Top 1200 Great Female Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Great Female quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
I've always been very respected as a female singer in metal, or in general as a female singer.
So sometime the expectation of the female by a high expectation. Because peoples think that female were weak in term of, like, of the physically and compared to the men.
The female body is a masterpiece. Everyone likes to look at the female body, especially in dynamic, athletic sport. — © Natalie Cook
The female body is a masterpiece. Everyone likes to look at the female body, especially in dynamic, athletic sport.
What I really would like to see is more female stories out there. Particularly older female stories, because women are predominantly ticket-buyers.
I think a lot of people compare female writers or female comedians to each other in a way that men are not. Male comedy writers are not scrutinized.
I guess from my perspective being a female athlete as well, there's probably not a huge amount of female athlete books out there.
Female characters in literature are full. They're messy: they've got runny noses and burp and belch. Unfortunately, in film, female characters don't often have that kind of richness.
Women are given their due, and I think female-centric roles are also well-written. But it doesn't matter who is in the centre - a male or female. As long as it is an entertaining, gripping film, people just enjoy it.
Whether consciously or unconsciously, I felt myself drawn to writing a female character who was pretty flawed and not very virtuous or wonderful or attractive in these ways that throughout literary history we've come to expect female characters to be.
Whatever you got you have to accentuate. I ran my female card up and down the ladder my whole career, because I was in a man's world. It was worked by women but owned by men. I was the only female owner in my field at that time.
I think that any female who gets asked if she's a feminist... it's silly... it's so interesting when people ask females if they're a feminist. Of course every female wants to be equal!
I've wanted to produce for a long time. I'd love to get a bunch of my girlfriends together - a female writer, a female director - and create something. Creatively, it's a different dimension. Why wouldn't people want that?
Look what I know about directing; is it goes beyond gender. You might see some qualities that are inherently female in the great male directors. — © Niki Caro
Look what I know about directing; is it goes beyond gender. You might see some qualities that are inherently female in the great male directors.
All humans need love, attention, and appreciation, and those can be very female traits. I feel like they should be male and female traits, but I think that they are more easily attributed to women.
I guess I'm not really into female vocals that sound masculine, I guess. A lot of times, the heavy female vocalists always end up sounding like they're screaming or whatever.
I am not one to go for traditional female roles, because I don't think traditionally female characters are very interesting, and I don't think they represent real life.
I do think there are some great female comics: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph. They're the whole ball of wax.
I wish we had more female writers. Most of the female characters you see in films today are ‘the poor heartbroken girl.’ That’s why I’m so proud of the Fast movies. I feel like Giselle is an empowering woman.
Scheherazade, of course, was always in the back of my mind, because she's also a storyteller identified as female who tells a lot of anti-female stories. There's a parade in The Arabian Nights of sorceresses, adulteresses, ghouls, sirens, harridans.
I don't think in a male or female way. I don't differentiate between male and female. I never have. I'm not considered a feminist.
There's a different energy with a female director, a female at the head of the production. I don't prefer one over the other, but they're definitely different experiences, and I would love to have more of them.
As a female in metal, I'm going to get ostracized one way or another. So, if I'm going to have people hating me because I'm a female in metal, I might as well get people loving me because I'm a female in metal, too.
There's still only maybe three female writers or two female writers to 10 guys in any kind of writer's room.
I have never had an unsupportive female boss. I've had several female bosses. They've all been super supportive.
I get 'female Kendrick' quite a lot. I'm definitely not complaining. At the same time, I want to be the female Simz. I just want to be me.
I don't really consider myself a female director, and I don't want to do so for other women. Female directors are just directors.
When the two shall be one, the outside as the inside, and the male and the female neither male nor female.
I wish that there were more female driven films, female-centric films being made.
I think as time goes by you'll get female comics who are weirder - you'll get a female Mighty Boosh.
I've talked to men who feel like they're overly sexual and, therefore, are attracted to any female who walks down the street. I will not excuse his activity with every female just because he feels driven in that direction.
I'm not interested in making movies only with female protagonists. I think it's ridiculous to think that a female director can't direct men. That makes no sense to me.
Let the men do their duty & the women will be such wonders; the female life lives from the light of the male: see a man's female dependants, you know the man.
People like myself have been pushing, competing, and promoting female MMA for a long time, and to see the fans accept a female division in the UFC so quickly is vindication that all that hard work amounted to something.
One of the things that would be great is to some day have so many women comedy writers that we wouldn't say there's just one type of female humor. There's lots.
There are a lot of female directors in Lebanon but we can't really talk about a true film industry, it's still very small. But we do have a few female directors.
As late as the 1980s, female officers were issued with uniform and kit which included a handbag, complete with a smaller truncheon to fit inside, and it wasn't until 1995 that our first female chief constable was appointed.
Anna Katherine Green wrote about a female inquiry agent, and there were a scattering of female investigators in the 1970s, authored by men, who just didn't ring true. So I thought, 'Well, there's an opening here for something.'
We're showing kids a world that is very scantily populated with women and female characters. They should see female characters taking up half the planet, which we do. — © Geena Davis
We're showing kids a world that is very scantily populated with women and female characters. They should see female characters taking up half the planet, which we do.
I think female drummers are great. I think there should more of them.
When it comes to female fan attention, I'm married, so obviously I avoid the places where you might get unwanted female attention - clubs and social environments, bars and public spaces.
I was raised by women. Now I'm raising women. I was always better around girls. I live in an all-female household. I even have two female dogs... It's funny how that turned out.
Male conspiracy cannot explain all female failures. I am convinced that, even without restrictions, there still would have been no female Pascal, Milton, or Kant. Genius is not checked by social obstacles: it will overcome.
It's a fact, the majority of films in Hollywood are from the male perspective. And the female characters, very rarely do they get to speak to another female character in a movie, and when they do it's usually about a guy, not anything else. So they're very male-centric, Hollywood films, in general. So I think it's incredible that Ned Benson, when I said I'd love to know where she goes, says okay, I'm going to write another film from the female perspective.
When we create female characters, I think often there is a tendency to kind of make female characters emotionally bulletproof.
This business is based on numbers, and the numbers show that it's worth investing in female-driven and female-directed films.
When it comes to the challenges of being an entrepreneur and a female, specifically a female entrepreneur, it's something that we really have been living for a long time in a different pool.
The female love interest is boring to me. A female that's interesting, smart, funny - that's what I'm drawn to. I wouldn't say that every character has to be smart, but she has to have one trait I can relate to.
A lot of times, films tell stories about the time we live in. So when making history, it´s just as important to give the female perspective as well as the male. We need female voices. Take a risk. Be personal.
I enjoy female rappers, not because they're female but because I can connect to them more. — © Lizzo
I enjoy female rappers, not because they're female but because I can connect to them more.
I would like to see more female stories out there, particularly older female stories.
We were called, male and female, to do great works with separate approaches and separate assignments.
I think it's important for people to understand that dance, movement, choreography is about an experience and entertainment but it's also about perception and a lens. So when we're talking about a Black female's experience through a Black female's lens, that's going to be totally different from a Black female's perspective through a Black male's lens.
Today, the ideal male is the gay man and the ideal female is the worker female, the woman who can work in a coal mine just like all the other men.
I have been hearing from people that everyone is loving my music, which is a great feeling. To be honest, it's overwhelming... The female following on Twitter is insane.
A Christian woman's true freedom lies on the other side of a very small gate...humble obedience...but that gate leads out into a largeness of life undreamed of by the liberators of the world, to a place where the God-given differentiation between the sexes is not obfuscated but celebrated, where our inequalities are seen as essential to the image of God, for it is in male and female, in male as male and female as female, not as two identical and interchangeable halves, that the image is manifested.
There's no need for a female character that does things like a male character; that's not what makes interesting female characters in my view.
Everyone needs to get more comfortable with female leaders-including female leaders themselves.
A great country is like the lower outlet of a river. It is the world's meeting ground, the world's female.
I get the feeling that characters are written female when they have to be, and all the other characters are male, and it doesn't occur to somebody that the lawyer, the best friend, the landlord, whoever, can be female.
I want to be something special. I want to be known as a great female basketballer.
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