Top 1200 Google Maps Quotes & Sayings - Page 13

Explore popular Google Maps quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
History shows fans want consolidation; you see it across the web every place. The big players are people like Google, Amazon, eBay, Facebook.
Google has a great product. They've built a great business.
Not everything looks great on Google. Megan's meltdown on Celebrity Big Brother' is not great. A classic - but I'm embarrassed by it. — © Megan McKenna
Not everything looks great on Google. Megan's meltdown on Celebrity Big Brother' is not great. A classic - but I'm embarrassed by it.
I am not afraid to admit, though slightly ashamed that I Google myself and I see people writing things about me and I get really proud and happy.
People read things on Google, and they have these perceptions, these misconceived perceptions of who you are. At times that hurts, because they really don't know who I am.
When I give talks, I often quote from a button I received at a Google event: Always Be Creative. I use it to illustrate how important creativity is in technology and business.
When you sit down with Zynga and Google, and they talk about billions of impressions, you think, music has way more of an emotional connection than technology, but we haven't cracked the code.
The more angels we have in Silicon Valley, the better. We are funding innovation. We are funding the next Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
In the city of flesh I travel without maps, a worried tourist: and Ottilie was a very Venice. I stumbled lost in the blue shade of her pavements. Here was a dreamy stillness, a swaying, the splash of an oar. Then, when I least expected it, suddenly I stepped out into the great square, the sunlight, and she was a flock of birds scattering with soft cries in my arms.
Once I have the idea for a story. I start collecting all kinds of helpful information and storing it in three-ring notebooks. For example, I may see a picture of a man in a magazine and say, 'That's exactly what the father in my book looks like!'...I save everything that will help--maps, articles, hand-jotted notes, bits of dialogue from conversations that I overhear.
Believe me, I've had interviews where the person says, 'So when did you start and why? What about your parents?' I say to them, 'Please, have you heard of the word 'Google?'
Without getting into specifics, I assure you we are looking at very substantial opportunities for Loon - Google-scale opportunities.
Who co-founded Google? Sergey Brin, a Russian-born Jew whose family fled anti-semitism in the Soviet Union to settle here and who considers himself a refugee.
Mark Zuckerberg did his own software for Facebook, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin made their own for Google. — © Xavier Niel
Mark Zuckerberg did his own software for Facebook, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin made their own for Google.
You wish that everyone knew what cisgender meant. Everyone has access to Google. You can find out what's appropriate to ask a trans person.
In short, Google prefers a world where we consistently go to three restaurants to a world where our choices are impossible to predict.
Believe me, I've had interviews where the person says, "So when did you start and why? What about your parents?" I say to them, "Please, have you heard of the word Google?"
To cash paid for saddlery, a letter case, maps, glasses, etc etc etc. for the use of my Command: 29 pounds 13 shillings and sixpence... To Mrs Washington's travelling expenses in coming to and returning from my winter quarters, the money to defray that taken from my private purse: 1064 pounds, one shilling.
Pirates did not store all their treasures in treasure chests, then bury them and draw maps to them. That's a movie invention. In reality, pirates spent their money as fast as they could steal it because they knew they were living on borrowed time. They didn't want to wait around to enjoy the money.
If you have some problem in your life and you need to deal with it then use religion it's fine. I use Google.
Oracle v. Google is a vast, sprawling piece of litigation over the Android platform, one where the billions of dollars at stake were the least-significant possible consequence of the lawsuit.
Google was like the only company that was like, 'We're making so much money; let's take a picture of every street in the world.' Nobody does that.
Xiaomi looks a bit like Apple but is really more like Amazon with some elements of Google.
I don't read in Chinese very well. Google Translate helps with that. It's cool that I can upload a photo and translate the text from it.
The issues of wireless versus wireline gets very messy. And that's really an FCC issue, not a Google issue.
We couldn't buy Google on the IPO, but I knew I wanted to own it. I was gonna go big. It came out and went down a bit. I got distracted by something and didn't get in.
The fact is, when you look at the best teams—like the ones that existed at Toyota or 3M when Takeuchi or Nonaka wrote their paper, or the ones at Google or or Amazon today—there isn’t this separation of roles.
Nigeria was a blank on the map - there weren't even any maps. The US State Department, everyone said don't go there. It was courageous of Harvard University: the notion was that we would match Harvard students with Nigerian students, so that every student would have a guide, creating a guarantee of intimacy with the city.
I just Google whatever the hell I want to cook, and I try to cook it by what they tell me to do. If it's not good, I don't eat it.
There are stories, like maps that agree... too consistent among too many languages and histories to be only wishful thinking.... It is always a hidden place, the way into it is not obvious, the geography is as much spiritual as physical. If you should happen upon it, your strongest certainty is not that you have discovered it but returned to it. In a single great episode of light, you remember everything.
When I joined Google, it was a 1,500-person company, which I thought was huge, since I don't think of myself as a corporate person.
I am visible to Google. I link therefore I am.
I'm not as tech savvy as some YouTubers, but I'm a lot better than my grandparents. Whenever I have a technical question, or something isn't working, I ask Google, and that usually throws up the answer.
I don't have to keep a diary. It seems like for the last 40 years my life has been lived in the press, so I can Google any date in my history and find out what I was doing.
I always think I know the way a novel will go. I write maps on oversized art pads like the kind I carried around in college when I was earnest about drawing. I need to have some idea of the shape of the novel, where its headed, so that I can proceed with confidence. But the truth is my characters start doing and saying things I don't expect.
I always knew what I wanted to dress like but that's when I became really passionate about it. We'd be in class and Google outfits or I'd doodle what I wanted.
After the investigation of Operation Aurora, the cyberattack on Google from within China that was revealed in 2010, I realized a completely new type of security strategy and technology was needed.
One of the things that inspires me about working for Google is that when we solve a problem here, we can get that used by one million or even a billion people. That is very motivating as a computer scientist.
Unlike a Google lobbyist endorsing Biden, a black Democrat state rep endorsing Trump publicly takes courage. — © Mollie Hemingway
Unlike a Google lobbyist endorsing Biden, a black Democrat state rep endorsing Trump publicly takes courage.
Google has established a pattern of lobbying and threatening to acquire power. It has reached a dangerous point common to many monarchs: The moment where it no longer wants to allow dissent.
A lot of credit goes to Google TV for helping that process get started and helping to build something like Chromecast.
Uber, like Google, is taking a highly disorganized business - in its case, private transportation such as taxicabs and private limousines - and ordering it neatly.
The problem with Google is you have 360 degrees of omnidirectional information on a linear basis, but the algorithms for irony and ambiguity are not there. And those are the algorithms of wisdom.
Growing up with a name that rhymes with turkey - and jerky - was no great fun. But, as an adult, I tell you, being globally unique in the age of Google can be extremely helpful.
All the information in the world has been pretty dispersed, but Google's mission has been to organize it and make it universally accessible.
I hate it when other people think they're better than you because they know your name because they can Google you.
I've never done it, but I think if you do a Google search for 'People who will help me travel across the country to meet my online love,' I'm probably the only person that comes up.
Now, I'm a dad, I'm an adult. I've been solo for 25 years; I've been in other people's groups but I'm solo [in a broader sense]. I stopped comparing myself to other people's maps when I was maybe 24, really. The trajectory that I've gone on is not one that I can compare with anybody else.
In Google data centers, our energy usage throughout the year for all our computing needs is 100 percent renewable. — © Jeff Dean
In Google data centers, our energy usage throughout the year for all our computing needs is 100 percent renewable.
Google "Donald Trump Iraq." And you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of Iraq.
In your spare time, google the ingredients in all the foods you are eating. If you care about yourself, you may change your menu
Even Apple, notorious for keeping a tight grip on its products, allows fierce competitors like Google, Amazon, Spotify, and Microsoft to offer their apps on its phones and tablets.
I grew up in a family of storytellers, but Google has destroyed us because you can fact-check everything. We'd always like the stories to be a little better than they were.
Reading old travel books or novels set in faraway places, spinning globes, unfolding maps, playing world music, eating in ethnic restaurants, meeting friends in cafes . . . all these things are part of never-ending travel practice, not unlike doing scales on a piano, shooting free-throws, or meditating.
Echoes of the iPhone are everywhere. Xiaomi's phones and Google's new Pixel are designed to fool you into thinking that they just might be an iPhone.
The Google model of targeted advertising is appealing because it claims to cut down on waste. We need to ask how that efficiency can be brought to creative process.
Google is where we go for answers. People used to go elsewhere or, more likely, stagger along not knowing.
We did not enter the search business. Google entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won't let them.
I have the Google alert for marijuana articles come on my phone everyday. There are some interesting ones that have come up that I file away.
America pays defense contractors to build aircraft carriers. Google pays brilliant programmers to do whatever the hell they want.
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