Top 1200 Going On An Adventure Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Going On An Adventure quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Roosevelt's humor was broad, his manner friendly. Of wit there was little; of philosophy, none. What did he possess? Intuition, inspiration, love of adventure.
What people speak of as adventure is something nobody in his right mind would seek out, and it becomes romantic only when one is safely at home.
I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person.
As I began making my feature films, it was a great adventure. It was about constructing something I saw in my head or I had designed on storyboards and capturing that on film.
I am passionate about my family, adventure, good wine, nature and the outdoors, sharks, the ocean, and working hard to preserve it all for future generations. — © Mehgan Heaney-Grier
I am passionate about my family, adventure, good wine, nature and the outdoors, sharks, the ocean, and working hard to preserve it all for future generations.
Fifteen- to 30-year-olds are interested in all kinds of intelligent movies - it doesn't have to be a broad comedy or an action adventure for them to go see it.
Travel, which was once either a necessity or an adventure, has become very largely a commodity, and from all sides we are persuaded into thinking that it is a social requirement, too.
If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there's shouting after you, keep going. Don't ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.
I was Boots The Monkey in 'Dora The Explorer Live Dora's Pirate Adventure,' and it was the greatest!
For English assignments I was constantly coming up with these strange adventure stories... But I actually wanted to be an artist, or maybe work in the comic book industry.
Dianetics is an adventure. It is an exploration into Terra Incognita, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads.
My most cherished desire is to help our women come out of their routine chores and infuse in them the indefatigable spirit of adventure.
How could the adventure seeker of today find satisfaction with the level of performance that was a standard set more than 40 years ago ?
The supreme adventure in a man's life is his journey back to his Creator.
If you hate what you're seeing, you call it sex and violence. If you like it, you call it "romance and adventure." — © Joe Bob Briggs
If you hate what you're seeing, you call it sex and violence. If you like it, you call it "romance and adventure."
Creation is not a light-hearted game. The creator commits to a terrible adventure, which is to take up-on himself all of the dangers that his creatures run.
Government schooling is the most radical adventure in history. It kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents.
For men and women alike, this journey is a the trajectory between birth and death, a human life lived. No one escapes the adventure. We only work with it differently.
There comes no adventure but wears to our soul the shape of our everyday thoughts.
I'm going to die wearing the same things that I love wearing. I'm going to wear my jeans. I'm going to wear wifebeaters. I'm going to wear my leather jacket. I don't care. As long as I can look good in it, and feel comfortable in it, then I'm going to do it.
Books could be an incredible adventure. I stayed under my blanket and barely moved, and no one would have guessed how my mind raced and my heart soared with stories.
May your first word be adventure and last word love.
There's always another adventure if you keep your head above water and I don't have any desire to slow down because it keeps you young.
I gasped and pointed the way. I gave you an adventure, Ed, right in front of you but you never saw it until I showed you, and that's why we broke up.
The thirst for adventure is the vent which Destiny offers; a war, a crusade, a gold mine, a new country, speak to the imagination and offer.
From 4 to 6 percent of the presidential office is not in administration but in morals, politics, and spiritual leadership . He has to guide a people in the greatest adventure ever undertaken on the planet.
I do not want to believe that death is the gateway to another life. For me, it is a closed door. I do not say it is a step we must all take, but that it is a horrible and dirty adventure.
I'm actually really excited to be off of 'General Hospital' because I know God orders my steps, and this only means He has a new adventure for me.
Restless, and in desperate need of adventure, I quit my job at an insurance company to travel west with a couple of guys I smoked pot with, scandalizing my family.
You need experience, adventure, and explorations more than you need algebra!
To live our lives fully, to work whole heartily, to refuse directly what we can't swallow, to accepts the mystery in all matters of meaning- this is the ultimate adventure.
Men grow when inspired by a high purpose, when contemplating vast horizons. The sacrifice of oneself is not very difficult for one burning with the passion for a great adventure.
Expedition EVEREST adds a new dimension to our storytelling in Disney's Animal Kingdom. It's a thrilling adventure themed to the folklore of the mysterious yeti.
This is the only chance you will ever have on earth with this exciting adventure called life. So why not plan it, and try to live it as richly, as happily as possible?
Science moves with the spirit of an adventure characterized both by youthful arrogance and by the belief that the truth, once found, would be simple as well as pretty.
I, for one, am ready for a lot more adventure and a lot less nothing.
The reflective person opens up her inner world and embarks on the greatest adventure that life has to offer – getting to know and understand oneself.
Part of the joy of writing for kids is that you have to have a real adventure story. You can get really involved in the fantastic in a way that perhaps you can't so much in adult fiction.
As kids, we did see the Disney movies and the kids' adventure stories of the day.
Each book, for me, has been an adventure, a period of time dedicated to study, to document certain facts, to traveling, and also to fantasize and to invent. — © Mario Vargas Llosa
Each book, for me, has been an adventure, a period of time dedicated to study, to document certain facts, to traveling, and also to fantasize and to invent.
The last sentence in a piece is another adventure. It should open the piece up.
Every new friend is a new adventure... ...the start of more memories.
I didn't start out angry. I started out a young man wanting adventure.
Well, it's an adventure story, and a Bildungsroman, of course, but there was also the intention to describe a culture that had been seen in rather narrow terms.
My father has been an actor since 1964. Things were tight a lot of the times, financially. It wasn't like a big romantic adventure.
I crave for adventure. It makes me feel alive and excited. It's a constant tussle between what you want to do and other parameters that aren't in your hands.
Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventure, and for hides and furs is a phenomena which is at once disgusting and distressing. There is no justification in indulging is such acts of brutality.
New York is a galaxy of adventure at once elegant, exciting and bizarre. It's a city that moves so fast, it takes energy just to stand still.
It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves.
KISS Psycho Circus is my current favorite. I'm not ashamed to say that I prefer the mindless fun of blasting hordes of creatures to exploration or adventure games. — © Mike Wilson
KISS Psycho Circus is my current favorite. I'm not ashamed to say that I prefer the mindless fun of blasting hordes of creatures to exploration or adventure games.
We owe something to extravagance, for thrift and adventure seldom go hand in hand.
Love is a vessel that contains both security and adventure, and commitment offers one of the great luxuries of life: time. Marriage is not the end of romance, it is the beginning.
To me, the kitchen is a place of adventure and entirely fun, not drudgery. I can't think of anything better to do with family and friends than to be together to create something.
Don't worry about being worried. You're heading out on an adventure and you can always change your mind along the way and try something else.
If you hate what you're seeing, you call it sex and violence. If you like it, you call it 'romance and adventure.'
Interestingly, it's as though the gospel story of Jesus is the archetypal heroic journey, the embodiment of the very adventure that all people in every epoch have desired.
Grampa took Mary Ellen inside away from the crowd. "Now, child, I am going to show you what my father showed me, and his father before," he said quietly. He spooned the honey onto the cover of one of her books. "Taste," he said, almost in a whisper. . . . "There is such sweetness inside of that book too!" he said thoughtfully. "Such things...adventure, knowledge and wisdom. But these things do not come easily. You have to pursue them. Just like we ran after the bees to find their tree, so you must also chase these things through the pages of a book!
You want a love that consumes you, you want passion and adventure and even a little danger.
It was 'ST' format to let space and alien worlds, rather than human weakness, provide the conflict and danger necessary to our adventure show.
I do a lot of TV stuff, but I also turn a lot down - it's got to be an adventure.
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