Top 50 Glitz Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Glitz quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Midwestern people stick together. Gee willikers, they work hard. There's no glitz, no glamour. When I was a girl in Duluth, Minnesota, I used to get up early and milk cows, so I know what hard work is.
I am aware of the risk with all the media attention, all the glitz and glamour around football. And that was the only piece of advice my father gave me about my future - to stay myself. I know where I come from.
Hollywood can be a draining industry. For all the glitz and glory and wonderful parts of our business, it takes it's toll on your inner self. — © Amber Heard
Hollywood can be a draining industry. For all the glitz and glory and wonderful parts of our business, it takes it's toll on your inner self.
I've been in an industry of glitz since I was a little girl. I'm always going to love to wear eveningwear and eyelashes.
It's funny because I'm a sucker for glitz and glitter when it comes to clothes and nail polish, but with my makeup, I'm more comfortable with a natural look. It feels more like me.
A lot of people always ask me about what life is like. Yes, it's glamorous, it's glitzy, but there is a lot more goes on than that glitz and glamour you see in a photograph or on a red carpet.
Miami, in many ways, is a quintessentially American city. The juxtaposition of showy wealth with dire pennilessness, the tussle of glitz and decay doesn't come any more marked than here.
A lot of the buildings [in Toronto] around Yonge and Bloor is the architectural equivalent of Kipper Ties and 8" collar points. It's ghastly and no amount of street-level retail glitz can lift it.
I was so aware of the stage clothes versus the everyday-life clothes, and the extremeness of the stage clothes that my parents had designed. Even coming across my dad's old Beatles suits from Savile Row and the history attached to them - the masculinity and simplicity compared to the '70s glitz and glamour of Wings.
As a kid, we got a lot of American shows - usually a New York or L.A.-based show full of glitz and glamour - and I assumed that that was what life was like in the U.S. So, when I was 17, I decided to go to America.
I've learned that being a superhero isn't all glitz and glamour. We think if we have a special power, our problem will go away. It's just a new set of problems. Being a superhero alienates you and separates you from humanity. As Spiderman famously said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.'
Lots of fans believe fighting is full of glitz and glamor. Fighting is blood sweat and tears.
IPL is pure sport. The glitz and glamour is just 15 per cent. 85% is actually professional, hard cricket. — © Sourav Ganguly
IPL is pure sport. The glitz and glamour is just 15 per cent. 85% is actually professional, hard cricket.
I was just moving around the globe, learning classical music and generally doing nothing. I was completely away from glitz and glamour and did not miss it at all.
I'm not for the flashes; I'm not for glitz and glamour, you know. I just want to win, I want to be good at what I do, um, and look back upon these days of playing in the NBA.
I live in New York and there are a lot of famous... pizzerias in my neighborhood, it's really hard to find one that isn't famous. Which sucks sometimes, you know what I mean, sometimes I don't want all that glitz and glamour, I just want something delicious, you know? I don't need a celebrity in my mouth, Ray's Up And Coming Pizza would be fine.
From the outside, there's a lot of glitz. They see you on the red carpet, but they don't see what it takes to get there.
Everything we're singing about is true, and even when you take away all the glitz, it's still true in the darkest, ugliest and most hopeless places.
TV was my hobby. I loved the glitz. I loved how hot everybody was.
I am happy everywhere except in places where I see glitz and rich farts. I am happiest in Brooklyn, where the concentration of rich farts is minimal.
I'm very simple. I'm not for the flashes, I'm not for glitz and glamour, you know.
The photoshoot glitz and TV studio make-up isn't the real me.
There are things players go through on an everyday basis in the business of football. You don't see it all with the glitz and glamour of game day.
I do think the glitz of reality stars and social media is changing our society. At 20, I barely wore make-up and rarely visited a hairdresser.
When you say you grew up in Los Angeles, a lot of people think the west side: they think the glitz and all this stuff that I actually had no relationship to growing up.
As an outsider, it appears that celebrities lead such a glamorous life but once you are a part of it, you realise the hard work hidden behind that glitz.
I think there's a little bit of Erika Jayne in all of us. There's always an over-the-top performance that's part of everyone's life. Erika Jayne is simply that: glitz, glamour, fun, sex, love and escape. She's all about pushing limits, having a good time and delivering lots of smiles. But really at the end of the day, she wants to have fun.
I always wanted to tell stories. Well, at least, I always came back to the notion of storytelling when the glitz and glamour of being a special effects designer or a fighter pilot or a DEA agent wore off.
We may forget it, among the glitz of the Christmas lights, but capitalism can be a profoundly moral force.
When you go out on loan it's not the glitz and glamour, there's nowhere near the amount of money there is at the top level. People's livelihoods are on the line, mortgages and families. You are making decisions which can affect people.
I think I just have a problem generally in life of wanting more of everything - more emotion, more drama, more glitz.
It's about having that nice balance. I think that's the answer to today's modern girl who is on the run. She's throwing on something before she goes out, but I still believe in the glitz and the glamour of everything and making that come to life.
Today, people are more into the glitz and the glamour of everything. We don't even read the inside of records anymore. — © Lenny Kravitz
Today, people are more into the glitz and the glamour of everything. We don't even read the inside of records anymore.
If it weren't for Liberace, there would be no Madonna or Lady Gaga, Elton John, Bette Midler, or Elvis because it was Liberace who helped the King glitz up his act.
When most people think about Nevada, they often instantly associate us with the glitz and glamour of the Las Vegas Strip.
I live my life outside of the glitz and glamour of the red carpet events, and so you'll never see me there. I'm never at parties.
Sometimes America gets tempted by the glitz and glamour.
My parents and my family really tried to maintain as much of a normal environment as possible. When I went home, it wasn't Keshia Knight Pulliam the actress, the glitz, the glamour. It was Keshia the daughter. Oldest of four children, who washed the dishes and did everything she was supposed to do.
When I read the script for '90210,' I thought, 'Boy, this is very superficial,' and it was. I mean, the pilot was all about the glitz and the glamour of Beverly Hills, the obnoxious kids, and the fish-out-of-water story of Brenda and Brandon Walsh. I couldn't discern from that first script that the show would become very issue-oriented.
Despite all the media coverage, glitz and glam of hedge funds, they have not done well for their investors. They have high - some say excessively high - fees; their short- and long-term performance has been poor.
I started in November of 2016, during the UK tour and it's been great. What I really like about ROH is how the company is built around the in-ring product, and obviously there are a lot of glitz and glamour as well, but it's pretty much based on what goes on in the ring.
I live my life outside of the glitz and glamour of the red carpet events, and so you’ll never see me there. I’m never at parties.
I think there's a whole group of kids out there that don't relate to the glitz and glamour of hanging out in clubs and partying all the time. So I think some people are just more real than that, and I think our fans are those kind of kids that need something to relate to, and I think we're the band to do it.
I would say there is probably a little bit of me in each character. But Purrscilla is a lot like me because she is very into glam and glitz and jewelry and everything very girly. And some of the jewelry in the illustration is even my own jewelry. But I'm not a cat fan - that's the only thing! I'm a dog person.
I think Hollywood is more of a state of mind then a place. There are certainly iconic locations in L.A. but as far as the glitz and glamour of old Hollywood and the studio system, that's all but faded away.
The photoshoot glitz and TV studio make-up isn't the real me. I spend most days at home in Bristol in jeans and a T-shirt running around after the kids or shopping in the Co-op.
I'm not into any glitz or glamor or anything like that. — © Emily Deschanel
I'm not into any glitz or glamor or anything like that.
Miami, in many ways, is a quintessentially American city. The juxtaposition of showy wealth with dire pennilessness, the tussle of glitz and decay doesnt come any more marked than here.
There are those, I think, who are attracted to the glitz of celebrity life. I am not one of them.
The American media produce a product of very poor quality. Its information is not reliable, it has too much chrome and glitz, its doors rattle, it breaks down almost immediately, and it's sold without warranty. It's flashy, but it's basically junk.
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