Top 1200 Good Office Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Good Office quotes.
Last updated on October 2, 2024.
At the end of the day, when you are in the front office, your tenure is dictated by the people surrounding you.
Of course, we all need to have basic necessities met, such as good health care, good food, good education and good housing. But what is good? Having too much is bad, as having too little is also bad.
My family visits the office, and we have dinner together. We do this once or twice a week. — © Shervin Pishevar
My family visits the office, and we have dinner together. We do this once or twice a week.
If you go back to Season 1 of 'The Office,' Steve Carell's character is a lot different.
A pleasant natural environment is a good - a luxury good, philosophical good, a moral goody-good, a good time for all. Whatever, we want it. If we want something, we should pay for it, with our labor or our cash. We shouldn't beg it, steal it, sit around wishing for it, or euchre the government into taking it by force.
I think President Obama is weak, bored with the office, and an incompetent leader.
[Writing a joke] there is no team of writers. It's just you in an office, staring at yourself in the mirror.
Elected office holds more perks than Elvis' nightstand.
I think the leaders in all parties tend to adjust to reality. They just have to or they won't remain in office.
It's incredibly important that I decided to serve my country before deciding to run for office.
Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt politician ever to seek the office of the presidency.
I really am disappointed when I run into people who are angry I'm leaving office.
No man should be in public office who can't make more money in private life. — © Thomas Dewey
No man should be in public office who can't make more money in private life.
Other people go to the office. I get to coach. I know I've been blessed.
I've always suggested if you can't stand the sight of your own blood, don't run for office.
Philip wasn't the sort of man to make a friend of a woman. He wanted devotion. I gave him that. I did, you know. But I couldn't stand being made a fool of. I couldn;t stand being put on probation, like an office-boy, to see if I was good enough to be condescended to. I quite thought he was honest when he said he didn't believe in marriage -- and then it turned out that it was a test, to see whether my devotion was abject enough. Well, it wasn't. I didn't like having matrimony offered as a bad-conduct prize.
Most high officials leave office with the perceptions and insights with which they entered.
Drinking helps us to forget what we are, we leave the office and walk straight to the bar.
The worst moment from all of this was driving from that doctor's office, to tell my wife that I was HIV positive.
My mother is an office manager, my father a professor of economics and financial planner.
I would have to be able to come and go as I please. I could not sit in some office.
You know you're a fool when what you're doing makes even the post office seem efficient.
Ten Downing Street is a house, not an office. That is its most important characteristic.
I've heard it for years, if you're very successful you can't run for high office, especially for President.
The box office is a black money laundry shop. No business is straight.
From the moments Obama took office, he has downplayed the threats from radical Islamists.
Determine when you are most productive when working away from the office, and maximize those periods.
Every good that you do, every good that you say, every good thought you think, vibrates on and on and never ceases. The evil remains only until it is overcome by good, but the good remains forever.
As Members of Congress, we should not be using public office for private gain.
I'm pretty much a straight guy on 'The Office.' We can't all be crazies. You need some balance.
I don't know how you can tell a good actor in the movies. I really don't. I think you simply just do the part and hope to God that the director has a good cutter and a good editor, and it'll all get cut and put together so that you look good in it.
Three sorts of goods, Aristotle specified, contribute to happiness: goods of the soul, including moral and intellectual virtues and education; bodily goods, such as strength, good health, beauty, and sound senses; and external goods, such as wealth, friends, good birth, good children, good heredity, good reputation and the like.
The United States Constitution is clear. It prohibits religious tests for public office.
I'm not serving in office because I desperately needed 99 new friends in the U.S. Senate.
I want to show that you can be a successful entertainment executive, be a good husband, be a good father, be a good friend, be down to earth, be a good person, and give back. If I can push that message out there into the world and pass it on to my son, then I'm OK.
I would like to see more successful business people run for office.
Every time I fill a vacant office, I make ten malcontents and one ingrate.
I never wear very serious suits. I don't have to because I don't go to an office, so it's fine. — © Jean Pigozzi
I never wear very serious suits. I don't have to because I don't go to an office, so it's fine.
Whether you're a mechanic or you build houses or you work in an office, you don't have to like your boss.
Now I have to have the biggest P.O. box in the entire post office to get all the manuscripts coming in.
I have yet to hear of anyone who, on his deathbed, wished he'd spent more time at the office.
I don't think it could ever be possible to enjoy a job more than 'The Office.'
At the end of it, box office result matters. And the weird thing is that we do not know the formula of that.
I reckon this could mean another 10 million at the box office.
Someone like Bernie Sanders can be in office for 30 years, but he's not the establishment.
If you ask my opinion, I don't look at a film according to its box office collection.
I would love to be able to serve in office in some capacity with Romney as president.
You moon the wrong person at an office party and suddenly you're not 'professional' any more. — © Jeff Foxworthy
You moon the wrong person at an office party and suddenly you're not 'professional' any more.
No one should ever sit in this office over 70 years old, and that I know.
These days, even out of office, I still read economic reports.
I've done things my own way every since I've entered public office.
I thought of running for office when I was in law school, but I wanted to work on human rights.
My degree was in theater administration. So I can sell the hell out of a ticket at the box office.
What people fail to appreciate is that the currency of corruption in elective office is, not money, but votes.
I've never had that boring office job. All my jobs were music related.
He who uses the office he owes to the voters wrongfully and against them is a thief.
One of the most welcome aspects of office work is that you do not need to be fully yourself.
I do not intend to use the Surgeon General's Office as a bully pulpit for gun control.
Like letting spiders live because they eat mosquitoes, Clary thought. "So they're good enough to let live, good enough to make your food for you, good enough to flirt with-but not really good enough? I mean, not as good as people.
I still have my unemployment books and I remember when I worked for the sanitation department and the post office.
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