Top 1200 Gotten Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

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Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I think that where I've gotten frustrated during the course of my presidency has never been because I was getting pushed too hard by activists to see the justness of a cause or the essence of an issue.
I think we've now gotten to this point where we're growing more and more distrustful of our institutions, be they government or corporations or otherwise.
It is sad that the world has gotten more of my time than my children, but my children benefit from it through their financial and economical freedom that I didn't have.
Models, even male models - how small they've gotten! It looks great for the clothes, but it's not what you want in real life. — © Demi Moore
Models, even male models - how small they've gotten! It looks great for the clothes, but it's not what you want in real life.
Our society has gotten to the point where we might soon become less and less shocked by any kind of violence.
My success, I feel like, is credit - credit for a good job. I haven't even gotten a Grammy, yet I've already decided I want an Emmy.
Ill gotten gains will be ill spent.
What got us out of the depression was capitalism, and we would have gotten out a lot quicker had the government not intervened.
I've gotten into such weird jobs just by word of mouth... Like I didn't try to be an accessory designer, but I had a friend working at the company and I needed a job so that's where I ended up.
All of us as consumers have gotten spoiled, ... We expect customized goods and services at commodity prices. The only way we can do that is to cut the fat out of our price structure.
Dale Jr. has never gotten a fair shake from the start because, guess what? He's not his father. He was always supposed to have been someone else. The pressure he's under is unreal.
I had gotten to the point where I was either going to play the violin much better or I was going to break it over my knee.
I've always gotten credit for being a big man who doesn't want to shoot threes. Throughout my entire basketball career prior to coming to the NBA, I was praised for doing that.
If my Instagram or Twitter has gotten people to try healthy supplements or enjoy a new form of fitness and feel better about themselves, then that's pretty rad.
TV has gotten perhaps better than your average film script, but at the same time, it's fun to give it all you've got for a few months and produce a story.
I never thought that I would treasure doing my job, and I have reached that point. I've gotten to a point where it's like the priesthood: this is what I was called to do.
My parents went crazy when they found out that I had gotten the part in 'Conversations With My Father!' I'd never given acting a thought. They were proud of me and very encouraging.
A lot of my approach to the instrument, especially as I've gotten older, is to treat the piano in ways that are not very pianistic - to consider the sounds I'm after first, and to deal with technical considerations later.
I haven't gotten fired from many jobs, but you finish a job and nine times out of ten you're just unemployed and you don't know where the next one is. And that does get old. It's stressful.
I'm kind of... I'm a sci-fi fan, and I like horror; I'm a genre fan... but fantasy's not really ever something I've gotten into. — © Jacob Anderson
I'm kind of... I'm a sci-fi fan, and I like horror; I'm a genre fan... but fantasy's not really ever something I've gotten into.
It's too late. We can't win, they've gotten too powerful.
Social media is a double-edged sword. I've gotten in trouble for announcing, too soon, something that the network or the studio wanted to do, and it steals some of the thunder, so to speak.
I've never been to a psychiatrist so have never gotten to the point where I could be formally diagnosed with any disorder. But I definitely have anxiety.
I've never been one to just do what I'm told. I don't say that necessarily with pride, it's just something that has gotten me in trouble before.
If Mark Twain had had Twitter, he would have been amazing at it. But he probably wouldn't have gotten around to writing Huckleberry Finn.
One of the weirdest questions I've gotten on the campaign trail is, 'Are you going to run as a woman?' I'm like, 'Do I have an option?' Like, what does this mean?
I've never gotten used to winter and never will.
I feel like I've gotten more than a lot of people will ever get. I feel very fortunate.
I've been really, really blessed. I got to perform on stage with Bob Dylan. I've gotten to sing with Mick Jagger.
When I interview somebody, I look at their resume to see what they've done, who they've worked with, and how many times. If they've gotten repeat work. Those are the kinds of actors I want to hire.
Nothing in my life has necessarily been easy, but eventually I see where it's gotten me to, and I say, 'Okay, it's been worth it.'
You have to ask what is going to happen to a lot of companies when there is not a lot more money to be gotten. That changes everybody's perspective, I think.
Other writers tell me about these bushel baskets delivered at the front door. If I've gotten 50 letters over the last 18 years, I'd be surprised.
I feel like I've gotten to a point where I don't know if it can get much bigger. I've been climbing and I feel very happy.
One thing that these Buddhists have certainly gotten right is that attention to attention is the key to taking control of your mental life.
Sticking to my schedule, I've gotten over seven months ahead, which allowed me to write a 'Pearls Before Swine' movie script for the big screen.
In my real life, hard work, doing my job, working well with others and finding solutions without drama has never gotten me fired before.
I've gotten to hang out with Elmo, I'm the Fairy Shoeperson on 'Sesame Street'. So hopefully our kids will get to see and hear me as much as they're able.
It was frightening because it was the first time I had gotten a sense of how serious the problem was. It became clear from his notes that he felt the president himself was involved.
When I run into a paradox I think either I'm a total horse's ass to have gotten to this point, or I'm fruitfully near the edge of my discipline. It adds excitement to life to wonder which it is.
My two sisters were always cooking. I wanted to be in the police force, but I didn't get in because I just so happened to procrastinate a bit, and I hadn't gotten my application in at the right time.
If you are fortunate in life, age and knowledge breed compassion. And as I have gotten older, I came to understand, that a person's sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to be a good parent.
I feel like there's something interesting to learn from anyone's story, no matter their place in society. I think we've gotten really far away from that - we're in such a celebrity-obsessed culture.
Young people like to think they're invincible. They don't like to face any situation where they've gotten weaker instead of stronger. — © V. E. Schwab
Young people like to think they're invincible. They don't like to face any situation where they've gotten weaker instead of stronger.
Right now, the old guys, the old farts, if you will, are still running the show, and the women haven't gotten their place yet at all.
I think I really would have quit if I hadn't gotten 'Inherent Vice'. Or maybe I would have just shriveled up and died.
It's always wrong of course to say that you can't do this or you can't do that in fiction. You can do anything you can get away with, but nobody has ever gotten away with much.
Kat didn't know what to say. It's good to see you too? Thanks for getting me kicked out? Is it possible you've gotten even hotter? I think I might have missed you?
As I've gotten older there's just more awareness around what is good for my body internally, externally, physically. It's all about reading labels and being aware and conscious of what goes in.
I've upped my size tremendously. Forearms strength, shoulder strength has gotten crazy strong. I've been working hard on that.
I think I've shown patches of being a good defender and then I've gotten lazy off the ball and you make a stupid play and you look like you can't guard anybody.
It used to be you had real friends on the other side of the aisle. Its not like that anymore. Society has changed. The public is to blame as well. I think the people have gotten dumber.
It's not so hard to get rich as it is to know when you have gotten rich.
If you've gotten yourself into a situation when Clay Aiken is going to talk about his feelings with you, it's time to kill yourself.
We've gotten to a point where you can't be a politician and actually say what you're thinking because someone's gonna get offended, and God forbid, like, everyone's so sensitive now, it's ridiculous.
It's the reaction I've gotten my whole life: that I learn something and try to tell people in conversation, but when I tell them, they are annoyed. — © Adam Conover
It's the reaction I've gotten my whole life: that I learn something and try to tell people in conversation, but when I tell them, they are annoyed.
Ive gotten to know a number of readers from being online, and really treasure the time Ive spent with them.
It used to be you had real friends on the other side of the aisle. It's not like that anymore. Society has changed. The public is to blame as well. I think the people have gotten dumber.
I think I've gotten that before - people have been like, 'Oh, you have a creepy stare.' My energy personally is not as threatening, I don't think.
I've been very fortunate that I haven't gotten injured a bunch. I try to take care of myself. I think, too, my size gives me an advantage in some ways.
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