Top 1200 Get Moving Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Get Moving quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Healthy foods are great, but it's important to keep your body active. Your muscles only get stronger and build more endurance for everyday things if you're moving and get the blood pumping. Exercising stimulates certain brain chemicals and can put you in a better mood!
As you go along, you realize you have ambitions but when you get there, you want something else, so you're moving very quickly.
One of my earliest memories of something that caught my attention was of a steam locomotive. I guess mainly because they have so many moving parts that are out in the open. You can watch the valves moving back and forth - the driving rods.
I like to get people moving and jumping. I think it's good to add more emotion and chaos. — © Chuck Palahniuk
I like to get people moving and jumping. I think it's good to add more emotion and chaos.
I support an all-of-the-above approach attacking climate change - everything from moving America towards being carbon-neutral, moving our country towards clean energy.
We're all moving, moving, moving. Isn't it nice?
The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.
Comedy is a weird thing. You have to understand, it's the weirdest thing you can do. There's no consensus. It's not like... People say, "I saw Saving Private Ryan, and that scene on the beach is just so moving." I can't imagine anyone who would say "I don't find that moving!" But you can show, whether it's Laurel & Hardy or the Three Stooges or Jiminy Glick In Lalawood, some people are going to look at it and say "That's the funniest thing I've ever seen." Some people will say "I don't get it." Who's right, who's wrong?
Find out what schismogenesis means. Schismogenesis is anthropology. It says relationships between people are not stable. They are either moving up or moving down. The same is true for brands. You need to understand where you are.
I think quality will be increasingly important-we're moving away from a time of fast fashion. But really, the only constant in fashion is that you must keep moving forward, otherwise you'll be left behind.
It is hard when you fall. I know that feeling. That disappointment sucks. You've just got to get up and keep moving.
People come and people go, moving fast and moving slow, I'm in a crowd and yet I'm all alone.
In order to get big things done, sometimes, presidents have to be deft at moving the pea around under the shells.
We were supposed to stay over in Boston, but when Scribners heard I'd won the Pulitzer, they told me to get on a plane - that Katie Couric wanted my body. And when Katie Couric wants your body, you get moving right away.
We are an industry that has historically been at the forefront of defining new media environments in ways that benefit consumers and move our entire business model forward. We must ensure that while we are moving quickly, we are also moving smartly.
Whether your sport of choice is running, cycling, kite surfing, etc. start moving and stay moving! It will give you energy and help you stay young. — © Richard Branson
Whether your sport of choice is running, cycling, kite surfing, etc. start moving and stay moving! It will give you energy and help you stay young.
I get my dance moves from just moving around and listening to music and not really worrying about if it's perfect or not.
If you're constantly moving, you can get in a monotony that's just as equally boring as sitting still for a long period of time.
I have a tendency, just because I'm an ambitious person, to get impatient with things and want them to be moving faster then they are.
Now if we can get white population, immigrants and big companies and so on moving into Africa and if we can get with that Scientology well established in Southern Africa, why we can then look forward to a salvage operation base, in case the northern hemisphere's lights go out.
Sometimes moving on takes effort. Sometimes moving on is harder than it looks.
It's always relevant - moving forward into the future and finding out who you are. I think those themes never get stale.
It's hard to be happy when you are facing 120 to 140 degree temperatures and nothing seems to be moving in a direction that you think or they think or you've been told it's supposed to be moving in.
If one concentrates on one thing and does not get away from it ... he will possess strong, moving power.
Never stop moving, or you'll stop moving. I go to dance class every morning, and it's just good to stay strong; I like being healthy.
I've lost jobs before; I've had contracts not renewed, and it didn't get me down. I didn't get upset; I just keep it moving. That has always been the case, and that will always be the case. You must look out for you.
That nice, soft pillow and the warm blanket, and it's all comfortable, and no one wants to leave that comfort - but if you can wake up early in the morning, get a head start on everyone else that's still sleeping, get productive time doing things that you need to do - that's a huge piece to moving your life forward.
Here's the problem with Easter. The Catholic Church needs to pick a date because it keeps moving. And I think the reason they always have Easter moving to different dates is to catch us.
Forty freaked me out. I didn't see it coming. My life was in a state of chaos - I was moving jobs and moving house - and it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
If people don't actively knock the scenery over and they get the words out in something approximating the right order, you're moving on.
When something changes in Episode 7, you have to then begin moving things around, shuffling things backwards. Once you start moving material into it, that can derail your whole arc.
Sometimes I get more of a mainstream crowd that just is not moving to what I'm playing. I have to have crossover secret weapons.
I am able to get up and dust myself off and keep moving forward. I'm very stubborn.
I don't want to have to get the lesson of losing [things like health and moving about freely] to appreciate what it was.
You want to be busy and try and get the scoreboard moving, and showing that intent when you go out there is important.
Someone comes and drags you in front of the camera, and they're already saying, "Okay, we got it. Moving on." You get one or two takes. So it's a tough job.
We talk nonstop about what needs to be changed, and everyone has excuses for why the changes can't happen. I believe we must change our educational system first to get the changes moving forward. I'm happy to be a voice and get in front of an audience who can help by making education a priority.
We want to encourage the young ones to learn and get some confidence in sports. It's fun and keeps you active and moving.
It was like Percy had faced death before, like he knew about grief. What mattered was listening. You didn’t need to say you were sorry. The only thing that helped was moving on—moving forward.
It took me a long time to get comfortable with the idea of being photographed by a moving or still camera. — © Cate Blanchett
It took me a long time to get comfortable with the idea of being photographed by a moving or still camera.
After moving to California, I decided to go back to school and get an education on various aspects of the entertainment industry.
I try to get myself up and moving as early as possible. Optimum is to be on the treadmill while it is still dark outside.
Any of the exercises that you start out with will get the kundalini moving. You don't have to stay with them for the entire period of meditation.
Sometimes it's just enough to keep your body moving. I get depressed if I don't move.
But for me, to get the tattoo was part of moving into adulthood. Making a choice that is permanent and that I'll have to stick with.
Mayors are leaders, doers. We get things done, and we are moving America's cities forward.
Things would get difficult again. But that was okay too. The bravery was in moving forward, no matter what.
Any time I'm in a moving thing, like an airplane, I'm usually asleep before we even get on our way.
I've learned that I get blocked when my subconscious mind is telling me that I've taken the work in a wrong direction, and that once I start listening to what my subconscious is trying to tell me, I can work out the problem and get moving again.
I've changed my whole angle for dance. I'm moving towards moving back rather than hanging out with my peers. I'm reaching back to older dudes for a second.
Thousands of people in my district need health insurance, and ACA is helping them. I'm committed to do everything I can to help people get enrolled and get covered, and that includes moving needed reforms for the bill and helping people find affordable coverage.
You get into pro ball and you realize all the guys were the best players on their teams. You have to keep moving forward. — © Matt Holliday
You get into pro ball and you realize all the guys were the best players on their teams. You have to keep moving forward.
If I couldn't get to the national team, I wanted to get as much as I could out of soccer, and I think moving abroad was my opportunity to do that. I think that, in turn, playing with that freedom and that spirit allowed me to play a lot better. I escalated my game quickly just by being happy.
Dance is a physical and mental workout. Once you get your body moving, you'll see a difference.
We all just keep moving, September. We keep moving until we stop.
Are you moving forward, or just moving?
You don't need a gym to develop real strength. Just get an empty keg of beer and fill it with sand or water and simply pick it up, carry it in your back yard, flip it, anything just to get moving for as little as 15 minutes.
Waiting is a huge part of being a refugee. You're waiting at borders to get across. You're waiting for transportation. The waiting that people do in Turkey to get aboard one of these boats is incredible. And then when they finally do get aboard, it's the last place they want to be. It's harrowing. That is the horrible irony of a refugee's life. You wait and wait for the next step, and when you get to the next step, it's awful. You don't want to be doing it. But you have to. You have to keep moving forward.
I know I'm not trying to fight past 40 so I'd like to get in as many as I can and keep the train moving.
Yet now the industrialized world is moving away from fossil fuels and moving towards renewable sources of energy. And because we have not invested so much into education, we don't have the technology and sometimes we don't even have the capital to buy this technology.
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