Top 1200 Girl Groups Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Girl Groups quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
To be honest, I don't listen to groups, really. Hardly ever. I know I'm in one, but I don't like them very much.
A public expectation, it has to be said, not of poetry as such but of political positions variously approvable by mutually disapproving groups.
Do not join encounter groups. If you enjoy being made to feel inadequate, call your mother. — © Liz Smith
Do not join encounter groups. If you enjoy being made to feel inadequate, call your mother.
Great Groups need to know that the person at the top will fight like a tiger for them.
When you tie [Donald] Trump supporters to those groups [the American Nazi party and the KKK ] that is a slur.
The Democratic party is really just a giant day care center for squabbling little groups.
The effect of violent dislike between groups has always created an indifference to the welfare and honor of the state.
I am kind of a curmudgeonly person, so I don't gravitate to groups or traditions, which is probably just pretentious of me.
I needed to enhance the outward threat to Rachel.In the book [Girl on the Train], her inner threat is so strong; the fear of herself and her inability to remember and the false memories. In the film [Girl on the Train]I wanted to increase the exterior threat. So that's why Allison's part was bigger and was an important part of the climax of the film.
She threw the door open. The room seemed to be a sort of library, the walls lined with books. It was brightly lit, light streaming through a tall picture window. In the middle of the room stood Jace. He wasn't alone, though-not by a long shot. There was a dark-haired girl with him, a girl Clary had never seen before, and the two of them were locked together in a passionate embrace
You might be a redneck if you think that beef jerky and Moon Pies are two of the major food groups.
I think women and children and older people are the three least-respected groups in our society.
I want to live in Britain with a sense of humour - where there are no groups whose life choices are 'above' criticism. — © Andrea Leadsom
I want to live in Britain with a sense of humour - where there are no groups whose life choices are 'above' criticism.
What do you think deja vu is for?". Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others.
You know I really don't like to think about the fact that I'm a girl in relation to the music industry. I was just a kid who wrote down thoughts to organize her brain and that turned into music, like any other writer or musician... so, I happen to be a girl. I don't consider that part of it really.. It may disappoint some feminists out there that I don't want to harp on women and men being equal.
Statistics may be defined as the discipline concerned with the treatment of numerical data derived from groups of individuals.
It's about a girl who is on the cusp of becoming someone.. A girl who may not know what she wants right now, and she may not know who she is right now, but who deserves the chance to find out.
Do you remember A Wrinkle in Time? It's a good one example. I think the character's name is Meg. I just remember she was a very logical, intelligent, advanced girl. I wouldn't say that I felt like that was who I was, but I wanted to be around her; I wanted to be like her. She had an understanding of science and was incredibly curious - an interesting, complex young girl.
It had a language. It's a very emotional language that only exists in India, that part of [inaudible] so we wanted to use that. I had two versions - one with my voice and one with the girl's voice. But he preferred the girl's voice and he preferred my voice with an [inaudible].
I know a lot of a cappella groups, but none of them are doing backflips while singing, for sure.
It's becoming clear that the world is listening, so now we're trying to get new groups of people talking.
Non-violent extremism is essentially the increase of intolerant and bigoted demands made by groups seeking to dominate society.
The Stones can get out there and do it till they're old men. But certain groups are sad-looking to me.
There are major groups, including the Sierra Club, that support efforts to deprive poor countries of energy.
It's great, because different groups of kids can laugh at each other and still enjoy the show.
Focus groups are a waste of time, filled with people telling you what you want to hear so they can go home.
That's how hatred is created: two different groups, each insisting they're on the moral high ground
The poor people of the world tend to be the places that al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups can recruit.
A city must be a place where groups of women and men are seeking and developing the highest things they know.
Transnational organized cybercriminal groups have stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from financial institutions and ordinary citizens.
It's made me cynical at a young age to see how overlooked certain groups I've admired are.
Paul Ryan is the establishment tool in D.C. that tries to splinter groups and does not work for the will of the people.
Confidence: It's the difference between the girl with the perfect body in a one-piece bathing suit, pulling at it and thinking she's not thin enough or doesn't have big enough boobs - and the girl who people call a bit overweight, but meanwhile, she's wearing a bikini and guys are saying, "God, she's sexy." It all has to do with how you feel about yourself - it's about projecting the attitude, I'm OK with who I am.
The groups, though, were my inspiration way back then. I liked Frankie Lyman and the Teenagers.
We've led pretty wholesome lives. We haven't lived life to excess like so many groups have done.
Staring Girl I once knew a girl who would just stand there and stare. At anyone or anything, she seemed not to care She'd stare at the ground, She'd stare at the sky. She'd stare at you for hours, and you'd never know why. But after winning the local staring contest, she finally gave her eyes a well-deserved rest.
We admit as many genera as there are different groups of natural species of which the fructification has the same structure.
If you think you can finish ISIS off with the PYD and YPG, you cannot, because they are terrorist groups as well. — © Recep Tayyip Erdogan
If you think you can finish ISIS off with the PYD and YPG, you cannot, because they are terrorist groups as well.
I don't think I'd be a party girl [even if I were] in college. When I was in high school, I remember seeing girls crying in the bathroom every Monday about what they did at a party that weekend. I never wanted to be that girl crying in the bathroom. But there are certain things that I would like to do but can't. Sometimes I don't get invited to things because my friends know it's going to be a hassle to take me.
There are real radical Muslim groups out there that really are pretty villainous. You don't have to make them up.
That's not the point," he said. "What kind of creep would I be if I let my girl carry something heavy while I walked along, swinging my arms?" Your girl? "The kind that respects my wishes," she said. "And my strength, and my... arms." Levi grinned some more. Because he wasn't taking her seriously. "I have a lot of respect for your arms. I like how they're attached to the rest of you.
I wanted to be a Teacher with a big T, teach the whole planet. It led me into writing and speaking to large groups.
Heroine: Girl in a book who is saved from drowning by a hero and marries him next week, but if it was to be over again ten years later it is likely she would rather have a life-belt and he would rather have her have it. Hero: Person in a book who does things which he can't and girl marries him for it.
Being as it was one of my dreams to sing with one of the world's greatest groups, for me to join 'The Temptations' was a great blessing.
I'm telling you, I wanted to. But I was trapped. You of all people should know what it's like being caught between groups
Google is already overflowing with incredibly creative bright groups already working on lots of the software problems of the world.
Rodeo riders are the last of the true chivalrous groups of people. It's a place where the competition is really pure.
Growing up on an all-boys' team wasn't the easiest thing. I'd have guys come after me on the ice and just hit me because I'm a girl. I'd have parents heckling me from the stands, other parents not wanting me on the team, not making certain teams just because I was a girl.
Well, I was a big fan of the book and therein a huge fan of the girl Precious. And so I felt like I knew this girl. I felt like I'd grown up alongside her. I felt like she was in my family. She was my friend and she was like people I didn't want to be friends with.
Obama has refused to equip, or to arm, any rebel groups fighting Assad or his forces. — © Terry Glavin
Obama has refused to equip, or to arm, any rebel groups fighting Assad or his forces.
I think people are born bisexual and the make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who is bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never sleep with a girl who had slept with a man.
I think these al Qaeda franchise groups have clearly evolved into a much more dangerous strain.
Understand stakeholder symmetry: Find the appropriate balance of competing claims by various groups of stakeholders.
There are a few good 'psych' groups but too many never change from their first appearance. They don't develop.
I didn't fall into the category of the 'classic Bond girl.' I had short hair - and no Bond girl before me ever had. They put me in a wig at the beginning of the film, and then had my character cut her hair to pretend to be someone else. That was to explain why my hair was short.
Many classrooms are overcrowded, and splitting the class into smaller groups gives the children more one on one attention.
I go to a lot of self-help groups in the day, and then I can sleep pretty well at night.
An office party is not, as is sometimes supposed, the Managing Director's chance to kiss the tea-girl. It is the tea-girl's chance to kiss the Managing Director (however bizarre an ambition this may seem to anyone who has seen the Managing Director face on).
Human kindness can be found in all groups, even those which as a whole it would be easy to condemn.
I love a girl that can make me laugh. I am not really a laugh-at-things type of guy and I don't smile and laugh all the time... But if a girl can make me laugh... I'm in love!!!!
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