Top 1200 Gain Weight Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Gain Weight quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Unfortunately, our sport has a weight limit, so every season, I have to lose weight. You just get tired of not eating the way you want to eat, so in the off-season, I'll binge and gain a few pounds and then have to lose them back.
I want to gain as much weight as possible, and I want to see what I can do with that weight once I'm all done.
A new study found that women gain more weight after marriage, but men gain more weight after a divorce. Yeah, the divorce usually takes place after men point out that women gained more weight after marriage.
Behind weight gain are the larger hurts and questions that have to be explored, probed, and understood before weight loss and maintenance is a possibility. It's a bigger issue than just calories in, calories out.
A photograph doesn't gain weight or lose weight, or change from being happy to being sad. It's frozen. You can use it, then recycle it. — © Chuck Close
A photograph doesn't gain weight or lose weight, or change from being happy to being sad. It's frozen. You can use it, then recycle it.
Many people struggle with losing weight and then regaining it. But there is no convincing evidence that the effort to lose weight actually promotes more weight gain in the long run.
I would like to say this for the record: that I am not trying to lose weight or gain weight. I am just trying to be the best version of myself, and that's really important.
Why not have a motivation beyond me to get to a healthy weight? Every actor does that. We're chameleons. We change; we grow as an actor. You lose weight, you gain weight, you change your hair or whatever.
It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy. It's something that has to happen to your body.
As we age, we lose our muscle tone. Thats how we gain weight.
Kim Kardashian was the first time I've seen a woman tormented about her weight gain while having a baby. But at least she asks for that attention by voluntarily obsessing over her weight publicly on her social media. But now nobody is safe.
When I got to college, I used to run on top of everything else, because when you gain weight in swimming, you have to do something else, like bike or run, to maintain the weight or take the weight off.
I gain weight and lose it again in inevitable cycles.
I don't want to get too much on the football side and gain weight, so I'm as fast on the field.
It's, like, sort of a dream thing for an actor when they're told to gain weight. — © Bryce Dallas Howard
It's, like, sort of a dream thing for an actor when they're told to gain weight.
The truth is that it’s not about the weight. It’s never been about the weight. When a pill is discovered that allows people to eat whatever they want and not gain weight, the feelings and situations they turned to food to avoid will still be there and they will find other more inventive ways to numb themselves.
I used to be really cute. I could send you earlier photos where I'm stunning. But I've gained about twenty pounds over the past two years, and the more weight I've put on, the more success I've had. If you drew a diagram of weight gain and me getting more work, a mathematician would draw some conclusions from that.
High school, going into my junior year, I kind of had the idea I was going to be the starting running back. I was a little smaller, so I decided to gain weight and try to get faster. I wasn't a fan of the weight room. I thought just the God-given talent would take you where you needed to go. Now I understand that you need hard work.
I don't do long juice cleanses because, for me, it messes up my metabolism, and I actually gain weight.
When I first became known in public I was sent off to bootcamps. I was thrown into all this madness of weight loss and weight gain.
There's a new line of research showing that people who don't get enough sleep, they're body doesn't metabolize as well. And so they actually - it leads to weight gain. So if you're not getting enough sleep, you might have difficulty losing weight.
I suppose I am one of those lucky people who eats what they like and doesn't gain too much weight.
I'm obviously not a guy who focuses on weight too much. But for certain jobs, you have to gain or lose weight.
I'm a real girl. I get it. I gain weight, I lose weight. My styles change.
Running is what keeps my weight down. I have to stay active or I could easily gain weight.
For weight gain, one must do cardio in the evening and for weight loss, in the morning. So, while gaining weight, I did weight training in the mornings and light cardio in the evenings.
Back in 1960 at Christmas time, I did work loading and unloading boxcars for Railway Express. That was a kind of weight training that helped me. I weighed about 160 when I started. I began to gain weight and kept right on gaining until I reached 195 pounds.
As an actor, you gain weight, you lose weight, you change your hair color, and you make changes physically and emotionally to be able to understand the character.
For me to lose weight or maintain my weight is all about my diet, because I can come here and work two-and-a-half hours twice a day and if I get off my diet and eat like I normally eat, which is bad, I will gain weight.
Once her love had been publicized, it would gain weight, become a burden.
If I want to gain weight, I can gain weight. If I want to lose weight, I will lose weight. If I want to be fit, I'll be fit.
When you gain weight, for every pound that you gain, it adds four pounds of stress on your knees. So if you gain five pounds, you've got 20 pounds of stress on your knees. So that's why I'm extremely careful with my portions and my workout, because I can't be overweight.
A lot of people give actors credit when they gain weight for a role in a drama when they win an Oscar, but when you're doing a sitcom, people don't give you a lot of credit, because you've got to keep your weight on for five or six years if it's successful.
I said, I'll put on weight. And I started having massages, taking cod-liver oil, and eating twice as much. But I didn't even gain an ounce. I'd made up my mind that on the day the engagement was announced I'd be fatter, and I didn't gain an ounce. Then I went to Mussoorie, which is a health resort, and I ignored the doctors' instructions; I invented my own regime and gained weight. Just the opposite of what I'd like now. Now I have the problem of keeping slim. Still I manage. I don't know if you realize I'm a determined woman.
Unfortunately, we live our life in public, so any weight gain or pimple is a national story. I don't get this obsession with weight. It's not only Hollywood; it's our society.
I'm always in this shape, that shape, whatever shape you like the most. I am always in various stages of shapes. If the woman needs to be more soft I'll gain weight and then I'll lose weight for another film that I did where I wanted her to be more wiry. I enjoy using my body as something that helps me get to a character.
To the image of the characters, I do change my appearance. For example, I gain weight and I lose weight sometimes, and I grow my hair and cut it. Acting is all about physical expression, so I need to change my appearance for all the characters.
I did gain weight, but I don't care.
I tend to be slim and you know, I actually can lose weight quicker than I can gain it.
It's easy to gain weight when you're in the studio. — © Sean Kingston
It's easy to gain weight when you're in the studio.
It's important for me to keep my cardio up, especially for my body type, or I'll gain weight so fast.
Men who can eat anything they want and not gain weight should do it out of sight of the women they're married to.
I have to plan all my meals and snacks every day, or the wheels come off, and I gain weight.
As a girl, the thought of gaining weight wasn't easy, but when I thought as an actor, I was very sure. That gave me the confidence, and I started training myself to gain weight, and then, as planned, I lost weight.
From 1997 through 1999, I had gained so much. People don't realize how something like weight gain can make you sad. Losing weight has changed my life. If you can take control of your life, you can lose weight.
Some people gain weight during times of stress, but I lose weight.
When I was a young girl, I lost a lot of weight over one summer - involuntarily - and was just really depressed and sad. There was nothing I could do to gain weight. I would look in the mirror and call myself disgusting every day.
A lot of people give actors credit when they gain weight for a role in a drama when they win an Oscar, but when you’re doing a sitcom, people don’t give you a lot of credit, because you’ve got to keep your weight on for five or six years if it’s successful.
Depriving yourself will, ironically enough, lead to rebelling and weight gain.
Whatever the reason for any one individual's tendency to gain weight, the only way to lose the weight is to eat less and exercise more. — © Robin Marantz Henig
Whatever the reason for any one individual's tendency to gain weight, the only way to lose the weight is to eat less and exercise more.
I could never gain much weight. I've always had a fast metabolism.
I definitely gain weight, and I'm not naturally thin.
If I do a role where I have to lose weight, I can do that. I eat meat, fish, vegetables, and I lose it right away. But sometimes I do a role where I have to gain weight, and I can tell you I prefer that.
Most people lose weight during the season, but I tend to gain weight during the season.
Ninety percent of people who lose weight gain it back. It's very sad.
It's interesting when people make comments about celebrities' weight gain or lack of weight gain as if they're a medical professional that's treating that celebrity. Like, 'This doctor does not treat Jessica Simpson, but thinks her weight is unhealthy.' If you don't treat her, then how do you know?
Many of depression's symptoms - exhaustion, insomnia, nausea, headaches, weight loss, weight gain - are physical ailments.
You can shave your head, but I've had to gain a lot of weight for movies, I've had to drop weight really fast for movies. I've had to learn accents or embody physical behaviors or twitches and things like that. And sometimes you take to some things easily and sometimes [not]. That's the challenge of the job.
I didn't think I was fat. I just thought I didn't need to gain any weight. But I would drop weight and then I would be comfortable with that number. Then I would lose more weight and that would become my new number.
I am kind of a lifelong lose weight, gain weight kind of guy. I'm a big guy; I've always been a big guy.
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