Top 1200 Gratitude And Thanks Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Gratitude And Thanks quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
Without compassion, true gratitude is an impossibility. If we are to feel gratitude towards another for their deeds, then we must have compassion for the suffering and self-sacrifice which they endured in carrying out those deeds. If their actions were free of suffering or sacrifice, then are they truly deserving of gratitude?
Take another look at your life. Give thanks. Accept your circumstances. Give thanks. Count your blessings. Give thanks. Show up for each day's meditation. Be willing to give the basic tools a fair chance. They can help you find your way.
We have to fill our hearts with gratitude. Gratitude makes everything that we have more than enough. — © Susan L. Taylor
We have to fill our hearts with gratitude. Gratitude makes everything that we have more than enough.
Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you.
Gratitude BRINGS MORE to be grateful about, so today I make the point of expressing gratitude for everything in my LIFE!
Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.
There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up.
Gratitude leads to happiness. Conversely, lack of gratitude is the curse of the unhappy.
After the fire, when I'd tried to express my gratitude for their kindness to our customers, they'd been awkward, uncomfortable. My father had had to explain to me that giving thanks is not a common practice in India. 'Then how do you know if people appreciated what you did?' I'd asked. 'Do you really need to know?' my father had asked back.
That's the way life works: gratitude and appreciation just bring more goodness. Remember: Everything we give out comes back. Gratitude has all sorts of little, surprising rewards.
In some quiet way, the expression and feelings of gratitude have a wonderful cleansing or healing nature. Gratitude brings warmth to the giver and the receiver alike.
There is no gratitude for things past. Gratitude is always for what you're going to do for people in the future.
One can put some trust in the gratitude of a sovereign, and also in that of his family; under certain conditions, one can even rely upon it; but one can never expect anything from the gratitude of a nation.
True gratitude can never come From the mind. It has to flow from the heart To the mind, vital and body Until everything that we have and are Is a sea of gratitude.
Gratitude is most treasured when it is unexpected. When we expect, even demand gratitude, we treat it simply as payment due for some service we rendered and we squeeze any good feeling out of it.
Thanks, for a country where nobody is allowed to mind his own business. Thanks, for a nation of finks. — © William S. Burroughs
Thanks, for a country where nobody is allowed to mind his own business. Thanks, for a nation of finks.
Thanks for the American dream, to vulgarize and falsify until the bare lies shine through. Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind their own business.
But the value of gratitude does not consist solely in getting you more blessings in the future. Without gratitude you cannot long keep from dissatisfied thought regarding things as they are.
Thanks to words, we have been able to rise above the brutes; and thanks to words, we have often sunk to the level of the demons.
To receive gratitude with grace is a form of gratitude by itself, and not always an easy art to master.
We receive and we lose, and we must try to achieve gratitude; and with that gratitude to embrace with whole hearts whatever of life that remains after the losses.
I am what I am thanks to my mother, my father, my brother, my sister... because they have given me everything. The education I have is thanks to them.
Gratitude is a word that I cherish. Gratitude is what defines the happiness and humanity of the human being.
I try to stay in gratitude as much as I can. You know, we all get to the point where we're frazzled, or tired, or frustrated, or whatever it is, but I try to take those moments and realize that I do have so much to be grateful for, and allow it to send me back to those feelings of gratitude and just live in gratitude as much as I can.
The tears into his eyes were brought, And thanks and praises seemed to run So fast out of his heart, I thought They never would have done. -I've heard of hearts unkind, kind deeds With coldness still returning; Alas! the gratitude of men Hath oftener left me mourning.
Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives.
Thanks to the night, we long for the day; thanks to the day, we long for the night! The purpose of the opposites is to make us long for something! Thanks to the crowds, we long for the solitude; thanks to the solitude, we long for the crowds!
Guilt rarely results in positive behavior. But gratitude? Great things flow from a heart of gratitude.
I think the key to passion, to zeal, is gratitude. Or to put it another way, the fuel to motivate is gratitude.
Gratitude is not a fair weather virtue. True gratitude means appreciating your life no matter what the storms may bring. Is simply being alive gift enough for you to feel grateful?
The 19th century was the great period of engineering, thanks to the railways, thanks to lots of discoveries in metallurgy.
Thanks to the internet, I buy lots of music, but thanks to my easily distracted nature, I forget about half of it!
You'll never meet a happy ungrateful person, or an unhappy grateful person because gratitude and happiness go together. Sometimes happiness precedes gratitude but often gratitude precedes happiness. The latter is achieved by realising things could be worse but aren't and so feeling relieved, grateful and happy.
Thanks to the morning light, Thanks to the foaming sea, To the uplands of New Hampshire, To the green-haired forest free.
Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.
Let us swell with gratitude and allow it to overwhelm us. It isn't as cliche as we make it; life truly is short. Let's spend it all lavishly wallowing in gratitude.
Myth and poetry represent a reservoir of vertical thinking, which we could also call longing and gratitude to ancestors. We need that gratitude desperately.
Gratitude to gratitude always gives birth. — © Sophocles
Gratitude to gratitude always gives birth.
The spirit of gratitude is always pleasant and satisfying because it carries with it a sense of helpfulness to others; it begets love and friendship, and engenders divine influence. Gratitude is said to be the memory of the heart.
I used to jog every day and call it my 'gratitude run.' I'd make my gratitude list as I ran. I never ran out of things to be grateful for. My knees aren't what they used to be, but I still do my gratitude list every day.
Have gratitude for the things you're discarding. By giving gratitude, you're giving closure to the relationship with that object, and by doing so, it becomes a lot easier to let go.
Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.
The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives.
The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted.... As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.
These are some of the things for which we believe the American people owe no little gratitude to the Dutch; and these are the things for which today, speaking in the name of the American people, we venture to express their heartfelt thanks.
Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth. Gratitude evokes grace like the voice and echo. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightning.
I told the Congress, 'Thanks, but no thanks,' on that Bridge to Nowhere.
No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your circumstances or desires, if you make a gratitude list every day of the things you’re grateful for, you will see your life take off! GRATITUDE is your MAGIC WAND! Whatever you point gratitude at increases, expands, and escalates, but you have to pick up that magic wand, and use it! Got it?
Gratitude is a state of being in which we feel connected to everything in the universe. It is a fullness of the heart that recognizes the blessings of Nature within and without. Gratitude is love for the goodness of life itself.
He who thanks but with the lips. Thanks but in part; the full, the true Thanksgiving. Comes from the heart.
In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.
I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks. — © William Shakespeare
I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.
The more you become a connoisseur of gratitude, the less you are a victim of resentment, depression, and despair. Gratitude will act as an elixir that will gradually dissolve the hard shell of your ego-your need to posses and control-and transform you into a generous being. The sense of gratitude produces true spiritual alchemy, makes us magnanimous-lar ge souled.
Show gratitude. Gratitude is a simple but powerful thing.
I don't really write songs. They're just there anyway, chiseling away at the atmosphere, and suddenly they're like, 'Oh, thanks for coming. Thanks for finding me. We'll share each other now.'
To start with, you should have an attitude of gratitude. Without an attitude of gratitude, neither prosperity nor pleasure, joy nor happiness means anything, and it works this way: to those who have an attitude of gratitude and who do it with innocence, Mother Nature brings all the wealth, health, and happiness.
Appreciation is an art and a lifestyle and a source of happiness and fulfillment. It's called gratitude-an attitude of gratitude.
Gratitude turns negative energy into positive energy. There is no situation or circumstance so small or large that it is not susceptible to gratitude's power.
The more frequently you focus on your appreciation and gratitude for each breath, the greater will be your sense of daily gratitude... Now say, 'I am joyfully grateful for each and every breath.' If you have any doubt of your gratitude, just imagine the alternative for a moment - not being able to breathe!
Authentic gratitude is much more rare and precious than expressions of gratitude which are often empty courtesies or simply tactical ploys to encourage further gifts or kindnesses.
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