Top 1200 Government And Society Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Government And Society quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
It has been said that terror is the principle of despotic government. Does your government therefore resemble despotism? Yes, as the sword that gleams in the hands of the heroes of liberty resembles that with which the henchmen of tyranny are armed ... The government of the revolution is liberty's despotism against tyranny.
As the president of Estonia, I represent the only truly digital society which actually has a state; almost all our citizens' interactions with the government, including voting, can be done securely online, and our 'e-residents' can incorporate and run their businesses in Estonia without ever having to set foot here.
When we belong to a community and learn things that are no way related to our society, we live as unwanted entities in that society. — © Vetrimaaran
When we belong to a community and learn things that are no way related to our society, we live as unwanted entities in that society.
We Americans think we enjoy self-government. We have all the trappings of self-government, like elections. But in reality, we have gradually lost many of our rights to govern ourselves. We have the form of self-government, but only some of the substance. We are, in a sense, a nation run by a handful of judges who often enforce, not the law, but their personal opinions.
Salvation by society failed the most where it promised the most, in the communist countries. But it also failed in the West. Practically no government program enacted since the 1950s in the Western world - or in the communist countries - has been successful.
Nobody in the society will talk about menstruation... it's a taboo in my country. That's why I'm branded by society as a psycho.
As long-term institutions, I am totally against dictatorships. But a dictatorship may be a necessary system for a transitional period... Personally I prefer a liberal dictator to democratic government lacking liberalism. My personal impression - and this is valid for South America - is that in Chile, for example, we will witness a transition from a dictatorial government to a liberal government.
A society in which conjugal infidelity is tolerated must always be in the long run a society adverse to women.
It is absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt that more firearms in a society actually cuts the amount of crime in that same society.
Ultimately, it is only a powerful civil society movement which can break the vicious cycle of corruption in any society.
A thing that really troubles me about a more polarized society is that you stop having a sense of society and citizenship.
You can't function in society if you don't involve yourself in the fictions society accepts about time. But you do so with the understanding that you're playing a game.
You can't expect to work for the Daily Mail group and have the rest of society treat with you respect as a useful member of society, because you are not. — © Ken Livingstone
You can't expect to work for the Daily Mail group and have the rest of society treat with you respect as a useful member of society, because you are not.
The Islamic ethic is that if God has given you the capacity or good fortune to be a privileged individual in society, you have a moral responsibility to society.
In the society that has replaced the paternalistic society, women are able to develop their independent and social energies much more. That is good.
The Constitution of the United States, for instance, is a marvelous document for self-government by the Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Christian people and atheistic people they can use it to destroy the very foundation of our society. And that's what's been happening.
The point of civilization is to be civilized; the purpose of action is to perpetuate society, for only in society can philosophy truly take place.
Once a secret society establishes itself within an open society, there is no end to the hideous mistrust it must cause.
Las Vegas: It was not cafe society, it was Nescafe society
The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature's proper steward and society's only hope.
It is hard to imagine having a government more secretive than the United States. Virtually everything that government does, of any significance, is conducted behind an extreme wall of secrecy. The very few leaks that we’ve had over the last decade are basically the only ways that we’ve had to learn what our government is doing.
My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular.
The organic constitution of the Church is not immutable; but Christian society, just as human society, is subject to perpetual evolution.
Society can't wait. It's sad there are so many entrepreneurs, business successes and venture capitalists who give no thought to society.
Until we get rid of racial bias, sexism, homophobia in society, it will exist in all walks of society.
When a church reaches up beyond its group and tries to enforce its standards upon a society that doesn't accept these standards, and perhaps for good reason, perhaps for bad reason, but anyway this is the problem we face in pluralistic society, that not necessarily every standard that every church tries to enforce upon the society is from the society's standpoint a good standard.
A society where the simple many obey the few seers can live; a society where all were seers could live even more fully. But a society where the mass is still simple and the seers are no longer attended to can achieve only superficiality, baseness, ugliness, and in the end extinction. On or back we must go: to stay here is death.
I support the administrative rules promulgated by the Department of the Interior which permit a Native Hawaiian government to establish a relationship with the U.S. government. If Native Hawaiians form a government consistent with those rules and seek federal recognition, I would likely support the request.
... we have almost succeeded in leveling all human activities to the common denominator of securing the necessities of life and providing for their bundance. Whatever we do, we are supposed to do for the sake of "making a living;" such is the verdict of society, and the number of people, especially in the professions who might challenge it, has decreased rapidly. The only exception society is willing to grant is to the artist, who, strictly speaking, is the only "worker" left in a laboring society.
We have not yet built a communist society.It is not so easy to build such a society.
Our Government is pleased to partner with the Kelowna Visual and Performing Arts Centre Society, located in the heart of British Columbia's vibrant Central Okanagan region. Support for the performing arts is essential for the professional growth and development of our Canadian artists.
It is my view that our society can be no more stable than the foundation of individual family units upon which it rests. Our government, our institutions, our schools...indeed, our way of life are dependent on healthy marriages and loyalty to the vulnerable little children around our feet.
We have determined as a society, as a country, as a people, that the incarceration and the supervision and the specific fines for a particular crime are that person's debt to society.
We are a great capitalist society, that works most of the time. We do need to take better care of our people and fix the access, cost, and quality of healthcare. But we need to act intelligently. We needed the intervention of government to keep the economy from falling into an abyss, but we must now encourage the creation of business - not burden it.
Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, of course, lays out the delegated, enumerated, and therefore limited powers of Congress. Only through a deliberate misreading of the general welfare and commerce clauses of the Constitution has the federal government been allowed to overreach its authority and extend its tendrils into every corner of civil society.
We're moving away from a credentialed society to a merit society.
Our government does not exist to decide the rights, nor to grant them. Our government exists to protect them. And that is why we have a constitution that limits the power of the federal government to a few specific, but important things and we have abandoned that. We have abandoned it in both political parties.
North American society could not have reached its state of high development and modernity had it not been an open society. — © Mario Vargas Llosa
North American society could not have reached its state of high development and modernity had it not been an open society.
African society and culture varies much more than European society but it's just considered 'Africa' as if they are all the same.
Even if one is interested only in one's own society, which is one's prerogative, one can understand that society much better by comparing it with others.
Our society, like decadent Rome, has turned into an amusement society, with writers chief among the court jesters
Nothing is good in this society. This patriarchal society is bad.
I've spent my entire adult life encouraging minority communities to get involved in mainstream society, civic society.
The readings of Soviet society are as many as the experts you speak to. In my view, it's a society that is overdue for measures of democratization and organization.
Do you know what we are those of us who count as pillars of society? We are society's tools, neither more nor less.
It is only when the individual is good that society will progress. When the society and the nation is based on the observance of human values.
The greatest bulwark against an overreaching government, as tyrants know, is a religious population. That is because religious people form communities of interest adverse to government control of their lives; religious communities rely on their families and each other rather than an overarching government utilizing force.
Many of us do not believe in capital punishment, because thus society takes from a man what society cannot give. — © Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Many of us do not believe in capital punishment, because thus society takes from a man what society cannot give.
The society of organizations is new-only seventy years ago employees were a small minority in every society.
When any society says that I cannot marry a certain person, that society has cut off a segment of my freedom.
The society was so different [in China] - it was a feudalistic society. It didn't come to a point of industrial revolution until twenty years ago.
Society might have been better off without them, but we are supposed to look after the disadvantaged, and so we do it. But it doesn't help the society.
The government can always rescue the markets or interfere with contract law whenever it deems convenient with little or no apparent cost. (Investors believe this now and, worse still, the government believes it as well. We are probably doomed to a lasting legacy of government tampering with financial markets and the economy, which is likely to create the mother of all moral hazards. The government is blissfully unaware of the wisdom of Friedrich Hayek: "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.")
Before Sept. 11, the idea that Americans would voluntarily agree to live their lives under the gaze of a network of biometric surveillance cameras, peering at them in government buildings, shopping malls, subways and stadiums, would have seemed unthinkable, a dystopian fantasy of a society that had surrendered privacy and anonymity.
When there is no one to remind you what society's rules are, and there is nothing to keep you linked to that society, you had better be prepared for some startling changes.
Women in Africa are really the pillar of the society, are the most productive segment of society, actually. Women do kids. Women do cooking. Women doing everything. And yet, their position in society is totally unacceptable. And the way African men treat African women is total unacceptable.
It is unjust that the whole of society should contribute towards an expence of which the benefit is confined to a part of the society.
We were born in this society, we grew up in this society. And we learn to be like everyone else, playing nonsense all the time.
Neither federal nor state government acts compatibly with equal protection when a law or official policy denies to women, simply because they are women, full citizenship stature - equal opportunity to aspire, achieve, participate in and contribute to society based on their individual talents and capacities.
Society having ordained certain customs, men are bound to obey the law of society, and conform to its harmless orders.
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