Top 81 Granddaughter Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Granddaughter quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I'm a woman, born the daughter of a feminist and the granddaughter of a feminist grandfather. I don't think I could have avoided working on women's issues. I don't do it as a career or profession; it's my very essence as a human being.
I like 'Bootylicious,' 'Survivor' - my little granddaughter loves 'Survivor.'
I am a granddaughter of immigrants, put myself through college as a waitress, and I started my career as a computer programmer. — © Jacky Rosen
I am a granddaughter of immigrants, put myself through college as a waitress, and I started my career as a computer programmer.
I was never raised as the daughter with vitiligo or the granddaughter with vitiligo or the cousin with vitiligo. I was just Chantelle.
I've never used one word of profanity in front of my wife, or my daughter, or my granddaughter or anybody else's wife.
I write because I enjoy it and that I can give it to my granddaughter.
I miss my parents. But still, my granddaughter, my daughter, my grandma, you know, so it's very important for me. You lost your parents, but a new baby comes. It's like the cycle of fashion.
I've been given this blessing, which is my granddaughter. You're no longer just you. You suddenly fit into the chest of drawers of life.
There's a great place for good Christian children's books. After the upcoming projects I'm working on, I'd like to turn my attention back to children's books. Maybe with a granddaughter I'll have more inspiration and new ideas.
In mid-career, I was at one and the same time the rabbi of a major congregation, writing books, and teaching at Columbia. I didn't spend enough time with my children. Now, when I get an all-important call, I sometimes say that I'm having lunch with my granddaughter. And I do not apologize
Two things I dislike about my granddaughter - when she won't take her afternoon nap, and when she won't let me take mine.
My favorite song will always be 'Layla' by Derek and the Dominos, because my granddaughter was named after it.
Big Bird was the biggest star, I mean, children's favorite for a number of years. I have a 22-year-old granddaughter whose first words were 'Big Bird.'
Not long before my mother died, I found a long-lost portrait of Jane Franklin's granddaughter, Jane Flagg, aged nine - oil on canvas - in the basement of a public library not a dozen miles from my mother's house.
We're the first not-white family to ever live in the governor's mansion. My son-in-law is Puerto Rican. I have a beautiful little granddaughter who is half Korean and half Latina. I'm the only white guy in the house.
Sometimes I wake at 2 A.M. worrying that my great-granddaughter will have to march through her distant, broiling future gathering all the plastic I ever disposed of.
I will not programme generic orchestrations but try to find original ones - when I play Richard Rodgers songs, for example, I have Peggy Lee's original orchestrations that I got from her granddaughter for them.
I am proud to be the granddaughter and daughter of immigrants who were brave enough to leave their homes and come to a whole new world with a different language and culture and immerse themselves fearlessly to start a better life for themselves and their families.
But I was losing so much bone density that I would have been in grave danger. And I mean grave danger. If I had let it go just a few more years I could have broken my hip or spine just picking up my granddaughter
I tell young people - including my granddaughter - there is no shortcut in life. You have to take it one step at a time and work hard. And you have to give back. — © Hank Aaron
I tell young people - including my granddaughter - there is no shortcut in life. You have to take it one step at a time and work hard. And you have to give back.
I cooked at the White House for Easter, last year, with Michelle Obama. But it more had to do with cooking from the organic garden, and her message. I took my daughter and granddaughter there, and they were really charming, it was great.
I am a woman who is a granddaughter of a lady who used to be beaten on the head by her husband, of a mother who went through hell because she was divorced and had to bring up these kids. And I can take 10 men out to lunch and pay the bill, and nobody even thinks twice about it. So don’t mess with me.
My granddaughter and I are inseparable. She keeps me wrapped around her little finger.
I grew up the daughter of a local vicar and the granddaughter of a regimental sergeant major.
My granddaughter's birth has made me want to create things she will love.
I'm the granddaughter of immigrants.
They miss Rachel and Lillian Rose every minute of every day. It doesn't bring them any comfort to see him standing there and know that their daughter and granddaughter are gone.
Perhaps the two greatest moments of my life were standing on the moon and being outside of the room when my granddaughter was born! We tend not to remember the worst.
I tell you what really turns my toes up: love scenes with 68-year-old men and actresses young enough to be their granddaughter.
But I was losing so much bone density that I would have been in grave danger. And I mean grave danger. If I had let it go just a few more years I could have broken my hip or spine just picking up my granddaughter.
I love my daughter, but there's a certain feeling, a certain emotion when you got a granddaughter, you know?
Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me.
My family truly believes they are better cooks than I am. They see me as Giada, not as a celebrity chef. To them I'm just me - their granddaughter, niece, etc., and they're older and wiser. I like that because it keeps you grounded.
One night, I wrote down all the things I was waiting to do with my little granddaughter, and it became a book, 'I Already Know I Love You.' It was one of those really lovely things in life.
To think that someone we loved, trusted, opened our home to could do this to our daughter and granddaughter is beyond belief.
Ever since time began: What song is not about love? Whether it's about love from man to woman or parent to child, or grandmother to granddaughter... It just goes on and on. Or whether it's the love of one's country.
I'm here not just as an actress but as a woman, an African-American, a granddaughter of Ellis Island immigrants, a person who could not have afforded college without the help of student loans and as one of millions of volunteers working to re-elect President Obama!
I have been singularly blessed to be a granddaughter to one of the most accomplished classical vocalists of her time, daughter to one of the most ravishingly beautiful actresses ever, and wife to the greatest actor. What more can I desire?
I have everything that I could possibly want in life, from a gorgeous granddaughter and a wonderful wife, brilliant students, the best job anyone could hope for, and about half of my hair. Not the half I would have kept, but no one consulted me.
Mental illness was a family secret. This patient had four children grow up in foster homes, and they never knew her. It was heart-wrenching for her granddaughter to find this out.
He is my son and very dear to me, and that's the only emotion I had for him from day one. I don't know any other way to live this relationship. I also have a lovely daughter-in-law, who is such a beautiful person and the best thing in the world is my granddaughter Misha. She is the most precious gift I have got from Shahid.
I think it's good that [my granddaughter] here because I lost my parents and now it's great that there's a new generation. And she's taught me new things that I've forgotten. Like, when you're on holiday and see what it's like to see a shell or go into the water for the first time.
I've found that in places where women have not really been afforded full rights yet - for instance, in the Middle East - even very conservative politicians in the region will say, 'You know, my daughter would really like to meet you,' or, 'Would you send a note to my granddaughter?'
It's easier to be the granddaughter of an icon than her daughter. — © Ginevra Elkann
It's easier to be the granddaughter of an icon than her daughter.
Thank God she doesn't have to be confirmed by the Senate.(on the birth of his granddaughter)
There you go. Use your granddaughter to pick up women. That'll get you points in heaven.
The thing that I hate the most is when people have prejudice - when they see me as the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini and not as Alessandra. That, really, I don't like. I didn't know my grandfather. I am me.
I was always interested in having my own money - not my family's money. I don't think it had anything to do with me being Elvis's granddaughter. None of my drive was, 'I need to get away from my family legacy!'
I am the granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner who was determined that his kids get out of the mines. My dad got his first job when he was six years old, in a little village in Wales called Nantyffyllon, cleaning bottles at the Colliers Arms.
I am the granddaughter of an English woman. I love England and her people and, regardless of politics, consider you to be family... and always will.
I'm a Christian, a wife, a mother, a homeschooler, a conservative, a citizen journalist, a talk radio host, an insatiable music nerd who plays a poor rhythm guitar, a blogger, a proud granddaughter of a sailor, and a proud tea partier in awe of the potential and the people in this movement.
People forget that I am the granddaughter of a person named Nanabhai Bhatt, who had made more than 150 odd films. He was the person to introduce the double role phenomenon in Indian movies.
I go to social media, check out my granddaughter's new boyfriend, but the Department of Homeland Security can't figure out they need to be tracking they jihadi web sites?
I am a nice young girl here to pick up your granddaughter for the weekend... We're going to a Bible retreat to scare the devil out of her. - Bones to Cat's grandparents
I don't want to be known as the granddaughter of the Hiltons. I want to be known as Paris. — © Paris Hilton
I don't want to be known as the granddaughter of the Hiltons. I want to be known as Paris.
I find myself getting so upset because I was never able to be a good mother for my daughter or a good grandmother for my granddaughter because I was always so sick. I only hope that I can live long enough to see my granddaughter graduate.
My favorite book is 'Go Away Big Green Monster.' I wrote it for my granddaughter Adrian, who was in the third grade at the time.
I really found this campaign odious. I couldn't get up for it. The quality of the candidates and the campaign, I just found the whole thing second-rate. I didn't know how to explain to my granddaughter that I was spending my dotage writing about Al Gore and George W. Bush.
I've never used one word of profanity in front of my wife, or my daughter, or my granddaughter... or anybody else's wife.
I want my great-granddaughter to have a fairly good understanding of the world in which I lived for 81 years and also the world before I came into it - all the way back a hundred thousand years, to the beginning of our species.
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