Top 1200 Girl Groups Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Girl Groups quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
It's because the idea of what's cool is different. When you talk to a girl who goes to regular school, what's cool is whether or not you've been to jail, or if you have a car. If you talk to a girl who goes to art school, what's cool to her is if you do art projects on the weekend with your dad, if you can build something - out-of-the-norm stuff.
I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loath and despise the groups they identify or belong to.
We need more leaders speaking up for minority groups who have been marginalized and attacked. — © Keith Ellison
We need more leaders speaking up for minority groups who have been marginalized and attacked.
I believe remembers the girl he thinks he should have married. She reappears to him in his lonely moments, or he sees her in the face of a young girl in the park, buying a snowball under an oak tree by the baseball diamond. But she belongs to back there, to somebody else, and that thought sometimes rends your heart in a way that you never share with anyone else.
I'm not loved by GLAAD or by HRC. I'm not going to be a spokesman for those groups, which are based on fundraising.
I do not want church groups controlling the schools of our country. They must remain free.
All I know is it was very easy for us to write the Barb character and I think that, you know, Shannon Purser - who had never acted before - just did such a brilliant job realizing her. And, again, without very many lines - 25 lines. And I think everyone feels like either they knew this girl or they were this girl.
We would also lean on Turkey to ensure that it closes its border to the movement of jihadi groups.
I just don't get that new hot music. I don't know anything about all these groups like U2.
Clearly, the left-wing groups want to use this carbon theme as a tool for wealth redistribution.
The girl who I will marry will have a heart so wise that in the hollow of her eyes my heart will want to tarry. The girl who will be mine will have skin so soft and tender, and when it comes December, her skin will be my wine.
Few things are as immutable as the addiction of political groups to the ideas by whichthey have once won office.
I was in line at a store and there was a little girl, she was standing in line next to me and some other girls had come up to me and recognized me from 'Pretty Little Liars.' When they walked away, this girl was staring at me, and her eyes got so big, and she started crying. It was, like, the cutest thing.
I believe strongly in writing groups such as Romance Writers Of America that offer support, information and networking. — © Nora Roberts
I believe strongly in writing groups such as Romance Writers Of America that offer support, information and networking.
I have always done what I love myself. My philosophy was that I never had focus groups. I did what I wear.
You can have solid third party politics, but the problem is you're all lumped in to all the fringe groups. That's a stereotype that happens.
Doing 'All Good Things' really felt like I was acting for myself rather than anyone else. It gave me a freedom I'd never had before, or knew I had, to do whatever I want to, and to argue my opinions and not just feel like the cute girl on set or the girl in a boy's club. I figured out how I could be both. And it's been different ever since.
Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short and wear shirts and boots because it's okay to be a boy; for girls it's like promotion. But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, according to you, because secretly you believe that being a girl is degrading.
The problem is that groups are only smart when the people in them are as independent as possible. This is the paradox of the wisdom of crowds.
Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups.
Our Betty Cooper is still the girl next door - she literally lives next to Archie. And she's the blonde all-American girl; she's so sweet and forgiving, gives people the benefit of the doubt and second chances, wears her heart on her sleeve. But she's also incredibly broken on the inside, for many different reasons.
The immigration flows have to be controlled. We have to know who comes into Italy. The problem shouldn't be left to oversized, dysfunctional, nongovernmental groups.
Furthermore, neither of our research groups set out in search of RNA catalysis.
The growing influence of focus groups means we are all in danger of being excessively cowed by their feedback.
Latinos are disproportionately more likely to be injured on the job than other ethnic groups.
I think that we, as monkeys, want to live in smaller groups. It's very scary when we're all - as wonderful as it is - connected.
When I first read Anne Frank's 'Diary of a Young Girl,' I saw for the first time that a girl could be a writer and that it had something to do with survival and with ethics and fighting against evil. I admired her, though her diary remained terrifying and mysterious to me. She was a character in a real fairy tale - fairy tales are brutal.
I believe a constitution can permit the co-existence of several cultures and ethnic groups with a single state.
We use the word 'organization' to mean both the state of being organized and the groups that do the organizing.
I have always viewed my role as a sort of ambassador or bridge between groups to help provide a dialog.
The Allman Brothers were definitely the group that opened up the door for the Southern groups.
We've been astonished by how good groups working together can predict the outcomes of events.
You're not insulting my character. Being a woman, especially in this business, it's so thrilling to get to do that. It's so rare, especially right now the way the film industry is. If you're a girl, the part you get to play these days...because there's so many less movies a good movie, if there's a girl in it, there might be a handful of scenes, and your job is to be supportive to the guy who's messed up. Be the loving rock at home, or be the good mom, or be the attractive person.
We do benefits for various groups. But the main reason to be B-52's is to have fun and party and go nuts.
Some groups get started too fast, and they're in the studio before they're ready to record.
Washington, D.C. is full of think tanks, theoreticians and advocacy groups. Governors are the ones whose feet are on the ground.
This girl has the spark of life. This is my primary filter for new friends (girl- and otherwise) and the highest compliment I can pay. I've tried many times to figure out exactly what ignites it -- what cocktail of characteristics come together in the cold, dark cosmos to form a star. I know it's mostly in the face -- not just the eyes, but the brow, the cheeks, the mouth, and the micromuscles that connect them all. Kat's micromuscles are very attractive.
If I talk to a woman for more than five minutes I can tell you exactly whether she's an Aidan girl or a Mr. Big girl. Aidan girls are more interested in nurturing relationships and building a nest while Mr. Big girls are more about show and having fun.
We have never had a society that was truly just. Some groups have always benefited at the expense of others. — © Ken Liu
We have never had a society that was truly just. Some groups have always benefited at the expense of others.
We're all about girl power and everything, but we cry sometimes, and we're softies, so we can't always be like, 'Woo, girl power. We're going to come dominate the boys, blah blah blah.' That's not always the case, which is why us girls have each other to lean on and give each other advice.
...Environmental groups are too often alarmists. They have an awful track record, so they've lost credibility with the public.
There is an irony that the most active anti-gay groups are Al-Qaeda and the American Right wing.
When I was 19 or 20, the way I was an activist was by regularly meeting with groups, going to protests, and being there on the ground.
I don't really worry what outside groups who score votes think. My job is to represent the people.
Virtually all of Africa's civil wars were started by politically marginalized or excluded groups.
Yet church youth groups rarely teach apologetics, majoring instead on games and goodies.
Forcing polarized groups into a swarm allows them to find the answer that most people are satisfied with.
I always look for roles that make me feel good about being a girl. I have to say that there are a lot of roles out there that make me feel really bad about being a girl. You can imagine what the things are and I shall not go into detail.
There are a lot of groups that feel a little bit strange around me, because I am inclusive. — © Billy Graham
There are a lot of groups that feel a little bit strange around me, because I am inclusive.
I have this fear of falling in front of large groups of people. That's why I tend not to wear heels.
I think, a lot of times, that's why groups break-up, because people lose their individuality.
She was, in fact, quite a pleasant looking girl, even if her bosom had clearly been intended for a girl two feet taller; but she was not Her. The Egregious Professor of Grammar and Usage would have corrected this to "she was not she," which would have caused the Professor of Logic to spit out his drink.
The one thing I would like to get across about my whole feeling regarding high school is how I was when I was fifteen. Gawky. Always a hem hanging down, or strap loose, or a pimple on my chin. I never knew what to do with my hair. I was a mess. And I still carry that fifteen-year-old girl around now. A piece of me still believes I'm the girl nobody dances with.
Jihadist organizations attempt to exploit discontent among marginalized groups in unstable societies.
I think there are some groups of stocks that are highly vulnerable because they're in cuckoo land in terms of valuations.
At the same time as we clearly condemn actions of violence by groups in Palestinian against Israel.
I was an intimate sort of child who never spoke up in groups. I preferred close friends.
I think of the Avengers as The Beatles, and the Guardians are the Rolling Stones. That is really how I feel about the groups.
Among Hindu groups, none has made as great an impact on America as the Vedanta Society.
Wherever groups disclosed themselves, or could be introduced, simplicity crystallized out of comparative chaos.
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