Top 166 Gdp Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Gdp quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
We are misery-making machines! Homo sapiens has perfected the art of causing suffering. Pain is humankind's collective GDP.
While I was at Microsoft, the annual revenues grew larger than the GDP of the Republic of Ghana.
America is dying at 1 percent GDP. — © Donald Trump
America is dying at 1 percent GDP.
We've actually been pretty good on exports. I mean we are exporting 12% of our GDP now roughly.
Equity, dignity, happiness, sustainability - these are all fundamental to our lives but absent in the GDP.
It is this obsession with GDP and FDI growth and a facile belief that this growth in the GDP would trickle down to the poor as well, that has led to the neglect of the genuine concerns of the poor in the country.
Cutting down a forest for timber adds to GDP, but what we don't record is the loss to our wealth in terms of natural resources.
A possibility is that we see more and more leverage, and credit-to-GDP ratios rise once more to even higher levels; eventually the banking systems of all advanced economies reach magnitudes of 500 percent, 1000 percent or more of GDP, so that every economy starts to have financial systems that resemble recent cases like Switzerland, Ireland, Iceland, or Cyprus. That might be a very fragile world to live in.
Whatever it is, in a 1% GDP world, I think people feel like there are other things they have to do other than just organic growth.
It's time we admitted that there's more to life than money, and it's time we focused not just on GDP, but on GWB - general well-being.
What Donald Trump is focused on is a policy of trade that looks after the interests of the American worker, not just the overall GDP numbers. And that is what is resonating.
Tourism is a very very important sector for us. Hospitality is an important sector for us. Civil Aviation is an important sector for us. In a country like India where they contribute to the GDP, not only GDP but millions of jobs have been provided through these sectors.
GDP simply measures the circulation of money in the economy, not whether or not the outcome of using that money is positive or negative. — © Caroline Lucas
GDP simply measures the circulation of money in the economy, not whether or not the outcome of using that money is positive or negative.
I think, my generation, it's hard to have hope when you got a $700-trillion derivatives debt to pay and a bubble about to explode and $500 trillion worth of GDP.
I have always said that I want Malawi to attain growth that should not just be seen in GDP, but in the growth of opportunities for all, protection for all, and equality for all.
What good is a high GDP if some, or even many, Americans are left behind?
Global warming could be solved by shifting three to four per cent of global GDP to pay for it.
Is it in the UK's interests to leave the EU? It depends on your values. The answer can't be read off of GDP statistics under various scenarios or some measures of global influence.
Entitlements seem to grow with prosperity; not only because they are indexed to inflation or GDP, but also because a prosperous country tells itself it can afford more benefits.
In general, the PC's always had a fairly decent tie to GDP.
If Black and African-Americans could participate in our economy at the same level that others do, it'd be a boost to GDP growth.
I'm pleased that some economists and sociologists are beginning to talk about, for example, alternative measures of human well-being - alternative, that is, to GDP, on which the world runs.
Our GDP growth rates are creating - our high GDP growth rates, the success of our economy means we're creating lots of disposable income.
If I can save 25 billion dollars in terms of reduction of import, I will be adding one percent to the GDP. By conserving the oil energy by the people, the GDP will become 5.5 percent, and this will change the economy of the country.
The first thing we should acknowledge is that poverty is hugely expensive. It varies from country to country, but most of the time it's around 3, 4 or 5% of GDP. If you look at what it would cost just to top up the income of all the poor people in a country, it would cost about 1% of GDP.
Since environmental and health damage is not factored into reducing GDP - and in fact the resulting health costs and the costs of cleaning up the environment would also inflate GDP, a GDP obsessed government would try and dismantle environmental and health regulations.
My belief is India's banking industry will continue to grow at two and a half times the GDP growth rate.
The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income as defined by the GDP.
Charitable giving in the United States has remained at 2% of GDP since 1970.
Our estimates suggest that a tax increase of 1 percent of GDP reduces output over the next three years by nearly 3 percent. The effect is highly significant.
More debt interest, higher taxes, a smaller GDP. That is the Liberal plan.
GDP does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play
We are going to have an integrated plan and work closely between commerce and treasury to make sure that we drive growth in this country. Our number one priority is sustained 3-4% GDP.
Slow growth and inflation have a tendency to accompany large deficits and increasing debt as a percentage of GDP.
Trade may raise GDP. But it does make some people worse off.
In macroeconomic theory, there is this argument that what the Fed does has no effect on unemployment, no effect on investment, no effect on the rate of GDP growth.
Only five NATO countries, including the United States, are currently meeting their minimum requirement to spend 2% of GDP on defense.
You have these crops of poppies that supply something like 90% of the heroin sold in Europe and actually represents more than half of the Afghanistan's GDP. — © Khaled Hosseini
You have these crops of poppies that supply something like 90% of the heroin sold in Europe and actually represents more than half of the Afghanistan's GDP.
World talks GDP but in Bhutan its about National Happiness. Am sure having India as a neighbour would be 1 of the reasons for the happiness.
Too much of the GDP over the last generation has gone to too few of the people.
Qatar is giving 2.8% of our GDP to research. This is something again that is a breakthrough, as nobody was even thinking of research as a tool or component for advancement in this part of the world.
I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.
I'm sure Mark Carney is a very clever young man, but I think that the government would be mad to move from inflation targeting to money GDP targeting.
Today's market action is driven by the slower GDP growth rate. Despite oil being higher, I think the GDP kind of overruled everything and just makes the market feel better about what the Fed is going to do, or rather not do.
Six percent, 5 percent of our GDP for him [Vladimir Putin] to match us, he has to spend 25 percent of his GDP and it will bankrupt his country.
For any economy, there are two basic factors determining how many jobs are available at any given time. The first is the overall level of activity - with GDP as a rough, if inadequate measure of overall activity - and the second is what share of GDP goes to hiring people into jobs. In terms of our current situation, after the Great Recession hit in full in 2008, US GDP has grown at an anemic average rate of 1.3 percent per year, as opposed to the historic average rate from 1950 until 2007 of 3.3 percent.
If there is one number to which the rights of millions will be happily sacrificed, it is the national GDP growth rate.
If the U.S. doubled its total immigration and prioritized bringing in new workers, it could add more than half a percentage point a year to expected GDP growth.
Western Europe GDP per capita - not taking into account the new accession counties - was lower in 2001 relative to that of the US than any time since the 1960's. — © John Hutton
Western Europe GDP per capita - not taking into account the new accession counties - was lower in 2001 relative to that of the US than any time since the 1960's.
GDP is a function of capital, labour and how productively you use both.
In the last 5 years, American employers have lost over $150 billion of productivity to depression alone. That is more than the GDP of 28 different States during the same period.
India needs to be liberated both from the 'high GDP growth hedgehogs' and the 'conservation at all costs hedgehogs.'
When gross public debt exceeds 90 percent of GDP, economic growth tends to decline considerably.
Our gross domestic product, or GDP, is barely above 1 percent. And going down.
The issue of universal coverage is not a matter of economics. Little more than 1 percent of GDP assigned to health could cover all. It is a matter of soul.
If you are moving the informal economy into the formal economy, and if the transactions which for years were never reported as part of GDP are now transacted through banking channels, it will only add to the GDP, not reduce the GDP.
GDP tells you nothing about sustainability
GDP excludes care work and other unpaid work, most of which falls to women and girls in rich and in poor countries alike.
We shouldn't measure everything in terms of GDP figures or economics. There is something called quality of life.
Without productivity gains, any growth in GDP is exactly offset by population growth, and the average income stays the same.
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