Top 1200 God Blessing Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular God Blessing quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
The inevitableness, the idealism, and the blessing of war, as an indispensable and stimulating law of development, must be repeatedly emphasized.
I've always loved drama. This is a blessing because I can show a little bit of what I can do, and hopefully more, in the future.
To support mother and father, to cherish wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation - this is the greatest blessing. — © Gautama Buddha
To support mother and father, to cherish wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation - this is the greatest blessing.
People pay their hard-earned money to come and watch me perform live. That's a blessing.
When you see one of your kids really has a gift, you can't fight it, because you start to understand what a blessing it's been to you.
It's never too late. Don't focus on what was taken away. Find something to replace it, and acknowledge the blessing you have.
Live a wild, generous full, exciting life – blessing those around you and seeing the good in all.
I was raised with the blessing of being involved with peace and social justice, and the environmental movement. I have my parents to thank for that.
In one of the accounts of Jesus's death we read that the curtain in the temple of God-the one that kept people out of the holiest place of God's presence-ripped.One New Testament writer said that this ripping was a picture of how, because of Jesus, we can have new, direct access to God.A beautiful idea.But the curtain ripping also means that God comes out, that God is no longer confined to the temple as God was previously.
How hard is it for God to get your attention? Do you regularly practice turning aside in your day? That is, taking a moment to listen to God- because God, through the Holy Spirit, really is speaking, because we know, every place is filled with the presence of God. There is not an inch of space, not a moment of time, that God does not inhabit.
When I got to jail, it was a blessing in disguise because it made me reevaluate and check who I am as a person.
I believe a mother is a blessing for everyone and we should make it a point to appreciate them every day.
The mere habit of learning to love is the thing; and a teachableness of disposition in a young lady is a great blessing — © Jane Austen
The mere habit of learning to love is the thing; and a teachableness of disposition in a young lady is a great blessing
Do we not see God at work in our circumstances? Dark times are allowed and come to us through the sovreignty of God. Are we prepared to let God do what He wants with us? Are we prepared to be separated from the outward, evident blessings of God? Until Jesus Christ is truly our Lord, we each have goals of our own which we serve. Our faith is real, but it is not yet permanent. And God is never in a hurry. If we are willing to wait, we will see God pointing out that we have been interested only in his blessings, instead of God Himself.
Revelation does not mean man finding God, but God finding man, God sharing His secrets with us, God showing us Himself. In revelation, God is the agent as well as the object.
The greatest blessing is that, within all of this, I've still been challenged every day to question and show who I am.
Good hymns are an immense blessing to the Church. They train people for heaven, where praise is one of the principal occupations.
True religion is when you serve God to get nothing else but more of God. Many people use religion as a way of getting something else from God they want-blessings, rewards, even escape from judgement. This is wearisome to us, and to God. But when God is His own reward, Christianity becomes thrilling. Sacrifice becomes joy.
When we look at the cross we see the justice, love, wisdom and power of God. It is not easy to decide which is the most luminously revealed, whether the justice of God in judging sin, or the love of God in bearing the judgment in our place, or the wisdom of God in perfectly combining the two, or the power of God in saving those who believe. For the cross is equally an act, and therefore a demonstration, of God’s justice, love, wisdom and power. The cross assures us that this God is the reality within, behind and beyond the universe.
Experience enables me to depose to the comfort and blessing that literature can prove in seasons of sickness and sorrow.
The blessing of the state, implicit or explicit, has been crucial to every twentieth-century information empire.
We are compelled by the theory of God's already achieved perfection to make Him a devil as well as a god, because of the existenceof evil. The god of love, if omnipotent and omniscient, must be the god of cancer and epilepsy as well.... Whoever admits that anything living is evil must either believe that God is malignantly capable of creating evil, or else believe that God has made many mistakes in His attempts to make a perfect being.
Leaving Def Jam was kind of a blessing in disguise because we can make whatever record we want.
The right attitude can transform a barrier into a blessing, an obstacle into an opportunity or a stumbling block into a stepping stone.
To have much learning, to be skillful in handicraft, well-trained in discipline, and to be of good speech -- this is the greatest blessing.
We all suffer. It's part of life. The blessing is - while evil exists, Divinity does, too, and it is stronger.
I don't like to talk hypotheticals. I deal with the real life situations. I treat every day as a blessing.
It's sort of the mixed blessing of being on television for so long in one thing; sometimes that backfires, in that you're not able to continue on.
A lot of people recognize me from the MyPillow ads, and they often stop and ask for pictures. It's a blessing.
Genesis 1...was designed to reflect God, both to reflect God back to God in worship and to reflect God into the rest of creation in stewardship.
This truth I firmly hold, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding; my life has been a gift, a blessing to the world.
The word sharing affirms that we have something extraordinarily valuable and desire to give it to others for their benefit and blessing.
Everybody's heart is open, you know, when they have recently escaped from severe pain, or are recovering the blessing of health.
Somebody has to look out for and protect our kids, and I feel blessed to be a blessing to someone else.
It's a beautiful blessing that I get to help raise a man. And I want to show him as much as possible.
When God spoke to Moses and others in the Old Testament, those events were encounters with God. An encounter with Jesus was an encounter with God for the disciples. In the same way an encounter with the Holy Spirit is an encounter with God for you.
Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing.
I feel it is a blessing, a duty, an honor, that we give the love that we have, and we share the lives that we have with our fullest heart. — © Bellamy Young
I feel it is a blessing, a duty, an honor, that we give the love that we have, and we share the lives that we have with our fullest heart.
As to his gospel, Jesus Christ came into the world as the image of the invisible God to communicate to us that not only did we not need to be afraid of God, but that God is more for us than we are ourselves or one another. God's love is infinite, and unstoppable, and will win!
It's a blessing to be a woman as one is able to do the kind of things that a mother can do, and that's the selfless and beautiful thing about womanhood.
On the cross, Jesus won the right for believers to be born again back into the god-class. Adam was created, not subordinate to God, but as a god; he lost it, and in Christ we are taken back to the god-class.
Do what you do only for God's sake, start for God's sake, work for God's sake, and act within the sphere of God's good approval.
Allah's the Arabic term for God. Stand up for God, fight for God, work for God and do the right thing, and go the right way, things will end up in your corner.
For we must share, if we would keep, that blessing from above; ceasing to give, we cease to have; such is the law of love.
We are healed to help others. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are saved to serve, not to sit around and wait for heaven.
Part of the blessing and challenge of being human is that we must discover our own true nature.
But camels, though odious to view and endowed with the offensive spirit, did not enjoy the blessing of pachydermaty.
The third major characteristic of God - "infinitude" - is the catchall, the universal modifier of Christian theology. God is not merely a being; he is infinite being. God is not merely good; he is infinite goodness. God is not merely wise; he is infinite wisdom. And so on down the list. God is exaggeration run amuck.
True religion is not talk, or doctrines, or theories, nor is it sectarianism. It is the relation between soul and God. Religion does not consist in erecting temples, or building churches, or attending public worship. It is not to be found in books, or in words, or in lectures, or in organizations. Religion consists in realization. We must realize God, feel God, see God, talk to God. That is religion.
The river knows the way to the sea:
Without a pilot it runs and falls,
Blessing all lands with its charity. — © Ralph Waldo Emerson
The river knows the way to the sea: Without a pilot it runs and falls, Blessing all lands with its charity.
If you feel a great loneliness and a deep longing for human contact, you have to be extremely discerning...and ask yourself whether this situation is truly God given. Because where God wants you to be, God holds you safe and gives you peace, even when there is pain. To live a disciplined life is to live in such a way that you want only to be where God is with you. The more deeply you live your spiritual life, the easier it will be to discern the difference between living with God and living without God, and the easier it will be to move away from the places where God is no longer with you.
That's just part of the blessing of being an actor: you get to learn so many things about life.
I have enough energy to write with and as that is all I have any business doing anyhow, I can with one eye squinted take it all as a blessing.
There's a blessing that you're in a spotlight, but people follow you and want to keep asking you questions - it's just overwhelming sometimes.
The first thing that we need to say is that God is grieving, too. Uh, a lot of people try to make it sound like 'well everything that happens is God's will.' That's nonsense. God allows everything, but God does not choose everything.
The blessing of influence is helping others succeed. It is lifting up Christ with your established platform.
The blessing that I got from my parents, even if they didn't really teach me about money, was their simple lifestyle.
We, like the people of Israel, would like to think we get to name God. By naming God, we hope to get the kind of god we need; that is, a god after our own likeness.
I think in every lesson there's a blessing, and there's so many blessings from all the lessons I've had to go through in life.
In order to understand God, you have to learn to listen. You're thoughts talk very loudly all the time. But God is very, very, very quiet. God doesn't speak through words or thoughts. God doesn't speak. God is silent.
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