Top 1200 Funny Stuff Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Funny Stuff quotes.
Last updated on October 2, 2024.
I love doing stunt stuff and action stuff. I'm not flipping off helicopters; that would be insane.
What we set out to do with this movie [Leaves of Grass] was to create something that was funny and serious and had large tonal ambitions. A movie that could be poignant and funny, and suddenly quite violent. To have a character utterly sideswiped, and to learn that life is about balance.
I'm a fashion hoarder. I have a ton of stuff, and I like to cycle it out to have room for more stuff. — © Violet Chachki
I'm a fashion hoarder. I have a ton of stuff, and I like to cycle it out to have room for more stuff.
I'm remembering how this works. How life doesn't have to be only anxiety about what's gone wrong or could go worng, and complaints about the world around you. How a person you're excited about can remind you there's stuff going on beyond... routine oil changes and homework. Stuff that matters. Stuff to look forward to.
Well, first you have to be very, very funny. I have realized that it is essential for a boy to be funny. Otherwise, what is the point in a boy?
With comedy, don't try to be funny. That's really helped me. Just say the lines as you would say them, interact with other characters, and try to make it as real as possible. It will come out funny.
The best stuff - the most interesting stuff - usually happens when I allow myself to be in the moment and working from that space.
I stand by the stuff I say, even the really stupid stuff. I'll find a way to justify it.
Most of stuff I audition for is stuff I think is socially relevant.
I like the free-speech stuff, the political-correctness stuff.
I do the functional stuff. I go to the gym and do all these things by myself. I don't have a routine. I like to do new stuff all the times.
A lot of the stuff that I want to create personally is usually pretty absurd or silly comedy stuff.
I'm doing stuff on Kaballah and Scientology and a little bit more racial stuff, for good measure. — © Sarah Silverman
I'm doing stuff on Kaballah and Scientology and a little bit more racial stuff, for good measure.
When I was a kid I didn't feel like I fit in because - this is really silly and I probably shouldn't say it, but, I didn't think anything was funny. So I used to go home and literally cry to my mom and my step-dad at the time and I didn't think anything was funny. I couldn't laugh.
All of the press and stuff - that's the scary stuff. The acting is what I got trained to do.
I'm a fan of animation and so, the more stuff that doesn't look like the other stuff that's out there, I'm in favor.
I think funny comes from tragedy and time. And I think that's where I get it. I'm able to take things that are serious and sad, and turn it into funny. In all honesty - this is after a lot of therapy - I think that, you know, I need love from something, and so now, I find it through performing.
I try to focus on the stuff that I can control and let go of the other stuff.
Films are big hits when they touch a lot of people. Things are not funny in a vacuum, they're funny because we respond to some personal dislocation, some embarrassment, some humiliation, some pain we've suffered, or some desire we have.
I said no to a lot of superhero stuff. I never expected to say yes to that kind of stuff.
I do my independent stuff where it's real acting if you like. Intense, drama stuff. I love me actions.
If the writing is good, then the writing is already funny. All you have to do is make this funny writing true to the very deepest of your heart, and the fact that you are capable of making this true will be hysterical.
You basically do have a TV show when you're making stuff online. You have an audience that you make stuff for regularly.
I went to school for marketing and advertising, so I have a special interest in good and funny commercials and why they work and why they're funny - which is one of the reasons I, like many people, like watching the Super Bowl, besides the game.
A lot of my old stuff is pretty simple. The new stuff is slightly more in-depth.
Once, I was doing Bon Qui Qui in Miami, and this black girl was in the audience, and she yelled out, 'That's not funny!' which was really funny because she sounded exactly like the character I was playing.
Auto companies need to quickly separate the stuff that will be swallowed by commodity from the brand stuff.
I have added a lot. There's some Vegas stuff and hotel stuff and a whole chunk on health.
We try lots of stuff. We throw it against the wall, and the stuff that sticks stays in the movie.
What gets made that's considered for men - it's really just T&A stuff. It's not stuff than any guy I know really wants to watch, you know, the stuff with jiggling boobs and all that. Something with real sort of male themes and male strength and things I want to watch in a drama.
I think you have to create your own stuff so I'm working on stuff for myself right now.
If you tell the reader it's funny, then the audience is like an audience at a stand-up comedy club and they expect you to be funny, and if you're not, they notice. Whereas if you read a regular op-ed about Israel or the family or medicine, you're not starting with the assumption that you're supposed to laugh.
The soft stuff is always harder than the hard stuff.
Some people are funny, and some people are not funny. Many people who are not funny can make a living at it. You don't have to be great to make a living at it. Just like a doctor who doesn't have to be great can still make a living out of it.
I also have just my own limits about stuff. I'm not interested in writing graphically about sexual assault for example. I feel like the stuff that I'm fascinated by is the stuff that's part of the public imagination of what horror is. The bleakness is a different issue. I think that just stems from my personality. I wish that I offered a little more glimmer of hope sometimes.
Kids enjoy laughing and are seldom bored when they find something funny. They also ask questions, often to adults, because they understand that the more words they can comprehend about a funny story or a joke, the more they'll enjoy it.
I hope I am pigeonholed with comedy. I'm really not interested in writing the darker stuff, the emotional stuff.
Was there ever such stuff as great as part of Shakespeare? Only one must not say so! But what think you? - What? - Is there not sad stuff? What? - What? — © George III of the United Kingdom
Was there ever such stuff as great as part of Shakespeare? Only one must not say so! But what think you? - What? - Is there not sad stuff? What? - What?
The trick of 'Up' was to balance the sad stuff with the silly stuff.
You have to let your team get all the credit for all the good stuff that happens, and you take responsibility for the bad stuff.
JaVale McGee is one of the smartest guys I know. Like, he's a nerd, plays with gadgets, and is into technology. He's funny - he's got crazy jokes, and his timing with jokes is really funny. You have to be really smart to think the way he does.
Upgrade your user, not your product. Value is less about the stuff and more about the stuff the stuff enables. Don't build better cameras - build better photographers.
In my film "Benny's Video," I depicted violence but I failed to say all that I had to say, so I wanted to continue the dialog and that's why I did "Funny Games." The irony is that after I shot "Funny Games," but it hadn't been released at all anywhere.
To me, being funny is more important than making a point, but I don't know. Most politicians are so interested in making points that they don't ... I'd rather be funny myself, and I'd rather listen to somebody with a little sense of humor.
I take a lot of pride in managing to be funny without having a victim at the end of my joke. I laugh at a really dark joke as much as the next person, but my jokes, I feel, don't have to hurt anybody to be really funny.
To me, a perfect album talks about the hard stuff and the fun and caring stuff.
My boyfriend and I haven't taken a vacation in years. Usually, when we travel, I have to play. It's not really a vacation even if we do fun stuff to do because I'm always running around sound-checking and taking care of business stuff. And he is my manager, so he is taking care of more business stuff than I am.
Stuff with a group, stuff where there are other people around, I'll try that. — © Jason Biggs
Stuff with a group, stuff where there are other people around, I'll try that.
I think the stuff that's very spontaneous, not contrived at all, is the stuff that works.
Why is it that the most important stuff to listen to is almost always the stuff we don't want to hear?
I'm a happy human being when I'm overloaded with stuff to do, but I got stuff to do.
Risk the stuff. It's worthless anyway. But don't make the insane choice of sacrificing your happiness for stuff.
I've always been drawn to the real stuff and the stuff that feels authentic. And so when I'm writing songs, that's what I try to do.
We [me and my husband] both had our things. Seth was the artist, I was the singer. We were like "You do your thing, I'll do my thing and never the two shall meet." I think we had a healthy competition going through our childhood. But I sort of left the funny stuff to him, I said "You're the comedian, you're the jokester, you do that I'll be the more serious one." You need that kind of balance in the family.
I was just a goofy little funny kid, who was always getting sent to the principal. It wasn't serious because I was smart. I wasn't like a true troublemaker, just rambunctious - like, talkative and trying to be funny. That was me in middle-school.
I really love 'Real Housewives.' It's like the, you know, comedy stuff that's, like, intentionally funny. Like, I love 'Nathan for You,' that Comedy Central show. It's just brilliant. My friend Bill Eichner has a show called 'Billy on the Street' that I write for, and even if I didn't write for it, I'd still love it.
For the big stuff to work credibly, you've got to get the little stuff absolutely right.
I love my 'Survivor's Remorse' cast. They are so funny and crazy, like a big dysfunctional family. It's so much fun, and I love the issues that we talk about on that show. We deal with nuanced and controversial issues, and we do it in a way that's funny. It's comedy.
There's a huge amount of work on Adam and Eve, from the ancient world to the present. Saint Augustine was obsessed with them.I don't know if it helps my research, but I get a big kick out of Mark Twain, who wrote "The Diaries of Adam and Eve." He wrote very funny stuff on them. I sometimes read things that are loosely related to what I'm thinking and writing about.
L.A.'s a lot of noise and stuff. You always hear cars and stuff.
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