Top 1200 Great Running Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Great Running quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
When I was running across the country, I was doing 40 or 50 miles a day in sleeting snow with zero visibility for five or six days in a row. Ten to 12 hours of running in that is monotony beyond belief.
One of my first races came over 10km in 2002. I won that race and it felt great. I would say that is when I first fell in love with running.
Just another lonely broken hero picking up the pieces of my mind. Running out of faith and hope and reason, I'm running out of time. — © Ozzy Osbourne
Just another lonely broken hero picking up the pieces of my mind. Running out of faith and hope and reason, I'm running out of time.
Horseracing and ranch horses are two different animals. You're getting race horses out and running and running them. It can be really problematic. A thoroughbred's very delicate.
Good health, peace of mind, being outdoors, camaraderie - those are all wonderful things that come to you when running. But for me, the real pull of running - the proverbial icing on the cake - has always been racing.
Every time I run a route, I try to make it seem like I'm running a different route than I'm actually running so I can get open.
Fitness is amplified in one-day cricket - fielding, running ones, twos, threes. Sometimes in an over you are running six twos. If you are not fit enough, you can't run those runs.
I started running away when I was five years old. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized what I really wanted was somebody to come after me when I was running away.
When everyone is catching great waves and out in the line up telling stories and having a laugh, you have the best times. I also get really psyched surfing or running in the rain.
I think a lot of the intention of bands, especially in the last year, is to spread themselves out geographically and borrow from different cultures and different sounds, and to be eclectic. And that's great in terms of dynamics, but it also tends to not have that torpedo and fire running through it. If you're spreading yourself out across the globe, you're also not emphasizing a singular point, which I think great rock music has always done.
I started running outside when I was at 'Biggest Loser.' Then I got runner's knee, and thought I was never going to be able to shake it. When I overcame that and ran the L.A. Marathon, it was such an amazing thing, and now running is such a part of my routine.
I don't really compare myself to a lot of other running backs - that's no offense to any other running back, but just the fact that I can see and avoid hits.
I'm actually in the process of running from office. I've got so much access and ability to do so much great social outreach and public service as a private person.
The training at Tottenham is intense, but the structure is set out perfectly - in the gym, running, sometimes double sessions. Every player at Tottenham is in great shape.
I feel blessed. All the great running backs that have come through Ohio State - Archie Griffin, Eddie George, Beanie Wells - I'm happy that I was able to carry on that lineage this season.
Unless you're fond of hollering you don't make great conversations on a running cycle. Instead you spend your time being aware of things and meditating on them. On sights and sounds, on the mood of the weather and things remembered, on the machine and the countryside you're in, thinking about things at great leisure and length without being hurried and without feeling you're losing time.
I want to be an athlete. I'm not just a running back. I play the running back position. — © Saquon Barkley
I want to be an athlete. I'm not just a running back. I play the running back position.
Failure is what we're all running from, we're always running toward success with failure at our back.
I think running a small nonprofit to work on the opioid crisis and bring interesting new businesses to the so-called Rust Belt - all of these things are valuable, if not more valuable, than running for office.
Are you truly dirty if you don't take a shower every day? No, but you feel that way. It's the same with running. Just like a shower, running is part of my daily life.
If I was going to play offense, I'd love to play running back. In high school I played quarterback and wide receiver, but I wouldn't mind running over some folks.
When it comes to the general election, we are no longer running as an individual: we are running as the head of a ticket. And so the party itself will be doing some things to raise money, and Mr. Trump has indicated that he'd be willing to help the party.
I will go running when I'm stressed out. The running helps, but more than anything, I'll put music on and then I'll run. I'll cry and get it all out.
It is not great talents or great learning or great preachers that God needs, but men great in holiness, great in faith, great in love, great in fidelity, great for God. of the best things about running is that no matter how fast you've run in the past, running fast in the future does not come easily or with any guarantees.
I have trained with expert sprinters many times and they all agree running with the ball and running without the ball requires two completely different techniques.
I'm a Republican, but if I had my choice of running or having Obama - or somebody, but Obama, even Barack Obama - be a great president, the greatest president ever, I'd be so happy for the country. He doesn't have the capability to be a great president, and the world is laughing. We're like a joke. As a country, we're becoming like a joke. Everybody is ripping us off.
We're running a war by politicians and we're running a war by political correctness as per that question [with ISIS].
She said people found running to something easier than running from something.
Too many people have refused to begin running or have quickly dropped out of running programs because they 'have no talent for it.' Ridiculous. Talent has nothing to do with it. The only thing that matters is mental discipline.
I knew I would be running with so many people watching all over the world because of him. People love Bolt. He has many fans out there because of his great achievements and breaking world records in Olympics. I've done the same and it's a great honour. I'm happy and I'm happy for him.
Veterans tend to want to be ultra-prepared. They want to know everything they possibly can before running for Congress. That's great... but don't undersell yourself.
You're running a business, and at the end of the day, if you're running a business, you've got to make money.
My love of running developed when I got older. At school it filled me with dread and the idea of running around the sports pitches struck me with a nameless fear.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
I can remember playing for Carlisle and just running around like a headless chicken telling the others boys not to worry, that I'd do their running for them. I was just so eager and so keen and desperate to be a footballer that I did that.
As a little boy, I apparently had a predilection for undoing latch gates, running up pathways and ringing doorbells - and then running off again and away before the door was opened behind me.
I was always, always running. I was running since I was small. And it is something I also learned from watching my father because he never gave up on the pitch and was looking to score the goal.
We didn't keep track of how many miles we ran back then. We just ran. If you LOVE to run with the kind of passion I have for running, you will understand this. Running was my mode of transportation.
I wasn't the guy running out to the Viper Room or comedy clubs until three in the morning. I was the guy running back to watch the Mets win the World Series in 1986. — © Ralph Macchio
I wasn't the guy running out to the Viper Room or comedy clubs until three in the morning. I was the guy running back to watch the Mets win the World Series in 1986.
I really don't look at comparing things that way because even in a 14-game season, there could be a running back who could have a lot more carries than other running backs.
It may not always feel wonderful. but you're out there doing it. You're running while others are just walking. Or sitting around. I mean, come on - you're out there running, for goodness sake. You're to be taken seriously.
I'm running for Congress to represent Missouri's 1st because we need leadership that is truly invested in helping us become stronger and safer. I'm running because I have a commitment to every member of my community.
I think back to my childhood, and I remember running around as a kid. We were all running around then. It wasn't about getting into shape. It's just what we did.
I'm doing this [running for presidency] for the people and for the movement, and we will take back this country for you and we will make America great again.
Exerting yourself to the limit over and over again, that is the essence of running. Running is painful, but the pain doesn't leave me, I can take care of it. That agrees with my mentality.
Ted Cruz raised over a million dollars after announcing that he's running for president. Which is why today RadioShack announced that it is also running for president.
I don't believe I should be out running for another office instead of running my office.
I have my own theory about why decline happens at companies like IBM or Microsoft. The company does a great job, innovates and becomes a monopoly or close to it in some field, and then the quality of the product becomes less important. The company starts valuing the great salesmen, because they’re the ones who can move the needle on revenues, not the product engineers and designers. So the salespeople end up running the company.
You keep running and one day when you stop running your going to fall, and I'm going to be there to catch you.
I came out of the private sector, a life that I enjoyed. I sleep in a bed every night with a woman I went to first grade with. I wasn't running for a job. I was running - and I think you will find this to be the case with many of the freshmen - to produce results.
I busted my butt in '15. Then in '16, I broke my arm running into a wall, so then I got scared of running into walls because I didn't want to get hurt again. — © J. D. Martinez
I busted my butt in '15. Then in '16, I broke my arm running into a wall, so then I got scared of running into walls because I didn't want to get hurt again.
There are really only two types of people. Either you're running scared or you're running free. I choose to run free, and you can, too, no matter what your circumstances in life.
That's the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life it.
I have always liked running, so it wasn't particularly difficult to make it a habit. All you need is a pair of running shoes and you can do it anywhere. It does not require anybody to do it with, and so I found the sport perfectly fits me as a person who tends to be independent and individualistic.
I'm not sure what we're running from. Nobody. Or the future. Fate. Growing up. Getting old. Picking up the pieces. As if running we won't have to get on with our lives.
I mean, I always think when you're an actor you have to be the guy running into the burning building rather than running out of it, if you want to make some noise as an actor.
The people I've known who've done great things of that type - you know, building hospitals, running schools - are very humble people. They give their lives to the project.
In this league you might have a quarterback within your division that you're worried about running all over the place, the next week it's a running back, so to be able to have multiple answers for every situation is probably a benefit for everybody.
If I were running Apple, I would milk the Macintosh for all it's worth - and get busy on the next great thing. The PC wars are over. Done. Microsoft won a long time ago.
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