Top 1200 Giving It All Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Giving It All quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Have gratitude for the things you're discarding. By giving gratitude, you're giving closure to the relationship with that object, and by doing so, it becomes a lot easier to let go.
I'm not a great stickler for giving or receiving presents on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. as a 'must do.' I prefer giving a gift without occasion if I feel it's something a friend will like.
..the best strategy for giving is a two-fold approach: a basic plan combined with a willingness to consider spontaneous giving when unique opportunities arise. — © Andy Stanley
..the best strategy for giving is a two-fold approach: a basic plan combined with a willingness to consider spontaneous giving when unique opportunities arise.
God keeps giving Himself as long as we bring that into which He can pour Himself. And when we stop bringing, He stops giving.
Caretaking is different from care giving. Care giving has no second agendas or hidden motives. The care is given from love for the joy of giving without expectation, no strings attached. It cannot be manipulated or discouraged because love cannot be manipulated or discouraged.
Purposeful giving is not as apt to deplete one's resources; it belongs to that natural order of giving that seems to renew itself even in the act of depletion.
Contextualization is not giving people what they want. It is giving God's answers (which they probably do not want) to the questions they are asking and in forms they can comprehend.
I saw a limit to what I was giving as kind of a scam I was running on the KGB, by giving them people that I knew were their double agents fed to us.
People love giving cooks spoons, I've noticed. Or, at least, they love giving them to me.
The action of giving is in a certain vibratory level, meaning giving exists in a certain plane of consciousness.
Giving is like a muscle. To be strong, you have to exercise it, and to grow as a person, giving is the exercise. You can't really enjoy anything without sharing it.
Giving gifts to others is a fundamental activity, as old as humanity itself. Yet in the modern, complex world, the particulars of gift-giving can be extraordinarily challenging.
I can be a bit of an overachiever and always dance that line of balance between giving myself to work versus giving time to myself and loved ones. — © Kathryn Budig
I can be a bit of an overachiever and always dance that line of balance between giving myself to work versus giving time to myself and loved ones.
It really takes something for someone to get up the nerve to share the impact you have had on them, and to them, giving you that recognition is liking giving a gift.
When you are giving people the gospel, you are giving them something to believe, and you have to set the stage for that. You don't just drive up and dump the truck and drive off.
The real joy in life comes from giving. It comes from service. It comes from doing things for other people. That is what is so powerful about this. Nothing will make you happier than giving.
One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history.
People single you out when they think you're not giving your all. When they see you giving it all you have, they don't get on your case.
Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.
I'm neither giving up nor giving in.
My choice was to ruin my son's life by giving him money or giving 90-plus percent to charity. Not much of a choice.
I feel creatively vibrant. I have some great friends; I feel like I'm capable of giving a lot to the world. And ultimately, that's what I really care about, is just giving.
So the first time you hear the concept of Halloween when you're a kid your brain can't even process the information. You're like: "What is this? What did you say?" "What did you say about giving out candy? Who's giving out candy?" "Everyone that we know is just giving out candy!"
I'm the kind of guy that once I decide I'm going to do something I have a hard time just giving up on it without giving it a fair shot.
Marriage is not a love affair. A love affair has to do with immediate personal satisfaction. Marriage is an ordeal; it means yielding, time and again. That's why it's a sacrament; You give up your personal simplicity to participate in a relationship. And when you're giving, you're not giving to the other person; you're giving to the relationship.
I want to live my life on full. I want to die empty, whatever that means - giving myself to my three kids now, giving myself to love or a relationship, giving myself to my career, devoting myself to being a healthy person. I have to give my full self to something, because that's what makes me feel alive.
Giving is an essential for spiritual unfoldment, for until we give and give abundantly, we don't really realize that we are not the giver; we are just a channel for giving.
The news of me giving a Rolls Royce to Salman is completely untrue. If anyone should be giving Rolls Royce then he should be giving to me.
Liberality is not giving much, but giving wisely.
When I was younger, I went with a friend of mine to Nairobi for 3 months and helped teach in an orphanage's school. It was a great experience and made me truly understand that giving back - by giving time, not just money - was so rewarding.
There are moments when I feel like giving up or giving in, but I soon rally again and do my duty as I see it: to keep the spark of life inside me ablaze.
No matter how poorly our lives seem to be going, we can become part of a greater flow of good and increase our awareness by doing something more than we have to do-by giving of ourselves. One of the keys to prosperity is realizing that prosperity doesn't come by getting more-it comes by giving more! We can prosper by emphasizing what we are giving rather than concentrating on what we are getting.
Giving the Linus Torvalds Award to the Free Software Foundation is a bit like giving the Han Solo Award to the Rebel Alliance.
I profoundly feel that the art of living is the art of giving. You're fulfilled in the moment of giving, of doing something beyond yourself.
How can we expect our children to know and experience the joy of giving unless we teach them that the greater pleasure in life lies in the art of giving rather than receiving.
I believe that what woman resents is not so much giving herself in pieces as giving herself purposelessly.
I cry at random things, like a flower, or someone giving me a present, or my sister giving me a nice hug.
I believe in never giving up, no matter what the odds. My mantra is, 'Failure is temporary. Giving up is permanent.' — © Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
I believe in never giving up, no matter what the odds. My mantra is, 'Failure is temporary. Giving up is permanent.'
I've found that giving 100% to your job isn't the same as giving 100% of your life to your job. Very often when I thought I was giving 100% of my life to my job, I was simply obsessing over something.
Just because you have so much to give does not mean that they'll all be accepted. There's more to giving than just giving.
The essence of charity ... was not deciding what others needed and giving it to them, but giving them what they wanted.
Why is it that countries which we call strong are so powerful in creating wars but are so weak in bringing peace? Why is it that giving guns is so easy but giving books is so hard?
I'm not giving up politics entirely - I'm just giving up leadership of a political party.
I totally deplore the notion of an M.D. giving pills to patients - a medical doctor giving psychological or psychoactive change agents to another person.
I've had enough of giving millionaires like Dick Cheney and myself tax breaks and giving America's kids a mountain of debt.
I am very proud of my years spent at this club, giving it my heart and soul. I finished my time at Real Madrid giving it all I had.
My mother giving birth to me was just like Lady Sybil giving birth, except that there wasn't such a tragic ending.
Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving. — © Amy Grant
Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.
Well, fancy giving money to the Government! Might as well have put it down the drain. Fancy giving money to the Government! Nobody will see the stuff again. Well, they've not idea what money's for- Ten to one they'll start another war. I've heard a lot of silly things, but, Lor'! Fancy giving money to the Government!
The ultimate expression of generosity is not in giving of what you have, but in giving of who you are.
Compassion goes on giving, but knows no feeling of giving, knows no feeling that "I am the giver." And then existence goes on responding in thousands of ways. You give a little love and from everywhere love starts flowing. The man of compassion is not trying to snatch anything away, he is not greedy. He does not wait for the return, he goes on giving. He goes on getting too, but that is not in his mind.
If you're giving love and not receiving it, you're not in the right relationship. If you're receiving it and not giving it than you are taking advantage of the other person.
Self-giving means that we have to understand the nature of giving. When most people give, they give expecting a return on their investment.
Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness.
When I feel the joy of receiving a gift my heart nudges me to join creation's ballet, the airy dance of giving and receiving, and getting and giving again.
One thing that I ask of you: Never be afraid of giving. There is a deep joy in giving, since what we receive is much more than what we give.
Our giving is but a reflex of God's giving.
me giving my mom romantic advice is kind of like a goldfish giving a snail advice on how to fly.” -Will Grayson (pg. 66)
I believe strongly in 'giving while living.' I see little reason to delay giving when so much good can be achieved through supporting worthwhile causes today.
Every day work on your humility through your meditation, giving more of yourself, giving those things you don't want to give.
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