Top 1200 Future Careers Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Future Careers quotes.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
Here at Z100, we're kind of famous for breaking new artists and watching their careers bloom.
You wouldn't try and make a cake without a recipe book. Careers are just the same.
We Communists never conceal our political views. Definitely and beyond all doubt, our future or maximum program is to carry China forward to socialism and communism. Both the name of our Party and our Marxist world outlook unequivocally point to this supreme ideal of the future, a future of incomparable brightness and splendor.
I've heard, 'You're not your father.' Well, you're right. I'm not. We've had two different careers. — © Joe Buck
I've heard, 'You're not your father.' Well, you're right. I'm not. We've had two different careers.
One thing we've had to do in our careers, which is hard, is to put on a brave face.
I'm all for players extending their careers, and I'm all for trying to be as healthy as possible for the playoff run.
No-one works for money alone and tapping into what people want from their careers and what they have to offer is essential.
It's very hard for students not to be in debt unless they've got big scholarships or rich parents. And it's called investing in your future, but like any investment it's risky because your future is an unknown quantity. However, if you don't invest in your future, you may be flipping hamburgers for the rest of your life. So it's a real dilemma.
The future or the past - It's very simple: building the future, or a restoration of post-communism.
I just want the future to happen faster. I can't imagine the future without robots.
Balanced, passionate, grounded people are the ones whose careers are ultimately the most successful.
The old economy with careers and benefits and pensions is gone. There are scary implications to that.
I know at the beginning of our careers, my wife and I were gut wrenchingly competitive.
As you think about the workforce of the future, women and minorities are such an important part of that future. — © Cathy Engelbert
As you think about the workforce of the future, women and minorities are such an important part of that future.
To hope is to give yourself to the future - and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.
Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs that define our careers.
If you look at a lot of people's careers, the first couple of movies, usually, are the most embarrassing.
The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.
Everything that I'm doing, it's like a future jazz, future trap house movement.
Psychoanalysts are fond of pointing out that the past is alive in the present. But the future is alive in the present too. The future is not some place we’re going to, but an idea in our mind now. It is something we’re creating, that in turn creates us. The future is a fantasy that shapes our present.
You know, no one steered people's careers in those days, I don't think, like they do today.
It is the business of the future to be dangerous; and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties.
Me and my brother are so focused on working together, building our careers.
Careers are what they are, they don't make any sense at all when you look back. We're not in charge of them.
Not to sound arrogant, but what I did in one year, others couldn't do in their entire collegiate careers.
I know from experience that careers do not always arise from a deep sense of destiny.
If I look at my career financially, I think it's one of the best careers any fighter's had.
Players judge their careers based on medals and trophies, don't they, and they look back on what they have achieved.
Psychologists and economists love to talk about the notion of two selves: present self and future self. It's a nice way to explain the tendency to have one preference about the future, but a very different preference when the future becomes the present.
I'm reasonably optimistic about the future, especially the future of the United States - for the century, at least.
Of course I think everybody has moments in their careers when they're frustrated, or you're not happy with the current situation.
When I hit 11 so did the careers of Dylan and the Stones. A year later it was the Who and the Kinks.
We need not worry about the future, we need not be prophetic about the future, we need not say a single thing about the future. We should be joyous and happy in this moment, and the next moment will be coming out of this moment. It will be suffused with the celebration of this moment, and naturally it will lead you into a higher celebration. The future is going to come out of this present.
This is a tragedy for the players. Their careers are short and this is money and opportunity they'll never get back.
Women have to take more control of their careers. They can't just wait to be cast in a film.
We already have the statistics for the future: the growth percentages of pollution, overpopulation, desertification. The future is already in place.
Artists speak the truth to the public without fear of retribution or damage to their careers.
I look at the kids coming out of Yale. They are so intelligent with their careers. I wish I had that.
I've always felt that I was from the future because the future is really not about what you make but what you stand for. — © Nicolas Winding Refn
I've always felt that I was from the future because the future is really not about what you make but what you stand for.
There are a great number of people from New Jersey who go on to have pretty successful careers.
Ensuring a healthy future means investing in the generation who will carry that future.
It's no good me talking about my future. I don't determine my future, other people do.
We have to encourage the future we want rather than trying to prevent the future we fear.
At the end of our NASA careers, no one had a place for us in the military.
Mr. Franz, I think careers are a 20th century invention and I don't want one.
You can maintain work-life balance even while pursuing careers.
Carelessness with details sinks more careers than anyone will admit.
You cannot travel to the known; because all travels are towards the future and the future is unknown!
Unless you devote an enormous amount of time to anticipating the future, you won't have any future. — © Ron Chernow
Unless you devote an enormous amount of time to anticipating the future, you won't have any future.
The Present is the womb of the future. A greater future happiness can be had only by investing in the present correctly. Look after the present and the future will look after itself.
I'm more interested in the future than in the past, because the future is where I intend to live.
I've had so many conversations with new artists trying to figure out their careers.
Williams has a long history of nurturing young drivers at the start of their F1 careers.
Lara and I both had success in the amateurs, and we have continued to have successful professional careers.
Future is gonna be remembered forever. Future just has so much quality music.
My parents have always done what they've loved, and they've had many different careers.
We walk into the future in God-glorifying confidence, not because the future is known to us but because it is known to God. And that's all we need to know. Worry about the future is not simply a character tic, it is the sin of unbelief, an indication that our hearts are not resting in the promises of God.
Architecture is measured against the past; you build in the future, and you try to imagine the future.
Marriages, like careers, need constant nurturing... the secret of having it all is loving it all.
I can never predict my future because a big part of my future is already behind me.
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