Top 1200 Get Moving Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Get Moving quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Six years of your life is a long time to do anything, and especially in this business, where you get so used to being nomadic and moving on to different jobs.
Moving on after a break up is a great way to get back on your feet and start feeling happy again.
My mistakes are always around moving too slow or moving too fast without process behind it. And it's something that, if we're not careful, we'll repeat again and again.
Bill Clinton may in fact be moving back into the White House. And coincidentally I'm thinking about moving back into my mother's house. — © David Letterman
Bill Clinton may in fact be moving back into the White House. And coincidentally I'm thinking about moving back into my mother's house.
We've got people, our friends and neighbors, who are losing their jobs, factories being closed. We have to get America moving again.
The challenge has always been to wrest emotion out of a doll face that we think of as only having one emotion. It's moving a light, moving my camera; it's just this mental investment that I make, and suddenly, everything changes.
Moving towards better rather than moving away from bad is an attitude of embracing life rather than rejecting it.
They say that moving is one of the most stressful things in life. Death in the family is the second most stressful, and moving your dead spouse is the third.
Moving on' is a concept invented by Housewives. Housewives who behave so appallingly all they can do is say they are moving on, preferably in a place where everyone can hear them. To stay put and acknowledge that their actions have consequences and to accept responsibility is simply too painful for this particular brand of narcissist.
I think transwomen, and transpeople in general, show everyone that you can define what it means to be a man or woman on your own terms. A lot of what feminism is about is moving outside of roles and moving outside of expectations of who and what you're supposed to be to live a more authentic life.
My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you're moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again.
A lot of times with novels, you can get a really deep, engaging story, but there's not a lot happening, frankly. Those books tend to be super-literary and dense, and they require a lot of commitment, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you want fast-moving action and gore and plot and excitement, you can get shorted on that.
I'm a stickler for structure. So I tend to make sure I'm hitting certain points in the script and that I'm progressing and moving things along. You know, are the characters keeping the plot moving along? And are they true, and do I know their motivations?
[With Donald Trump] we are moving into an era where a lot of people get their information through tweets and sound bites and some headline that comes over their phone.
1. Organize before they rise! 2. They feel no fear, why should you? 3. Use your head: cut off theirs. 4. Blades don't need reloading. 5. Ideal protection = tight clothes, short hair. 6. Get up the staircase, then destroy it. 7. Get out of the car, get onto the bike. 8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert! 9. No place is safe, only safer. 10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on.
Now that Serbia is moving towards integration into Europe, the opportunities to get closer cooperation may very well exist. — © Ben Cardin
Now that Serbia is moving towards integration into Europe, the opportunities to get closer cooperation may very well exist.
Sometimes it feels like energy or electricity when it is moving in and through us, but spiritual power is really a distinctive kind of knowledge that is like the key that opens the door or the switch that starts the energy moving.
So many people glorify and romanticize 'busy.' I do not. I value purpose. I believe in resting in reason and moving in passion. If you’re always busy/moving, you will miss important details. I like the mountain. Still, but when it moves, lands shift and earth quakes.
We've got to get things done. We've got an economy that is stabilized, but not moving ahead.
I still love racing and the challenge of it, but at some point, you get to a place where you're perfectly happy moving on and doing other stuff.
The Senate is indeed a deliberative body, and that quality serves the nation well. A slow-moving government helps us maintain a stable government. But slow moving is not the same as immobile.
Just look for a strong beginning and a strong ending and get moving.
I only want to keep moving up and up in terms of quality and be careful with perception. I don't just want to do things that are the pretty girl with lots of makeup, I want to get into the gritty stuff and get down and dirty and dark and really feed my soul and not my vanity.
I love television, and my love for it has made me curious about writing it. It feels like television's moving toward something more novelistic, and that's what I started wanting to do. But I can't say that I'm dying to get notes from a studio. The artistic control that you get as a playwright is worth its weight in gold.
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!
I could never plan to have a career that went this well... you know, there were times when it didn't: when it went into the toilet, or ducked, or was difficult to get moving.
Once you are over 30, 35 years old, I think everyone should get down to the gym and start moving again.
You don't always have to get an expensive gym membership. The important thing is to keep moving and to make it fun and have variety - it's the spice of life.
A lazy part of us is like a tumbleweed. It doesn’t move on its own. Sometimes it takes A lot of Depression to get tumbleweeds moving.
You are going somewhere. Every day. Every experience you get. You're moving forward.
One of the easiest ways to get a buff back is with exercise bands. They're inexpensive, and you can increase resistance by moving a hand to shorten their length.
Life is a series of adjustments; You can make changes along the way, but if you dodn't start moving forward you'll never get anywhere!
Considering that Americans are now moving away from whiskey, moving away from brown spirits in general, I believe that they will all join Russians who drink vodka straight. They will sip it like cognac.
You just keep moving forward and doing what you do, and hope that it resonates with people. And if it doesn't, you just keep moving on until you find a project that does.
We've been trying to get my body and head moving toward the target on the downswing. I have a tendency to hang back and not release the club.
It was announced that President Obama and his wife, when they're finished in Washington, are moving to New York City. The guy just can't get enough gridlock.
What's crucial is to never get stuck. Making hard decisions is such an important part of being a startup in order to keep moving forward.
During the slow recovery after the Great Recession, inflation was very low, and it took us a while to get it back moving up.
Logistically, moving from Miami and New Orleans all the way to Seattle isn't the easiest thing. Really, for my dog, she was kind of the biggest hurdle to get here. — © Jimmy Graham
Logistically, moving from Miami and New Orleans all the way to Seattle isn't the easiest thing. Really, for my dog, she was kind of the biggest hurdle to get here.
Technology should do the hard work, so you can get on and live your life. We're only at one percent of what's possible, and we're moving slow relative to the opportunity we have.
My company is known for being funny as well as moving. You get a bit of everything in these shows. I think people know they're going to have a surprising experience.
It is hard to begin to move when you don't know where you are moving, how to move, or if you are going to get there.
To have 'In The Heights' be my first show in New York after moving here, I remember feeling at the time like, you know, 'It doesn't get any better than this.'
We know that from the studies, like the Gilens and Page study out of Northwestern and Princeton, if you didn't know it from real life. We're not moving forward, we're moving backwards, and the clock is ticking on this, whether you look at climate or the expanding wars.
The spiritual journey involves going beyond hope and fear, stepping into unknown territory, continually moving forward. The most important aspect of being on the spiritual path may be just to keep moving.
I feel like my public life isn't necessarily my own. I'm starting to get used to how to maneuver and operate in New York in a way that I don't get stopped all the time. I just pretty much say "Thank you." But one of the things is to try to keep moving. Not to stop too long, because people try to get into a conversation with you all the time. The hardest thing is on the subway, or when people try to chase you down.
You just keep moving forward and doing what you do and hope that it resonates with people. And if it doesn't, you just keep moving on until you find a project that does.
If I can get that DAM trio back together again - "get the band back together" - and put on a concert of David Bowie's electronic music, that's the way I want to remember David, moving forward into the future of music.
What we need to get right is not focusing on the fear associated with quantity - not enough, scarcity, and lack - and moving instead to a worldview that explores quality and connectedness.
I guess I get a little sentimental, but I'm so used to moving on and making myself stronger where that's concerned, otherwise I would just be a wreck!
Everything that happens is supposed to be And it's all pre-determined, can't change your destiny Guess I'll just keep moving, someday maybe I'll get to where I'm going — © Conor Oberst
Everything that happens is supposed to be And it's all pre-determined, can't change your destiny Guess I'll just keep moving, someday maybe I'll get to where I'm going
I need to keep moving my game forward, because Test batsmen will keep moving their games forward.
Certain jobs [films] are for the business really, because they get an audience, they get a global audience. Certain jobs are as an artist. If I can keep moving forward and strike some form of balance between them two, then I'm going to feel content.
I am happy, and I have many reasons to be extra-happy nowadays. Life is calm, and the career is good and taking its course. And things are moving, things are moving ahead.
I remember moving out to L.A. straight after college and just starting to try to write scripts and trying to get stuff off the ground.
My message with 'LazyTown' has always been really simple; I just want to get kids and families moving together.
When you react, you don't give your mind the time to get filled with emotions. You are devoid of anger, fear, and frustration; you are simply moving.
Traffic in Joburg is like the democratic process. Every time you think it's going to get moving and take you somewhere, you hit another jam.
When you retire, you don't get fat and old. C'mon: it's like a shark. Sharks never stop swimming; that's when they die. You gotta keep moving.
To get a big company moving fast, especially on a many-headed opportunity like the Internet, you have to have hundreds of people participating and coming up with ideas.
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