Can we please rename The Sandy Relief Bill to the Supplemental Iraq War Funding Bill so the GOP Congress can vote for it?
I can assure you that women all over the country are paying close attention to the GOP 'War on Women.'
Who in the GOP would complain if Trump federalizes 'stop and frisk' or encourages its proliferation in states using the power of the Justice Department purse?
The GOP's insoluble problem is that the multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual country they created with their open borders appears not to like the brand of dog food the party sells.
Obama's claim is that he wants to give. The GOP is saying it wants to take.
I keep reading that Donald Trump is the most pro-LGBT GOP presidential nominee of all time - and I actually think that's true.
I like the Growth and Opportunity Project. These are good conservative values, proving the core of the GOP is just that: conservative.
If [Donald] Trump drags down a bunch of Senate Republicans, the post-election GOP assessment will be much more pessimistic.
During his runs for the GOP presidential nomination, Mitt Romney has done a good job of mimicking Reagan's anti-government diatribes and 'better days ahead' rhetoric.
When I saw the rise of the anti-Christ Donald Trump, I was like, 'Hell no.' We can't be in a country where we love celebrities so much that we let the executive producer of 'Celebrity Apprentice' become the GOP nominee.
The GOP of old has grown old and moss covered.
Let's be clear: the American people didn't give the GOP a stamp of approval or a mandate to ram through an ideologically-driven, far-right agenda.
The more you push back on Donald [Trump], whether you`re in the media or whether you are in the GOP establishment, the stronger his base of support comes.
While GOP elites say they`re shocked, shocked, by [Donald] Trump`s religious bigotry, this is far from the first time Islamophobia has bubbled up in their party.
Before the GOP became the party of Trump's gangster capitalism, they weren't perfect capitalists, but they at least paid lip service to the power of markets and capitalism.
What hurts the GOP is when we have leaders placing the blame on other leaders within the party.
I think you had the GOP down there in North Carolina reaching out to African-American voters and this guy coming on television and using the N-word and saying what Don Yelton said.
It's a coup by the GOP to grab the governorship to California to make this place a safe haven for George W. Bush in 2004. It's incredible when you think about it. The recall cost the state $100 million.
For months, Republican Party leaders have been talking about the need to unify the GOP, in part because of Donald Trump and his criticism of the establishment, which created such big divides.
Republicans are being counseled to move the party to the left, but in my experience, those who advocate more liberal policies for the GOP are wrongheaded or Democrats, or both.
The Democrats are obsessing about raising tax rates, while the GOP talks about closing loopholes.
Compared to the '88 GOP race, the Democratic fight to succeed Clinton was orderly and drama-free. In the formative days of the campaign, Vice President Al Gore seemed at least potentially vulnerable.
The GOP doesn't seem particularly afraid of being perceived as blocking reform, despite efforts by the Obama White House to establish that narrative.
While it has been mostly unreported, Mr. Trump has embraced the LGBT community like no other GOP nominee in history.
Here's the question for my fellow Republicans: Do we want to be the first-ever GOP House majority to raise federal marginal income tax rates?
Why do Tea Party backers oppose abortion at higher rates than their traditional GOP cohort? Religion.
Which idiot put the GOP convention the same time as 'Burning Man' in Nevada? Is there time to change this?
When I was first assigned to cover the Republican presidential race in 2007, that meant covering John McCain. He was the next in line, and at that point that mattered in the GOP.
'Staunch conservatives' and 'free marketeers' are fairly typical Republicans, while the 'American preservationists' are far less reliably a part of a GOP coalition.
For decades, the GOP has faithfully served the rich, corporations, polluters and purveyors of pure, unadulterated greed, and brought blue-collar white voters along for the ride with promises of cultural revival.
In 1964, the GOP ceased to be the party of Lincoln and became the party of Southern whites.
We are a grassroots party. We always have been. That's been the strength of the GOP.
It's a coup by the GOP to grab the governorship to California to make this place a safe haven for George W. Bush in 2004. It's incredible when you think about it. The recall cost the state $100 million
Moving forward, I will be committed to building a stronger team so that the GOP can compete and win statewide in 2018, including the possibility of being a candidate in that cycle.
This is all disgraceful and underscores how imperative it is that Obamacare be fully repealed and that the newly elected GOP Congress get a backbone and stand up to this cadre of scofflaws.
To be more specific, the evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP is what ails the erstwhile conservative party and will continue to afflict and marginalize its constituents if reckoning doesn't soon cometh.
Our own GOP machine, the establishment, they who would assemble the political landscape, they're attacking their own front-runner.
In American politics, the deepest rivalry is between the rational world and the right wing of the GOP, who are increasingly marginalized in their view that America cannot take on the big challenges.
The early favorite for the GOP nomination and 'natural' heir to Reagan was Vice President George H.W. Bush. But Bush was an imperfect fit for the party's base.
The GOP wants to cut funding for birth control, place undue burdens on clinics that serve low income women and families, and defund Planned Parenthood.
I think Republicans will not win again in my lifetime ... unless they become a new GOP, a new Republican Party. And it has to be a transformation. Not a little tweaking at the edges.
The GOP establishment, in particular, is facing a pick-your-poison kind of decision. Many establishment Republicans dislike [Ted] Cruz personally. He has no Senate endorsements.
It`s hard to beat something with nothing. Republicans across the country are feeling the burn from an energized and angry segment of the electorate which is descending on GOP town halls and these folks want answers.
How does the GOP repeal and replace Obamacare without cutting the benefits upon which millions of Americans have come to rely?
The GOP cannot expect to win the presidency in the future by simply relying on running up big numbers with white voters.
Appeasing Wall Street is to be expected from the GOP who do little to hide their true intentions and their defense of the wealthiest financial institutions and interests.
GOP leaders need to let go of their ego factions and come together with one primary goal in mind: keeping 'Billary' from getting back into the Oval Office.
Jim Gilmore was the only GOP candidate not invited to the Republican debates tonight, but I saw that he actually planned to live-tweet it. When he heard that, Jeb Bush was like 'Can I do that? I don't want to be here!'
Something very significant appears to be happening in America. There is a dramatic shift in voter affinity toward the GOP, and it may prove to be the mountain-too-high for Barack Obama's campaign.
Going into the 2012 election, I worried that without effectively connecting with the youth vote, the GOP risked losing the millennial generation for the rest of their lives.
Whether McCain actively sought Palin in 2008 or passively yielded to aides' pressure, he set a new standard for GOP candidates who rely on lots of sizzle and little substance.
Gov. Scott Walker, a Tea Party-tinged Republican, is the advance guard of a new GOP push to dismantle public-sector unions as an electoral force.
North Carolina precinct chairman and GOP executive committee member Don Yelton thinks his state's new voting restrictions are just fine.
Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency.
After sweeping to power in the Newt Gingrich-led 'revolution' of 1994, the GOP had overplayed its hand and watched Bill Clinton easily defeat Bob Dole in 1996.
My slice of the millennial generation, as we grew up, became - to the dismay of the GOP - a bloc of fairly consistently Democratic voters.
For decades Republicans have made policy with a higher purpose in mind: to solidify the GOP base or to damage the institutions and movements aligned with the other side.
The only way to improve the GOP brand and make good public policy is to fix the process. This requires transforming the way Congress does business.
Some want to rebrand the GOP, but they will never rebrand conservatives.
I think that Rand Paul represents a segment of the GOP, just like his father. And I think he is trying to expand that, intelligently, to make it larger.
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