Top 1200 Good Role Models Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Good Role Models quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
You'll never see any two good actors approach a role in the same way.
Have you ever heard of 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?' I would like to play Sidney Poitier's role - I love that role.
I feel like I am versatile and can play in a deeper role and obviously in a more forward role. I'm always learning. — © Mason Mount
I feel like I am versatile and can play in a deeper role and obviously in a more forward role. I'm always learning.
The role of fiction is supposed to be divorced from the role of reality.
I hope I'm not implying role of contemporary poet for myself, although there's a kind of resonant paradigm. It's traditionally a difficult role.
Every time I get a role, or the opportunity to explore a role, I look at it, and I think, 'What is the story we're trying to tell here?'
I'm a fool for a good role in a creative piece where there are really such talented writers and wonderful actors.
I was always casting about for role models as a kid and the Star Trek was always available via reruns and also full of possibilities. I wanted to be like Spock because he was unflappable. I wanted to be like Kirk because he had magnetism and the ladies loved him. Bones was a grouch but he was sympathetic. The show worked like a boy band in that way... it had characters who embodied different psychic or emotional positions and that allowed me to see a great range of things.
I'm always just happy to see when models are working hard, doing well, and really, above all else, doing good things. I love when they work for charities or inspire education. Look at Karlie Kloss promoting education - that's wonderful.
Give role players love. Praise can be most valuable when it’s merited by someone whose supporting role is often overlooked
An artist who brings to his work a mind tolerably furnished with the general principles of art, and a taste formed upon the works of good artists ? in short, who knows in what excellence consists - will, with the assistance of models... be an overmatch for the greatest painter that ever lived who should be debarred such advantages.
The possibility that stock value in aggregate can become irrationally high is contrary to the hard-form "efficient market" theory that many of you once learned as gospel from your mistaken professors of yore. Your mistaken professors were too much influenced by "rational man" models of human behavior from economics and too little by "foolish man" models from psychology and real-world experience.
Why isn't Tilda Swinton on the covers of tons of magazines? Well, she's not that. It isn't her thing. But I don't know. I think that suddenly a time came when models, after the Linda Evangelista crowd, and Naomi Campbell and Christy Turlington, when the models for me became a bit bland. But I think more than that, the culture changed. The movies, television, music, and all of those things - those people were more visual and therefore more interesting.
I think Chris [Evans] has got Captain America locked up. The role is in good hands.
I had never intended to be on the show more than three years, regardless of how successful it was. I had other things I wanted to do. And I was offered a role in 'Red Sky at Morning', [1970]. I got that part because [producer] Hal Wallis had seen the HERE'S LUCY show with Ann-Margaret. It was a thrill for me, getting to do the drama and comedy. It was such a good role. So I missed several episodes of the show to shoot the movie. And I never came back but one.
I always loved acting, and that's what I wanted to do. It's funny that my first big role is a role where I'm going into a studio to record my singing. — © Deborah Joy Winans
I always loved acting, and that's what I wanted to do. It's funny that my first big role is a role where I'm going into a studio to record my singing.
Governments have always played an important role in energy investment, but this role has been increasing due to both geography and technology.
I would want to do a role like the one Ezra Miller had in 'We Need To Talk About Kevin.' That is a real juicy role.
Shaun Pollock is actually the best role model for me as a very good attritional bowler.
Compared to my role in 'Happy Days,' my role in 'Kotha Bangaru Lokam' is completely contrast specially in the body language.
I have never been bothered by the length of my role in a film as I want to be associated with good films.
When you're so young, it's important to understand exactly what your role is. Not just look good - you have to be efficient and effective.
Have the models been successful in predicting anything? They, of course, predict substantial global warming. This is not surprising given the expressed belief of some of the model builders in the global warming Hypothesis and the many parameters in the model that need to be introduced. However, the models also predict unambiguously that the atmosphere is warming faster than the surface of the earth; but all the available observational data unambiguously shows the opposite!
'Heroine' is about a declining and imbalanced superstar - a very brave and bold role. I wanted to test whether I could carry a role like this. I have given 200 per cent to this role. She's a very complex character, very aggressive, manipulative and bold, yet she's very fragile.
Evil had to manifest itself and fulfill its role, so that ultimately Good could prevail. [...] Evil needs to manifest itself, for them to understand the value of Good.
The Great Change is when humankind accepts its role as part of the natural order of the universe instead of its role as a cancer
All these years, I found that being a good wife for Jeb is my most important role, no doubt.
Everybody has an opportunity to play a role, a playmaking role, so it makes it harder to coach. It takes a little more time.
I don't want anyone to think I took this role in 'Downsizing' because it was the only role available to me. I'm not a passive participant in it.
Scholars who become politicians are usually assigned the comic role of having to be the good conscience of state policy.
I obviously preferred the analyst role to the sideline role because your opportunity to impact the broadcast was drastically different.
GPS not only played a large and delocalizing role in the war in Kosovo but is increasingly playing a role in social life.
Pageantry is something I celebrate and support and... the role of these winners is to be an ambassador for everybody, whatever race, color or creed, and a role model.
The Church's role should be separated from the state's role.
'Kya Supercool'... is a mad comedy that sees me in a crazy role. I am thrilled with my role and the way I performed.
I think, on a surface level, people are surprised to see me playing such a passive role in 'Good.'
I'm not sure I'm happy with words such as "task" or "role" when they are attached to literature. I prefer to talk about the gift of literature rather than its role or task. You know, gynecology has a role; sex is a gift. And literature is not about sending messages.
The other thing - and writers can say whatever they want - is casting. You need to find a person who can inhabit that role, who can not sugarcoat the bad stuff, and not be too hard on the good stuff, but who can come across as a three-dimensional human being with some depth and some thought about what they're doing. When you find James Gandolfini or Jon Hamm, someone who can inhabit this role but still has a natural humanity to them, no matter what they're doing? It's a gift.
Institutional Christianity has had clear secular benefits to American life for hundreds of years. It's played both a prophetic role in terms of generating moral critiques of American excesses, and so on, and also a communal role, in terms of building community as the country moved westward to the role my own Catholic Church played in assimilating generations of immigrants.
I'm an actor. I'll take a lead if it's offered. The really good actors can fill a character, no matter what the role is. A good leading man is a character actor; a good character actor can be a leading man.
I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously. — © Dana Perino
I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously.
If the part isn't always there on the page, I've had good relationships with writers where there's an openness to bring more to the role.
I'd have to say, what inspires me is making sure my siblings have a good role model to look up to.
When we were doing 'My Three Sons,' I appeared in the movie 'The Apartment.' I played a married businessman who kept a mistress on the side and treated her rather poorly. It was a good movie and a good role, and I thought it would be fun. But you should have seen the letters of protest I got over that.
For achieving good governance political will is necessary. Good governance is a political process. Though role of civil society is critical, without political will and political process, sustainable good governance cannot be achieved.
Love every role to be new, and I always like to bring a freshness to every character I play, but that comes down to the script. So, it's important that it's a good script with good, truthful characters and truthful subjects.
Government has a rightful role, but not an excessive role, to play.
I take every role seriously. Personally, I never look at any role as Michael White. I've done that my entire life.
Service is selflessness--the opposite of the lifestyle that we see so much of in America today. The things that entertain us don't often lift us up, or show us as the people we can rise up to become. The people who appear in this book--and others who did things I can't talk about--are my role models. They quietly live out the idea expressed in the Bible (John 15:13): "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
I'm not looking for any particular genre or role because I will pick up a role based on my mood and instinct.
The trend lines in research and innovation look good for places such as India and China and less good for America as we go forward. So even if you're not enchanted by the prospect of cosmic discovery, the prospect of dying poor may be what it takes to understand the role of this adventure in the future of the natural world in which we live.
The character of Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart added so much. He was solid in the ring too, really good. His role in the Hart Foundation - he was great. He was a really good, solid power guy that could move in there, too.
I'm a better person when I'm preparing for a role, when I'm studying a role. — © Val Kilmer
I'm a better person when I'm preparing for a role, when I'm studying a role.
The role at the DCCC as well as the role of chief deputy whip - I wouldn't be where I am in those spots if it were not for the speaker's approval.
Whether it's backing up or starting, I have the confidence to go out there and do good, so I'm gonna play my role.
Way I see it, everyone plays their own role in the world, and no role is more important than the other.
I landed the role in 'Caddyshack' auditioning, like everybody else. It wasn't a role I thought I'd get, so I had nothing to lose.
Bin Laden says his own role is to tell Muslims, quote, 'what is good for them and what is not.'
I primarily look at how a role is laid out by the director. I take into consideration my co-stars, before signing a role.
Why do you think people don't think that homosexual parents are good? You don't know what a homosexual family looks like. I will be the role model for the good gay family. Don't let these children suffer without families because of your bias.
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