Top 1200 Get Back Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Get Back quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I not only went back to the 'All Stars' gig for myself but also for my fans. I wanted them to see the story of even if you get knocked down, you get back up, you keep going and you can win.
To get back to the real substance of all things, you must get back into the thought world. Until one knows that the thought-energy is the cause of which is back of all things, and the product only the effect, then he is tied to the effect and is limited by it.
It's really important, especially for young girls, to see that if you fall down, you get back up. If you get sick, you get back up. People are going to say what they want. — © Kat Graham
It's really important, especially for young girls, to see that if you fall down, you get back up. If you get sick, you get back up. People are going to say what they want.
"I've always thought there was this underlying thing in Paul's "Get Back." When we were in the studio recording it, every time he sang the line "Get back to where you once belonged," he'd look at Yoko."
At twenty I tried to die And get back, back, back to you. I thought even the bones would do.
If you're white, you're alright. If you're brown, stick around. but if you're black, oh baby. Get back, Get back, Get back.
We don't always get everything. And sometimes we worry too much about our circumstances. We think oh I'll be happy when I get my job back, or I'll be happy when I get a man back, but it's really about allowing God to give us joy now.
When you get hit, you hit back, you've got to do it. You don't just say "I didn't get hit, oh I didn't get hit." When you get hit, we are destroying our country with these sick people [from mass media] back there, and they know it better than anybody in this arena.
When you first come back from a long-term injury, you're just trying to get your body in order and trying to get back into the training and match routine.
Stryker was a company that allowed me, when I had my knee replaced and I got the Stryker GetAroundKnee put in, to get my career back and get my life back.
I think we get the world we deserve. People who love get love back, and people who hate, or fear, they get those back too.
Most of the times that I've written break-up songs, it's been different because I was always trying to get back to something: get back to a situation or talk my way or sing my way back into the relationship.
Time is the only luxury. It's the only thing you can't get back. If you lose your luggage - I'm not gonna say the obvious brand of luggage that I'd normally say because I've got a meeting with them soon - if you lose your expensive luggage at the airport, you can get that back. You can't get the time back.
It's a huge challenge for us to get the (43) car back to Victory Lane, to get the car in the Chase, to get back to where I would love to see us win the championship, ... Is it a reality next year You've seen a lot of things happen in the sport and you look at it and ask 'How'd that happen'
Being injured, coming back, playing a few games, trying to get your fitness back, getting injured again - you don't get a chance to prove what you can do. — © Jack Wilshere
Being injured, coming back, playing a few games, trying to get your fitness back, getting injured again - you don't get a chance to prove what you can do.
When you have a nightmare, you think, 'What caused this?' And then you can sometimes get the same scenario two or three nights, back to back. Or something really bad happens, and you feel absolutely sad and do not want it to be real. You don't want to fall asleep and get sucked back into that same dream.
If you listen to [Donald] Trump, he`s going to make sure we get our jobs back from Mexico, and jobs back from China. Now, he`s mentioned Vietnam, we`re going to get the jobs back from Vietnam.
I think sometimes with new characters, you can kind of hit a creative valley, and it's important to recognize when you're in that valley so you can get back out and get back to that peak.
The welfare system was designed to do something different when it was started than what it does now. It was a safety net to help people get back to work: if they were sick, it would help them get back.
To get back-to-back wins in the Cup Series is something I've always dreamed of doing, and to get it done feels great.
It has been difficult to get back on the saddle, particularly after getting whiplash and concussion, but it's just about understanding that sometimes it's OK to say, 'I don't want to get back on my bike for week.'
Obsession is the single most wasteful human activity, because with an obsession you keep coming back and back and back to the same question and never get an answer.
I haven't done period dramas back-to-back, or really anything back-to-back. You get asked to do what you're most recently famed for, so I'm careful of not repeating myself.
When you get born your father and mother lost something out of themselves, and they are going to bust a ham trying to get it back, and you are it. They know they can't get it all back but they will get as big a chunk out of you as they can.
After what happened with my mom passing, I was just like I need to get back. I just need to get back to my routine, get back to playing basketball.
I think that we have to be very careful and get back into the loop, get back to nature. Get back to God and not let the technology send us somewhere that we're going to regret.
I like the thought that what we are to do on this earth is embellish it for its greater beauty, so that oncoming generations can look back to the shapes we leave here and get the same thrill that I get in looking back at theirs - at the Parthenon, at Chartres Cathedral.
People look to you to replace a part in their lives that they can't get back. You can't get the past back, you can't do it. We've all tried.
And whenever I do step away from the Internet or the music too long, it's like I have to slowly get back into myself to get back into the groove.
Figure out what you want, how you want to feel, whatever your motivation is, you have to figure it out. That's step one: where do you want to be? The next thing is just trying to get there and cutting yourself some slack along the way. You're going to have days when you veer off your path, then just get right back on. We all have cheat days, holidays, or celebrations, whatever or period when we can't work out as much as we like, and just do the best you can and when you can get back on track, get back on track.
I needed an opportunity to get back in the studio and get my recording chops back together.
I had some dark days, but not once did I think I wouldn't play again - it was just a case of what sort of level I'd get back at. Would I get back to where I wanted to be?
Even when my opponent hits a very good shot, I don't just want to get it back. I want to get it back so they have difficulty. And then I can control the point.
When you get back control of your country, you get proper democracy. You get back proper debate.
I had tried to get focused on other things. But I always ended up back in the same place, and it wasn't making me happy. I needed to get the focus back.
I've really been trying to go back to when I was 18 and rediscover the things that drove me, and my passions. How do I get back to being that strong? Because I feel like as I get older, I'm not as fearless as I was when I was 18.
We have to get families back in the game, get back where Saturday night, everything stops. A case of beer comes out and a bottle of rye and anyone who comes to the house, they better want to watch hockey.
No one wants to go back to a situation where, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, you, you can be deprived of coverage. No one wants to go back to a situation where, if you get seriously ill, you can get thrown off your insurance. Seniors don't want to go back to paying more for their prescription drugs.
We must get back to a very strong Christianity... Christianity shaped America and England, and we need to get back to those moral foundations that made us great. — © George Carey
We must get back to a very strong Christianity... Christianity shaped America and England, and we need to get back to those moral foundations that made us great.
This is a setback. You get back up, you dust yourself off, and you get back in the game. We had a great singer named Ray Charles who wrote a song called 'Drowning in My Tears.' You can't afford to drown in your tears. You gotta go back, rededicate yourself, redouble your efforts, and persevere.
That's the beauty of coaching. You get to touch lives, you get to make a difference. You get to do things for people who will never pay you back and they say you never have had a perfect day until you've done something for someone who will never pay you back.
I remember when I fought Kevin Randleman, I was so wary about him taking me down, I figured it if he takes me down, was going to be so hard for me to get back up because he's just so good at ground and pound and keeping you on your back and it takes so much energy to get back up.
I think fans oftentimes get an inferior product on back-to-back games, and I think that has to be the number one thing that gets addressed for the fans and for the players - the elimination or the drastic reduction of back-to-back games.
Every manager has different opinions and all you can do as a player is try to fight and get your spot back, or at least earn your manager's trust back to try and get your spot back. There's no use sulking about it, you just get on with it and try to raise your game to get back to the level you need to be when you were starting.
You've got to remember, the older you get the slower you get. I've seen a lot of players get old ... if I can have a good season in 1972 and come back with another good one, well, that's different. I might not quit. But two bad ones back to back and staying home would be written on the wall.
I ain't never loan friends money; I give it to 'em and I don't expect to get it back. Even when he says, "I'll pay you back," I never expect it. If he gives it back, then hey, that's a feather in his cap, but I don't expect to get it back.
I had set a goal with my team to try and get back to the top of the rankings, but I never thought with the depth in the game this year that I would have been able to get it back so quickly.
The sense of urgency is real for me, because the window of opportunity is closing. Gotta get back to the Super Bowl, gotta get back there and win it.
I did this campaign that was called "Back to the Basics" where I went back to the street, went back to my block, and really felt the people. We've got to go back to that sometimes. We distance ourselves from that and we see it from afar. Some people can't relate back to that; once you're out of it, they don't want to relate back to that. It's always good to get back to the basics, though. You've got to touch the roots, you've got to touch those people. Regardless of what's going on, people always respect that.
The two years out on loan were about trying to get experience and work as hard as I could to make sure when I came back I could give myself the best chance to get back to Chelsea and get in the team. That was my goal.
get back, get back! ill turn you into a piglet! ast a bula- no wait. that turns ME into a piglet!! — © Margaret Weis
get back, get back! ill turn you into a piglet! ast a bula- no wait. that turns ME into a piglet!!
Phone calls are much more personal than texting and then when you get a girl on the phone, it's like you ask a question and you get a response back. For a text message, they can read it and get back to it whenever they want to. So that makes a difference, almost like a power play in a way.
If I leave my computer, I'm probably not going to get back for hours. If I take a few minutes to answer questions and go web surfing, then guilt kicks in and I get back to work.
I've always got that determination, to get back in the squad and get back playing.
If you lose 50%, it takes 100% to get back to where you started-and that takes something you can never get back: time.
I wanna get back To the old days When the phone would ring And I knew it was you I wanna talk back And get yelled at Fight for nothing Like we used to Oh kiss me Like you mean it Like you miss me Cuz I know you do I wanna get back, get back I wanna get back, get back I wanna get back, get back Get Back
I just want to get out there and see what else is going on, but I will be back; obviously, the goal is to get back to WWE.
The big missing part of the jig-saw is to get the assembly back up and running here in Northern Ireland, to get shared government back in business, that is my objective, and we await the IRA statement to see if this will trigger a new dawn.
I hear a lot of cries of socialism and certainly real disguises of "Why should I share my money with these people?" We have to get back to "we." It's important to get back to "we" not just "I."
I think all my work's been about how do women get back into our bodies; how do men get back. We're all disassociated.
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