Top 1190 Gained Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Gained quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
No ground gained was ever relinquished.
If young gentlemen get from their years in college only manliness, esprit de corps, a release of their social gifts, a training ingive and take, a catholic taste in men and the standards of true sportsmen, they have gained much but they have not gained what a college should give them. It should give them insight into the things of the mind and the spiritthe consciousness of having taken on them the vows of true enlightenment and of having undergone the discipline, never to be shaken off, of those who seek wisdom in candor, with faithful labor and travail of spirit.
Wisdom is not gained by knowing what is right. Wisdom is gained by practicing what is right, and noticing what happens when that practice succeeds and when it fails.
hindsight is gained through experience — © Ellen Hopkins
hindsight is gained through experience
Philosophical knowledge is the knowledge gained by reason from concepts ; mathematical knowledge is the knowledge gained by reason from the construction of concepts.
We gained his operational capabilities and he gained our marketing skills.
An illusion dissipated is an experience gained.
In evaluating the way in which ball possessions are gained during the course of a game, we find that 60 to 80 percent of the possessions are gained by rebounding and after an opponent's score. Twenty percent come from opponents's error, and only 5 percent of the possessions come from steals and interceptions. A study of the way ball possessions are gained makes it seem highly impractical to base pressure defense on interceptions and steals.
You can usually tell when I'm happy by the fact that I've gained weight.
When you have gained a victory, do not push it too far.
My art has gained some high value.
I grew up with a lot of exiles from Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia - I grew up with them, and I gained a family; I gained friends.
Wisdom is seldom gained without suffering.
I gained an inner peace, the serenity of a prisoner, so to speak. — © Nadezhda Tolokonnikova
I gained an inner peace, the serenity of a prisoner, so to speak.
Do not expect anything; there is more to be gained by earning it.
My interest only is trying to help the lives of the people of this state, try to educate people and create jobs. It's not even for me. I've never gained anything. I don't even take a salary. I've never gained anything from being here except for the joy and the privilege of serving the people of this state.
My first pregnancy, I gained 75 pounds.
Nothing is gained by not being kind and courteous.
Whenever I've surprised my audience, I've gained something out of it.
What we see as death, empty space, or nothingness is only the trough between the crests of this endlessly waving ocean. It is all part of the illusion that there should seem to be something to be gained in the future, and that there is an urgent necessity to go on and on until we get it. Yet just as there is no time but the present, and no one except the all-and-everything, there is never anything to be gained - though the zest of the game is to pretend that there is.
A problem shared is attention gained.
I have gained self-confidence, courage and the support of my people.
I actually gained 30 pounds [for the episode], and I haven't lost all of it yet so I haven't been like "I gained 30 pounds!" Because I don't know if people can tell the difference.
By letting go of my fears and concerns, I've gained so much happiness and freedom. With that freedom I've also gained confidence.
When a nation uses their improperly gained or intelligence-wise gained information to take policy positions that impact another nation's democracy or their approach to any issue, then that raises real serious matters.
When suddenly you seem to lose all you thought you had gained, do not despair. You must expect setbacks and regressions. Don't say to yourself "All is lost. I have to start all over again." This is not true. What you have gained you have gained....When you return to the the road, you return to the place where you left it, not to where you started.
Strength is gained in the range it is trained.
Let us keep before us the fact that, almost without exception, every race or nation that has ever got upon its feet has done so through struggle and trial and persecution; and that out of this very resistance to wrong, out of the struggle against odds, they have gained strength, self-confidence, and experience which they could not have gained in any other way.
We must remember that the GOAL of prayer is the ear of God. Unless that is gained, the prayer has utterly failed. The uttering of it may have kindled devotional feeling in our minds, the hearing of it may have comforted and strengthened the hearts of those with whom we have prayed, but if the prayer has not gained the heart of God, it has failed in its essential purpose.
Strength is not gained overnight; it is cultivated over time.
The environmental crisis is somber evidence of an insidious fraud hidden in the vaunted productivity and wealth of modern, technology-based society. This wealth has been gained by rapid short-term exploitation of the environmental system, but it has blindly accumulated a debt to nature-a debt so large and so pervasive that in the next generation it may, if unpaid, wipe out most of the wealth it has gained us.
Whatever I have given, I have gained.
The feeling of health can only be gained by sickness.
Poetry is what is gained in translation.
With age, I've gained confidence.
It's natural to be afraid of replacing everything you already gained by a dream.
I have gained confidence in front of the camera.
I gained 50 pounds when I was carrying my baby.
When you have once gained sight, it is impossible to feign blindness. — © Svetlana Alliluyeva
When you have once gained sight, it is impossible to feign blindness.
Liberty may be gained, but can never be recovered.
We lost one child and we gained ten thousand children.
What has the church gained if it is popular but there is no conviction, no repentance, no power?
Nothing to be gained by worrying between now and then.
My body, thus, and all my good besides, And all my merits gained and to be gained, I give them all away withholding nothing To bring about the benefit of beings.
In Los Angeles, as I gained and lost celebrity, then gained it again, I often found myself wondering why I, out of thousands like me, had become famous.
I shot you, all right," he said, "and you lost something, but you gained something as well. You just don't know it yet. I gained something, too." What?" I got to keep my promise. I didn't leave you behind.
The past is gained, secure, and on record.
Nothing is gained by debate on non-debatable subjects.
Very few reputations are gained by unsullied virtue. — © Gilbert K. Chesterton
Very few reputations are gained by unsullied virtue.
I've gained great respect for the Republican leadership. I've gained great respect for many - and I'm going to even say - I mean, in different forms for the people on the dais, in different forms.
All knowledge is gained through an orderly loss of information.
I gained twenty pounds [during pregnancy of my wife].
My soul has gained the freedom of the night
I gained another friend.
Having, First, gained all you can, and, Secondly saved all you can, Then give all you can.
With my first, I gained 40 pounds; in the second, I gained 35, and with Stella, I gained 25. My thing is to get most of your weight off, or at least get into good eating habits and exercise routinely, the sooner the better.
At least half of the popular fallacies about economics come from assuming that economic activity is a zero-sum game, in which what is gained by someone is lost by someone else. But transactions would not continue unless both sides gained, whether in international trade, employment, or renting an apartment.
The fight with Holmes was a plus. I gained so much experience.
I don't think that developing countries gained from a two-stage process. A single phase summit (which is, after all, a two year process, not a three day event) would have built awareness, and would probably have led to more substantive conclusions at the end of the first summit meeting. Civil society may have gained a bit more from the networking experience, but it was less effective at networking in the second phase.
There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.
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