Top 1200 Great Businessman Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Great Businessman quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
My father was funnier than me. My father was Richard Pryor-funny. I'm just a better businessman.
I love being a businessman much more than being a hacker.
It's a little premature to be claiming that this is a done deal, but certainly Rex Tillerson is American icon and businessman that I think is a pretty incredible guy. — © Reince Priebus
It's a little premature to be claiming that this is a done deal, but certainly Rex Tillerson is American icon and businessman that I think is a pretty incredible guy.
I ended up being a businessman unwittingly. I wanted to be an academic; I wanted to be like Einstein.
Trump is a big businessman. He's your boss or CEO, not one of your brothers on the line.
It turns out the businessman knows more about how the economy really works than the chattering class. What a shock.
I am a competitor and always have that itch until the day I die, but I won't let the itch supersede being a businessman.
I think any smart businessman would go where the money is bigger, but I also feel like you don't forget your roots either.
Hollywood was set up by a bunch of businessmen. They do not see their job as being philanthropists. I don't think it's a contradiction in terms to attempt to be a good businessman and to also be liberal.
There is no alternative. A Democrat is a Republican is a big businessman, and we're all consumers instead of citizens. It just manifests in the culture, in the music, in the art. I feel a little panicky about it.
I am a bad businessman who would make a bad producer.
My strengths as a businessman lie in the design and sale of women's shoes, and I have never been comfortable with complicated or technical legal or business documents.
The life of a writer is absolute hell compared to the life of a businessman. — © Roald Dahl
The life of a writer is absolute hell compared to the life of a businessman.
Profit is proof that the capitalist has given something to society that it cherishes more than the material wealth it has given to the businessman.
My father was a businessman, but my mother was an intellectual. She cared about culture, politics, and philosophy, so I became interested in the protest aspect of Latin American art.
Size of industry, concentration of market, or production notwithstanding, the consumer is best served when the businessman is completely free to pursue his profit goals.
McGregor is a businessman through and through. He's obviously a wrestling fan.
I am a businessman at the end of the day. I have grown up with Excel sheets. I start out writing my novel with spreadsheets and the milestones in each chapter highlighted.
I am a better journalist than I am a businessman.
My father was a very successful businessman, but he was ruined in the stock market crash. A big stockbroker jumped out the window and fell on his pushcart.
It is time that all Americans realized that the place of labor is side by side with the businessman and with the farmer, and not one-degree lower.
To distract from the president's disappointing record, Team Obama has decided to base their entire campaign on attacking the private sector and Mitt Romney's career as a successful businessman.
Donald Trump is a good businessman. He knows how to put the deal together. And I think he'd be a - he'll be a very constructive figure in the White House.
No self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age.
No one can really picture an African as a businessman. In order to change the current situation, it would be helpful if the aid organizations were to pull out.
The small businessman is smart; he realizes there's no free lunch. On the other hand, he knows where to go to get a good inexpensive sandwich.
And no again: My studio is not a first or any step toward becoming any type of businessman on my part.
This may sound corny, but I really admire my husband, Vivek Deora, as a businessman because I am amazed by how he conducts business internationally.
I've been happy with my life. Also very lucky. I lead two lives - businessman and racer - and it feels like the best of both worlds.
My dad wanted me to be a businessman, but I felt that wasn't for me.
Sometimes I have to pause to make the distinction between Ben the teenager and Ben the businessman.
It's different when you become a professional, because you also have to become a businessman, and that takes something away from it.
I never wanted to be a businessman, I just wanted to change the world
To be a successful businessman, you must have remarkable talents; and if you have such talents, why waste them on business?
A businessman who reads Business Week is lost to fame. One who reads Proust is marked for greatness.
In Joe Yorio you find a guy who's smarter at business than I am. I'm an entrepreneur and idea guy; he's a professional businessman.
As a businessman, if you ask me what I'm proud of, I'm proud of the fact that I made $250 billion under my watch as CEO.
I am not primarily an entrepreneurial businessman. I'm primarily a playboy philosopher. — © Hugh Hefner
I am not primarily an entrepreneurial businessman. I'm primarily a playboy philosopher.
When I took the entrepreneurship class at Stanford, the first lecture was about an entrepreneur and his personality. They described it as being different than a businessman, who is an overall scientific manager.
I am a businessman. I am anything I need to be at any time.
I feel that one thing that a businessman can learn is do not follow a path that has already been successful. You will never be a path-breaker then.
Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonish us also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone.
Business is a useful tool in politics, but it's not enough. You need much more than to be a good businessman, to be a good politician.
Looking at these issues as a businessman, I believe that investing in the world's poorest people is the smartest way that our government spends money.
I respect Georges St. Pierre as a businessman and an athlete. I don't have anything against him personally. But he's not the kind of fighter I like watching.
Instead of investing in the goods as they pass between producer and consumer, as the merchant does, the businessman now invests in the processes of industry.
A good businessman must have nose for business the same way a journalist has nose for news.
I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win - if you don't, you won't.
I'm not a good businessman and I don't promote myself particularly well. It's best I don't talk to anybody lest I alienate myself. — © Barry Blitt
I'm not a good businessman and I don't promote myself particularly well. It's best I don't talk to anybody lest I alienate myself.
God is a businessman. He is not going to do business with someone who shows no sign of potential return. He invests in people who demonstrate an ability to handle what He has given them.
I most definitely respect Jay Z hustle and everything he built. He's a businessman first and I think he respects my hustle.
Anti-intellectualism has long been the anti-Semitism of the businessman.
I am a businessman because I am good at business. But big cats are my first love.
What's successful is when you are good at what you aim to do. And I don't think that Nas has aimed to do anything that he hasn't done. So he is a good businessman.
I find it rather easy to portray a businessman. Being bland, rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me.
I'm a businessman. I work for business people. The kind of thing they say is: Now we've sold a lot of records, let's sell some more.
Both my parents are well educated; my father worked for the CBI before becoming a businessman, and my mother was a civil surgeon. But I did not want to be a doctor.
Creatively, I'd like to achieve not only being an artist, but being a businessman and having my own music home.
In order to create art today, you have to compromise your art somewhat and be a businessman.
I'd been an entrepreneur, a very focused businessman, spokesman, and ran multiple companies based around Strikeforce. When it changed hands, my whole life stopped.
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