smile or grieve, Just to watch the happy life of my green things growing.
We have fried catfish, country fried steak and cinnamon-roasted pork. We have collard greens, black-eyed peas, hush puppies, biscuits, sweet potato pie and lots of gravy. Most players love it, but we also have a baked catfish for players who are still looking to stay on the approved diet.
And talking about dark! You think dark is just one color, but it ain't. There're five or six kinds of black. Some silky, some woolly. Some just empty. Some like fingers. And it don't stay still, it moves and changes from one kind of black to another. Saying something is pitch black is like saying something is green. What kind of green? Green like my bottles? Green like a grasshopper? Green like a cucumber, lettuce, or green like the sky is just before it breaks loose to storm? Well, night black is the same way. May as well be a rainbow.
Our green valleys will be greener once we fully grasp the infinite vitality of the green!
Mike, we are a green energy company, but the green stands for money.
I know when you think about the South, you think about fried foods, but we eat a tremendous amount of vegetables. I have my own garden, so vegetables have always been a big part of my life. I love broccoli. I love fresh beets. It's not all about the fried chicken and the biscuits.
You'll know the green revolution has been won when the word 'green' disappears.
I'd like to describe a sort of life 20 years ago as being a fried egg. There was a yolk and a white and the white was maybe work, and the yolk was life. Today, it's more of an omelet. It's more mixed and it's more interspersed and I think that that's a more interesting state of being and for some people, they'll say well I want the crisp, fried egg approach to life.
There's this black and green hair style I did one time. And it was literally inspired by my neighbor taking out their green recycling bins in a black outfit. I just loved the color combination, and I was like, Oh, I want black and green hair now.
I'm an East Coast guy and always will be. But I'm always going to find my way back to Green Bay whether I'm living here or not. Green Bay is a great place. Green Bay is awesome.
I love tomatoes, and they're so good for you. — © Mika Brzezinski
I love tomatoes, and they're so good for you.
Curiously, light-loving green plants reject the Sun's green light, reflecting it back at you, which is why they look green.
If you eat dead, toasted, fried or frozen food, you will feel dead, toasted, fried and frozen.
The holly green, the ivy green The prettiest picture you've ever seen Is Christmas in Killarney With all of the folks at home.
I am very pleased with my synthetic golf green from Southwest Greens. It reacts like a championship golf green, so I can practice my short game whenever I'm at home. I couldn't believe that a synthetic green could be this perfect.
I use a system called Vector Green Reading, which applies science to the green reads.
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