Top 1200 Gospel Of John Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Gospel Of John quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
We know about General John Kelly's military experience and his record there and being a decorated veteran of combat over in Iraq in particular. In fact, that's where I first met him was when Ramadi was shot to shambles during the surge era. We took a ride around there, even a minaret was shot in half and he pointed to that and said we were taking fire from that minaret. My son took that down with a 20 milimeter cannon. That's my first impression of John Kelly.
Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else.
Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. — © Paul the Apostle
Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.
Opportunities for sharing the gospel are everywhere.
I was around a lot of gospel as a kid.
The Law is for the proud and the Gospel for the brokenhearted.
Preach the Gospel with your life.
Love is the very essence of the gospel.
Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
To assume the gospel in one generation is to lose it in the next.
Relevance is not a substitute for the Gospel, but an entry point for it
The gospel is not a doctrine of the tongue, but of life.
The gospel is not just the “ABCs” but the “A-to-Z” of the Christian life. — © Timothy Keller
The gospel is not just the “ABCs” but the “A-to-Z” of the Christian life.
Do not think that you are too busy to study the gospel.
The gospel is not weight, it is wings. It carries us.
The gospel to me is simply irresistible.
Gospel music is the purest thing there is on this earth.
The music of the Gospel leads us home.
Now that you have the knowledge of the gospel, you're called to do better.
The Gospel can stand up to scrutiny.
Sometimes we overcomplicate living the gospel.
The primary reward of the gospel - God himself
The gospel is fiction when judged by the empire, but the empire is fiction when judged by the gospel.
The Rosary is the compendium of the entire Gospel.
We need courage if we are to be faithful to the Gospel.
The whole gospel is contained in Christ.
I think Martin Luther correctly distinguished between what he called the magisterial and ministerial uses of reason. The magisterial use of reason occurs when reason stands over and above the gospel like a magistrate and judges it on the basis of argument and evidence. The ministerial use of reason occurs when reason submits to and serves the gospel…. Should a conflict arise between the witness of the Holy Spirit to the fundamental truth of the Christian faith and beliefs based on argument and evidence, then it is the former which must take precedence over the latter.
As Christians, we are to be newsboys and not editors of the gospel.
I love listening to gospel records.
Brown bread and the Gospel is good fare.
An 'almost gospel' doesn't raise a corpse.
The church is the gospel made visible.
Without the Gospel everything is useless and vain.
I like a lot of gospel music.
The joy of the Gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded.
Do all you can to preach the gospel and if necessary use words!
If there is no challenging of the sinful heart, there is no gospel preaching.
Preach the gospel to yourself every day. — © Jerry Bridges
Preach the gospel to yourself every day.
I've done gospel songs on every album.
We cannot have the fruits of the gospel without its roots.
To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith.
Surely the gospel evokes unconditional surrender of all that we are and all that we have to all that He is.
When you sing gospel you have a feeling there is a cure for what's wrong.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
There is no such thing as neutrality where the gospel is concerned.
Gospel in its definition is good news.
I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Gospel artists are messengers; they are vessels of a message. — © Boris Kodjoe
Gospel artists are messengers; they are vessels of a message.
Adoption is the highest privilege the gospel offers.
Preach the gospel, die and be forgotten.
Never lose heart in the power of the gospel.
Cry the Gospel with your whole life.
I owe my life and hope to the gospel.
Nobody is beyond the reach of the Gospel.
It's important for a gospel artist not to try to be mainstream.
The gospel is not for you who can save yourselves, but for those who are lost.
I love gospel, Christian R&B, and rap.
The mission proper to the Church is that of proclaiming the Gospel.
Personally I prefer Gospel music.
The way you lose the gospel is not by denying it, but by assuming it.
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