Top 1200 Gets Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Gets quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
There's no good way to die, you know? No way I've seen, anyway. It all ends with tubes and bedpans and IVs and I just-- smoking gets me out of there. Gets me outside, gets me away from all the--" "Sick people?" I say, and she shakes her head. "Away from my life.
Oh, I get it, it's simple. PG means the hero gets the girl, 15 means that the villain gets the girl, and 18 means everybody gets the girl.
Nobody gets to say who we love, or who we lay down beside, or take as our husband, lover, life, or bride. Nobody gets to decide what's for some, that others should hide. Pride. Nobody gets to choose but YOU.
Reinforce what you want to see repeated.What gets rewarded gets done. — © Brian Tracy
Reinforce what you want to see repeated.What gets rewarded gets done.
I'm almost mentally incapable of drawing a distinction between art I make for the masses, or my clients, and that I make for myself. It all flows from what gets me off, ultimately. It's my viewpoint, and I don't particularly care if it gets seen by gallery patrons, magazine readers, internet audiences, or my friends, as long as it gets seen.
It's very rare to find a basketball coach that gets both: that gets the Xs and Os and also gets life.
Nothing in life is static; it either gets better, or it gets worse.
In my experience, sometimes a movie just hits at the wrong time, gets the wrong press, or gets the wrong representation, and it gets misunderstood.
What you see is when the government gets involved, you run out of money and health care gets rationed.
I've noticed that loneliness gets stronger when we try to face it down, but gets weaker when we simply ignore it.
Will Ferrell makes me laugh a lot when he gets out there and gets crazy.
Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Early bird gets the worm, but the second worm gets to live. Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
Any audience that gets a laugh out of me gets it while I'm facing them
The closer one gets to elections or wars, the further one gets from the truth. — © Tony Blankley
The closer one gets to elections or wars, the further one gets from the truth.
I hate to lose. It's a bad feeling, but, I mean, it kind of gets you resettled, gets you back right.
She comes to me when she wants to be fed. And after I feed her -- guess what -- she's off to wherever she wants to be in the house, until the next time she gets hungry. She's smart enough to know she can't feed herself. She's actually a very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn't have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat's taught me more about women, than anything my whole life.
I am living proof that no matter how bad life gets, it gets better.
Any audience that gets a laugh out of me gets it while I'm facing them.
When a child falls over and gets injured, he gets back up and carries on playing. It's no different for me.
Today when a man gets married he gets a home, a housekeeper, a cook, a cheering squad and another paycheck. When a woman marries, she gets a boarder. To define it rudely but not ineptly, engineering is the art of doing that well with one dollar, which any bungler can do with two after a fashion.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
Every country gets the circus it deserves. Spain gets bullfights. Italy the Church. America Hollywood.
Eddie is the firehouse of this team. When he gets it going, he gets it going. He is definitely tough to stop when he gets in a groove.
I find my breath gets short, but it seldom gets longer as a man gets older. I take it as it comes, and make the most of it. That's the best way, ain't it?
Mania can be as terrifying as it gets. It is certainly as insane as one gets and so it's frightening when it gets out of control, but there are periods of mania when it can be extremely attractive.
What gets measured, gets done. And what gets recognized gets done again, and even better.
When there is a crisis, the first thing that gets damaged and gets harmed is democracy.
We have always been a nation that has celebrated success of various kinds. The kid that gets the honor roll, the individual worker that gets a promotion, the person that gets a better job. And in fact, the person that builds a business. And by the way, if you have a business and you started it, you did build it. And you deserve credit for that.
I'm the one who gets called up about a problem. I'm the one who gets called up about the street lighting and the abandoned car. I'm the one who gets blamed if the police don't arrive. I'm the one they blame if a city truck is broken down.
Everyone gets very excited about the idea of space travel, but... it's not going to be everybody that gets to go.
As children we all wonder - we wonder all the time. And that gets lost in adulthood. It gets beaten out, it gets filtered out or diluted out.
The restructuring theme can be of various kinds. Some amount of debt gets serviced out of cash flows, some gets back-ended and resolved with sale of non-core assets of the company, and some debt gets converted into equity which might today look like a haircut.
Messi gets kicked by everybody, and he gets up and carries on. Doesn't scream, doesn't fake injury.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease but the quacking duck gets shot.
The Land of Faery, Where nobody gets old and godly and grave, Where nobody gets old and crafty and wise, Where nobody gets old and bitter of tongue.
When you're on the road, it gets a bit crazy. I've been on the road for about two weeks, and squeezed about 11 shows into 14 days. It's funny, traveling cross country isn't what kills ya - it's driving the two hours to the one-nighters and back. That's what gets exhausting, it gets to the point where seeing your kids is the relief.
It's great to do stuff that 'gets you out of the house' in a way - that gets you to meet other people!
My heart gets tight and it's almost like my soul gets congested if I'm not making music.
If a farmer fills his barn with grain, he gets mice. If he leaves it empty, he gets actors. — © Walter Scott
If a farmer fills his barn with grain, he gets mice. If he leaves it empty, he gets actors.
I like when the ice gets thin, the going gets rough, the guests get edgy.
The job satisfaction that an opener gets no other batsman gets.
It gets frustrating when you play basketball for your whole life and then it gets taken from you for a little bit.
Evaluate what you want - because what gets measured, gets produced.
But if the cow is purple, you'd notice it, OK? The thing that's going to decide what gets talked about, what gets done, what gets changed, what gets purchased, what gets built is, is it remarkable? And remarkable's a really cool word 'cause we think it just means neat, but it also means worth making a remark about, and that is the essence of where idea diffusion is going.
Whatever gets your goat gets your attention. Whatever gets your attention gets your time. Whatever gets your time gets you. Whatever gets you becomes your master. Take care, lest a little thing horn in and get your goat
If a man is wise, he gets rich an' if he gets rich, he gets foolish, or his wife does. That's what keeps the money movin' around.
Middle School is about as bad as it gets, and then it gets better.
As a person gets older, time gets more interesting. As a kid, you waste so much of it.
It’s not like your soul gets older. It gets wiser. — © Cindy Crawford
It’s not like your soul gets older. It gets wiser.
One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point of attraction and gives him more of it. So the better it gets the better it gets. Or the worse it gets the worse it gets. While one who is a visionary thrives in all times.
Mostly everything gets worse before it gets better.
It's not just fleet of foot or speed. It's about who gets caught and gets knocked out.
If you properly clean a room, it gets dirtier before it gets cleaner.
Ian Ashby is very underrated and it's right he gets the accolades he gets
People say it gets better but it doesn't. It just gets different, that's all.
What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated
If the girl is good looking and talented, and for some reason the film doesn't work, she gets a second chance. But if subsequent films don't work, she gets branded as an 'iron leg.' The whole thing gets negative.
As the economy gets better, everything else gets worse.
You don't want to always put a bunch of sugar in you. Because your sugar gets high, it gets stuck in your blood, it gets stuck in your system. It makes you tired. You have the ups and downs.
I am an actor who gets into a role only when the director says 'action' and gets out of it with 'cut.'
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