Top 1200 Godly Woman Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Godly Woman quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
If you do not regard feminism with an uplifting sense of the gloriousness of woman's industrial destiny, or in the way, in short, that it is prescribed, by the rules of the political publicist, that you should, that will be interpreted by your opponents as an attack on woman.
I'm a witch woman--high on tobacco and holy water. I'm a woman delighted with her disasters. They give me something to do. A profession of sorts...I have the magic of words. The power to charm and kill at will.
There'd never been a clothing line made by a young woman like me: a multiethnic woman who has one foot in Gucci and one foot in the ghetto. — © Kimora Lee Simmons
There'd never been a clothing line made by a young woman like me: a multiethnic woman who has one foot in Gucci and one foot in the ghetto.
When I was in my 20s, I wanted to be tough. I discovered that I didn't want to be the woman I was raised to be - a good, traditional wife. When I went out in the world to find a husband, I found that husbands weren't ready to accept the kind of woman I was going to be.
I remember myself, that when I was young, I had sometime the company of one ancient godly minister, who was of weaker parts than many others, but yet did profit me more than most; because he would never in prayer or conference speak of God, or the life to come, but with such marvelous seriousness and reverence, as if he had seen the majesty and glory which he talked of.
My gran had always told me that a woman--any woman worth her salt--could do whatever she had to.
The emancipation of woman will only be possible when woman can take part in production on a large, social scale, and domestic work no longer claims anything but an insignificant amount of her time.
The most important thing about marriage is that the man must not let the woman feel downtrodden simply because she is a woman and he is a man.
... the woman who grows up with the idea that she is simply to be an amiable animal, to be caressed and coaxed, is invariably a bitterly disappointed woman. A game of chess will cure such a conceit forever. The woman that knows the most, thinks the most, feels the most, is the most. Intellectual affection is the only lasting love. Love that has a game of chess in it can checkmate any man and solve the problem of life.
In Proverbs we read: 'He that winneth souls is wise.' If any man, women, or child by a godly life and example can win one soul to God, his life will not have been a failure. He will have outshone all the mighty men of his day, because he will have set a stream in motion that will flow on and on forever and ever.
There's quite a big gap when it comes to that dual identity of mother and child, or even a pregnant woman, or a nursing woman. It kind of begs the question of that very strong Western idea of the individual self.
My children love my mother, and I tell my children, that is not the same woman I grew up with...That is an old woman trying to get into heaven now.
If a woman is successful, then she's deemed to be the exception that proves the rule. If a woman fails, well, we're all failures. That kind of underlying approach to our gender doesn't seem to me to have changed an iota.
It was to a virgin woman that the birth of the Son of God was announced. It was to a fallen woman that his resurrection was announced. — © Fulton J. Sheen
It was to a virgin woman that the birth of the Son of God was announced. It was to a fallen woman that his resurrection was announced.
No man is offended by another man's admiration of the woman he loves; it is the woman only who can make it a torment.
By the fall a poison was handed to mankind through a woman [Eve], by the Redemption man was given salvation also through a woman [Mary].
As the saying goes, behind every great man is an even greater woman. I guess playing Hera [in Wonder Woman] means that I'm, well, not only Queen of the Gods, I'm better than he is!
How difficult it was for a woman, once she was named by doctors, to become a writer, because many aspects of her behavior that are accepted in the genius or creative man are regarded as dangerous in the woman.
The average man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman with beautiful legs.
Under this window in stormy weather I marry this man and woman together; Let none but Him who rules the thunder Put this man and woman asunder.
I can be standing in Barneys with my coat and purse and my selections, and some white woman will say, 'Can you get this in my size?' What she sees is a black woman, and her service button goes off.
Oh, Mama was a smart woman. It takes a smart woman to fall in love with a good man.
A beautiful woman looking at her image in the mirror may very well believe the image is herself. An ugly woman knows it is not.
A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman.
Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in.
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a woman working in America. It looks very different to be a working woman in other places in the world.
Woman's rights should come by evolution, and not by revolution. I want a little woman's right tried first, and then, if the experience is bad, we can go back on our track; if good, forward.
O Woman, you are not merely the handiwork of God, but also of men; these are ever endowing you with beauty from their own hearts ... You are one-half woman and one-half dream.
I prefer to look at a natural woman. A woman should be courageous to become older, not desperate to look younger than her age.
Stupid as a man, say the women: cowardly as a woman, say the men. Stupidity in a woman is unwomanly.
I'm not one of those Hollywood moms where my kid is three weeks old and I'm a size zero. I'm a real woman and I'm a working woman and a working mom.
... a business career for a woman and her need for a woman's life as wife and mother, are not enemies at all, unless we make them so, but may be the closest and most co-operative friends and supporter of each other.
When a woman earns a dollar, the payback is higher. She'll invest in her children, in their education, health care, and basic needs. The impact of a woman's role in the economy benefits society at large.
Now Eros makes a man really want, not a woman, but one particular woman. In some mysterious but quite indisputable fashion the lover desires the Beloved herself, not the pleasure she can give.
As a woman leader, I thought I brought a different kind of leadership. I was interested in women's issues, in bringing down the population growth rate... as a woman, I entered politics with an additional dimension - that of a mother.
A woman who wears high heels is very different, I think, than a woman who wears sandals.
Money is a tremendous advantage in just about everything, but in terms of reproduction, if you're a poor woman and you are infertile, it's like too bad, so sad. And if you are a wealthy woman, you can kind of buy whatever you want.
But say some, would you expose woman to the contact of rough, rude, drinking, swearing, fighting men at the ballot box? What a humiliating confession lies in this plea for keeping woman in the background!
Every woman needs to know the facts. And the fact is, when it comes to breast cancer, every woman is at risk. — © Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Every woman needs to know the facts. And the fact is, when it comes to breast cancer, every woman is at risk.
It doesn't seem to occur to men that woman might be a worthwhile end in herself, or to see to it that she has a proper sexual release. And, to him, sex appeal is directly proportional to the immensity of a woman's tits.
Being forced into early retirement can be to a man what being "given up for a younger woman" is for a woman.
I always feel like a woman designing for a woman. I know what you want to accentuate and what you want to hide.
I knew everything a woman hated even before I remotely knew anything a woman liked.
By empowering a woman, we empower a child. By educating a girl child, we make it possible for her to grow up to become an empowered woman.
We are still living with a double standard. I know it. Every woman I know knows it, whether you're in the media as a woman, or you're in the professions or business or politics.
When the woman is attractive, is it an interesting picture, or is it the woman? I had a lot of headaches with that, which was why it was interesting. I don't think I always got it straight.
[Margaret Thatcher] assumed somehow that this would get the woman voter and all those juvenile male voters who wanted a well-regulated household with a woman who knew what she should be doing.
A man can do a television interview and roll out of bed 15 minutes before; it's just not the same for a woman. A woman has to pay attention to her hair, makeup, clothing, and jewelry choices.
I have to say that the traditional role is kind of a myth. I think the traditional Mexican woman is a fierce woman. — © Sandra Cisneros
I have to say that the traditional role is kind of a myth. I think the traditional Mexican woman is a fierce woman.
Can you imagine what it's like for you to be who I am, who I was, and for them to say that I raped a woman? And for the whole world to actually be entertaining the thought that you raped a woman. That's hell.
The woman who thinks she is intelligent demands equal rights with men. A woman who is intelligent does not.
Beauty in a woman is a moving thing, Yet sometimes just the patient lack of it Will pierce the heart to deeper poignancies, And, melting, draw a note of tenderness That not the fairest woman could evoke!
I think at 17, if I'd have seen a show that was really geared towards a woman's sexuality and her finding that and not the male, and not the woman being sexualized, it would have been so interesting to see that growing up.
Only a woman can tell you what it's like to be a woman in a society where men are in charge. When you have one demographic that controls the livelihood of minorities, then you're always going to have abuses of power. So this goes way beyond Hollywood.
I want to be someone who is a great representation of a black woman in Hollywood, a black woman in the entertainment industry.
There is nothing of greater importance to the well-being of society at large - of man as well as woman - than the true proper position of woman.
The woman, in a battle of fists or guns, may not be as great a power as a man; but a woman behind a vote is every bit as useful as a man.
Don't give a woman advice; one should never give a woman anything she can't wear in the evening.
All men are created equal and all women are created equal as well, but [equality] seems much clearer when it comes to race issues. In the realms of man/woman, man/man, woman/woman love, it seems all up for grabs now. We are exploring so much, but I think we gotta go for the fight for all equality first.
There is no such thing as a strictly woman's problem. Any question affecting the welfare of society is a woman's problem.
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