Top 1200 Good Listener Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Good Listener quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
When you are mute, you become a good listener - it's all one-way. You appreciate the written word. You appreciate the sound.
One often reads about the art of conversation-how it's dying or what's needed to make it flourish, or how rare good ones are. But wouldn't you agree that the infinitely more valuable rara avis [rare bird] is a good listener.
I really believe being a good listener is important for anybody, and particularly for somebody who wants to be a leader. — © Hillary Clinton
I really believe being a good listener is important for anybody, and particularly for somebody who wants to be a leader.
You need to become a good listener. As you're working, you hear someone else's lines and how you absorb them becomes your acting.
You know when you're telling these little stories? Here's a good idea: have a point. It makes it so much more interesting for the listener!
I think one of the things I really learned in Denver is the value of being a good listener.
I am no theologian. I am a layman. I am among those who are preached to, and who listen. It is not for me to preach. I should not willingly forego being a listener, a man who reads the Gospels and then listens to what others say that our Lord meant. But sometimes a listener speaks out, and listens to his own voice.
The chronic kicker, even the most violent critic, will frequently soften and be subdued in the presence of a patient, sympathetic listener— a listener who will be silent while the irate fault-finder dilates like a king cobra and spews the poison out of his system.
I feel the first ten years of my career I really didn't care what the director said because I felt so arrogant. I was so certain about what should happen. But then I became a good listener.
I love helping friends, and I like to think I am a good listener and supportive. I'm also just kind of nosy, so it would satisfy my need to know other people's stories.
Something I always tell students is, when you're writing something, you want to write the first draft and you want it to come out easily in the beginning. If you're afraid to say what you really have to say, you stammer. When you're thinking of your listener, that's when you start stuttering and it's just because you're nervous that your listener is passing judgment.
To do my job well, I have to be a good listener. The listening is so much more important than the talking.
To be a writer you should read, write and talk to people, hear their knowledge, hear their problems. Be a good listener. The rest will come.
I love what I do. I love getting to talk with these people, and I feel like I'm learning something every day. You also have to be a really good listener, which I think is an underestimated skill.
Being a good listener is more than just being quiet. It's reflecting back on what you're hearing. It's processing the information to formulate a question, a comment or a speech.
An artist should make concessions to the listener. That is why Bruckner dedicated one of his symphonies to the Good Lord.
With the audience, I always say it's about giving the people an experience. And what the experience is about, it transcends just the music, and genre, and the venue. It's about the people coming together to share a profound and transformative moment. So that means the listener is actively engaged, and the listener is a part of the show, they're a part of the experience.
Sometimes, when you get into a record, it's like writing a book, and you get so far inside the story you can't tell anymore if it's gonna be good to an outside listener.
From a young age, I was a pretty good listener, a strong lady. Maybe it helped me that I never felt intimidated by anybody. Even at school, I was always strong. I believed in myself, in what I do.
A lot of times good, pristine recordings prevent the listener from getting emotionally involved in the music. — © Moby
A lot of times good, pristine recordings prevent the listener from getting emotionally involved in the music.
I'm passionate about the issues that I care about and I'm a really good listener.
I'm not a good listener some times. I'm too much of a control freak. I'm learning to be better. I was so caught up in just getting the job done that I would miss out on the human aspect of this. There was a connection missing.
It gives the listener a good workout, to listen to the music, the same as it does us to play it.
I shall leave the world without regret, for it hardly contains a single good listener.
I'm a very good listener, and I'm not interested in having fights simply for a question of protocol or vanity.
The desire of advising has a very extensive prevalence; and, since advice cannot be given but to those that will hear it, a patient listener is necessary to the accommodation of all those who desire to be confirmed in the opinion of their own wisdom: a patient listener, however, is not always to be had; the present age, whatever age is present, is so vitiated and disordered, that young people are readier to talk than to attend, and good counsel is only thrown away upon those who are full of their own perfections.
I'm passionate about the issues that I care about, and I'm a really good listener.
Becoming a good listener, you are able to connect with others on more levels and develop stronger, deeper relationships.
Judging people is not an awesome job, it only demands being level headed and a good listener and observer.
I'm a good listener, and I take into consideration everything people tell me, but at the same time, I believe my eyes as well as the experience I had as a player. So players who underperform? There has to be a reason why... my job is for them to perform.
A good listener: a physical presence that is warm, alert, intelligent - more important than any words.
I never fixed a story. I didn't make judgments, I let the listener make judgments. When I got to the end of the story, if it had a moral, I let the listener find it.
Donald Trump is a great listener, and he's a good challenger. He doesn't come across as a person who thinks he knows it all. In fact, he once told me he has had lot of things to learn.
The fluent reader sounds good, is easy to listen to, and reads with enough expression to help the listener understand and enjoy the material.
Telling purposeful stories is interactive. It's not a monolog. Ultimately, purposeful tellers must surrender control of their stories, creating a gap for the listener(s) to willingly cross in order to take ownership. Only when the listener(s) own the tellers' story and make it theirs, will they virally market it.
My teacher told me I'd never amount to anything. I left high school at 15, after one year. But my real teachers were all the people around me. And I was a good listener.
The reason that I'm considered to be prolific is just because I'm a good listener. It literally is me taking dictation when I write. I'm listening and typing as fast as I'm hearing the words.
A lot of the lyrics I write involve images that just swing the song in a way that feels really good to me and there isn't a literal explanation. They're not riddles for the listener to solve.
So if you aspire to be a good conversationali st, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments
I suppose my job is to describe spaces that are honest to me. And the goal, I suppose, is that the listener can hear themselves in some way in that song and also, in some way, hear me. And so if the listener is able to identify with my honesty then I'm being the most helpful I can possibly be.
While the difference between a bad sermon and a good sermon is mainly the responsibility of the preacher, the difference between good preaching and great preaching lies mainly in the work of the Holy Spirit. . . . We should do the work it takes to make our communication good and leave it up to God how and how often he makes it great for the listener.
I'm a good listener, you know. My gran used to say that's why you've got two ears and one mouth. I just truly love what I do and treat it with a lot of respect and all these relationships in the music business that people talk about.
It’s like someone who prays every night saying God’s a good listener. Just because you’re talking to us doesn’t mean we’re listening. With me and God, you never really know.
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while, he knows something. — © Wilson Mizner
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while, he knows something.
No matter how much you know, you can always learn more and be a good listener.
Try to be as good a listener as you are a speaker. Don't just put the emphasis on saying things. Listen.
In some way, people believe that if you are permeable, if you are a good listener, you don't have the quality of somebody with a firm attitude. This is what, fundamentally, I got from my mother.
I love watching Billy Bob, just as a punter anyway. I like his work. But working with him is really easy and really straight-forward. He's immediately good. He doesn't have to work up to it. He doesn't make your life difficult. He listens. He's a very good listener, in terms of his acting.
I'd probably end up doing the same thing over and over. We're creatures of habit. We know what we know. With collaboration...and I'm not just talking about music, I'm talking about in life - if you're a good listener and you have your ears open, and to be a good collaborator you have to be able to listen, you can learn something from somebody else.
Be a good listener...It makes the person who's speaking to you feel loved,cared for and worthy of being heard.
When Uncle Bob (or Ted or Ray) promised to send a shooting star over the house to mark a young listener's birthday, the young listener, who had hung out the window for an hour without seeing the star, questioned not Uncle Bob (or Ted or Ray), but his own eyesight.
I think it makes you a good listener about other people's relationships when you haven't got that much to say about your own.
I no longer worry about being a brilliant conversationalist. I simply try to be a good listener. I notice that people who do that are usually welcome wherever they go
A good journalist, as you know, is a great listener. And so's a good writer. And I got to listen to people for almost 20 years. That serves me well, I hope, when I try to understand how a character might be feeling, or how they might react.
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship. — © James E. Faust
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship.
Music is always for the listener, but the first listener is always the musician
Music has been there for me. Whether good or bad, it's the way that I process experience. As a listener and as a writer.
Twitter needs to continue being a good listener and recognize that the service has been redefined by lots of people, tweet by tweet, but also come up with its own priorities.
Doing new stuff live is tough just simply because I pay my money, I stand in my seats, and I see the guys I love. And if I paid that ticket, there's a good chance that I'm there to hear the stuff that made me fall in love with 'em - we call it the "old stuff." And if an artist comes in town and dumps his entire new album on me, as a listener in a concert venue, it happens to miss out on the old stuff that I came there for. That doesn't work too well for me as a listener. Most of the time for concerts, it's the old stuff.
I'm a good listener. I think it's the one characteristic that's most important. I've always been that way. Not that I take all the advice, but you've got to listen to it and have the courage to make your own decision. Then I just go for it.
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