Top 1200 Great Team Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Great Team quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Team playing, that's what I see when I'm out there watching the WNBA games. All the girls play as a team, and they have each other's backs, and that's great.
I try to just focus on what feels right to me when I am conceiving it, conceptualizing, designing, etc. and then talk it through with the team and listen to what they have to say. This kind of thing is a team effort, and working with a great team is the most important part of filmmaking for me.
I think winning a championship, for me, it put things in perspective. You can either be a great player on a so-so team, or you can be a role player on a championship team, or, in an extreme case, a great player on a championship team.
When overpowering authority or leadership intervenes in a team, it can affect the team by (1) throwing the team off track, (2) decreasing the motivation of the team, (3) reducing the commitment of the team members, and (4) causing more problems than solutions.
When your great players are team players, everybody else follows their lead. The best team doesn't always win - it's usually the team that gets along best. — © John C. Maxwell
When your great players are team players, everybody else follows their lead. The best team doesn't always win - it's usually the team that gets along best.
On a good team there are no superstars. There are great players who show they are great players by being able to play with others as a team. They have the ability to be superstars, but if they fit into a good team, they make sacrifices, they do things necessary to help the team win. What the numbers are in salaries or statistics don't matter; how they play together does.
Don't let talent get in way of team performance. Great players do what's outstanding for team, not what makes them stand out
It's the most pleasurable experience in the world! When you're on a great team and you get hot, your teammates milk you dry - they wear you out and there's nothing like being on a great team.
The best part about being a Blazer is the fans. The fans here are so loyal it feels like a college team with how close the fans and players are. They have such a great passion for the team that it makes it fun to be a part of and makes you want to work harder to make the team successful.
I loved [Real Madrid]. It was a real experience, playing with a great team. One of the first questions I'm often asked is 'What was Madrid like?' It's got that mystique about it. It's a magical place and a magical team, and everything about it is great.
On paper we might be the best team in the league. We’ve got great players on this team who accomplished so much. We just couldn’t put it together.
Winning in Oakland in '89 was distinguished because that was truly a great team on a mission to prove that '88 was not what we represented. I look at that team in awe. It was a push-button team.
A great team versus another great team, your performance is going to go down. But my job is to improve my consistency where, when I dominate against the lesser teams, go and do well and do the same amount of work when I'm going against the Alabamas and the LSUs, and it will come.
Tremendous teammate, that's what comes to mind when I think of Scottie Pippen. He was a very caring teammate who was always concerned about the team, always concerned about it. He just had a great understanding of the team concept. Everyone talks about a great teammate, but he really was a great guy to play with. He may have been having a 25 or 30-point game, but if he knew you were struggling, he'd find a way to get you going as well. He's that type of guy.
I spent most of high school working on the debate team, probably at some expense to my grades. Being a member of the team was great training in critical analysis, organization, and logic.
For sure working with Ferrari is a great pleasure. It's a great team, it's a great experience and it's a great dream as well to be there. — © Felipe Massa
For sure working with Ferrari is a great pleasure. It's a great team, it's a great experience and it's a great dream as well to be there.
When you're talking about a trade you're saying, 'Is it good for this team or that team, did they give up too much?' That kind of debate is great for the game.
As a group I thought we played connected. I feel like we had a lot of great shots, some great opportunities, and for us it is just bearing down a little bit and finishing. We believe in our team, for us we have confidence, we have respect and we know it is going to take a lot of hard work and playing together as a team.
Le Mans is such a great race because you can never do anything alone. You have to work as a team member. And being a team member makes you a better person.
As an actor, rejection is a big part of it, and I've had a lot of it. So when there's something that you really want to do, it's so great to have someone to be a part of a team as great as this team is.
It's better to have a great team than a team of greats.
Any team can be a miracle team. The catch is that you have got to go out and work for your miracles. Effort is what ultimately separates great teams from ordinary teams.
One single great player doesn't make anything for a team; it has to be a team. I think [American] football is the greatest team sport there is because you have to depend on your brother next to you.
The Dream Team was crazy. Probably one of the better teams, of course. That was a great team to watch and one of the reasons why I want to play for Team U.S.A.
I love the NBA playoffs. It's just a great mental test for each team. When it's really close, usually one team pulls together, and the other team comes apart.
Pittsburgh was a great team. Coach Noll, Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, L.C. Greenwood and all those guys did a great job. That's the team that kept us from winning two Super Bowls. It was a great rivalry.
It's not the great stars that win; it's the great teams that win. It's the teams that subjugate their ego to the team and put the team first.
Perhaps the toughest call for a coach is weighing what is best for an individual against what is best for the team. Keeping a player on the roster just because I liked him personally, or even because of his great contributions to the team in the past, when I felt some one else could do more for the team would be a disservice to the team's goals.
On a good team there are no superstars. There are great players who show they are great players by being able to play with others as a team.
We love Cyclops and as you know, we love James. It's a great team and we'll continue the team, obviously.
I believe in work, in connections between the players, I think what makes football great is that it is a team sport. You can win in different ways, by being more of a team, or by having better individual players. It is the team ethic that interests me, always.
If we can't have a great team and a winning team, then I will not be an N.B.A. owner very long.
In front of the world, all of a sudden I'm a great athlete and I'm put into an environment with 25 other women and I'm expected to go to team meals, team functions.
I'm like a conductor. I come up with ideas, and I get all these people to make great music together. I have a team of really talented assistant designers. I have architects in my office. People I trained from the beginning in menswear, womenswear, and home. I have a great team who know what I want and feel and translate that into beautiful results.
Every great team that I've been on, the offensive linemen was the bell cows of the whole team.
We build OYO with basis of building a team which is not just great for our segment, but we possibly have the best team any start-up can possibly have.
A good team is a great place to be, exciting, stimulating, supportive, successful. A bad team is horrible, a sort of human prison.
Not everybody's going to have a perfect relationship with every great player on their team. But when I step between those lines and I'm with my team, we're a brotherhood.
All my career, I've played in great teams - Marseille was a great team, Arsenal was a great thing, but we never won a trophy. With Manchester City, first year, it happened, and it was just a big relief.
You can give a great film idea to a mediocre team and they may screw it up, but if you give a mediocre idea to a great team, they will turn it into a great film. — © Edwin Catmull
You can give a great film idea to a mediocre team and they may screw it up, but if you give a mediocre idea to a great team, they will turn it into a great film.
Every season I think it's right every great team tries to improve the quality of the team.
In football, in any sport, communication is really key. So if you want to be a great teammate, a great team and a great player, then communication is very important.
I'm not trying to get back on a team, but I have tried to stay in shape just in case a team needs a point guard. A championship team. I wouldn't go to any other team.
Football is a team sport. I'm proud of what I achieved in my career, but I also know that I wouldn't have achieved any of it without the support of my team-mates. I played with great players, great managers, and in great teams.
A very good leader is someone who has a great team, it's all about the team. You only have 12 hours or 14 hours a day, if the people that are with you are doing a great job, you can have a great business. If not, it's not going to work.
When the coach can get the trust and the confidence of a team to believe in him, and everyone accepts what they're doing for the team, the good and the great of the team, it usually works out.
Given the challenges and adversity we face in business and life today, Jon Gordon provides a clear road map to navigate the negativity and pitfalls that too often sabotage individual and team success as he shines a light on the truths that define great leaders, great teams, and great energy. I especially loved the part about leading with purpose. I consider this a valuable book for anyone looking to bring out the best in themselves and their team.
You need experience around you when you are a young player. You need to know how to run a team, to lead a team and to play as a team which means, your team has leaders but you still function as a team.
To have a great player like Neymar at PSG would be a great honour. He's a phenomenal player, and to have great player is a great thing for the team.
You know, quarterbacks, I think greatness in quarterbacks is taking what you've got, whether it's a great team, a good team, or a struggling team and make them better.
Most of us at one time or another have been part of a great 'team', a group of people who functioned together in an extraordinary way-who trusted one another, who complemented each other's strengths and compensated for each other's limitations, who had common goals that were larger than an individual's goals, and who produced extraordinary results ... the team that became great didn't start off great-it learned how to produce extraordinary results.
The 2002 (Olympic) team was a great team, we won the gold medal, they deserved all the accolades that they got. But this team seems to have a little more depth and maybe a little more talent to pick from. So it makes the job of picking the right 23 guys even more difficult.
'The Memphis Grizzlies' are always a great defensive team and defense is one of my strengths, so I think that's one thing that I can bring to this team. — © Yuta Watanabe
'The Memphis Grizzlies' are always a great defensive team and defense is one of my strengths, so I think that's one thing that I can bring to this team.
You can't succeed in the markets today unless you are part of a great team. The team is the essence of how you win.
Players want to go where the team wins and where the team has a great culture, ownership and all of that. It doesn't matter where you are. It really doesn't matter, you have to perform and you have to win.
I have a great race team, great grew members, awesome health care team, endocrinologist, nutritionist, and of course family and friends. It truly is a team effort, both when you are dealing with diabetes in regular life and also on the racetrack.
You've got to be extremely careful, because you could be with a great team, and you could be the product of a great team. There are some players that stand out despite the teams that they play on, and there are some players that are good because of the team that they're with.
He has become a great leader of his team, a guy that has evolved in terms of his role within the team.
I do know it's great to have a support from a fan base of a team. Football is such a team game, such a team aspect to it... Good things happen, the praise is spread around; and bad things happen, usually it's not just one person's fault.
No man is more important than The Team. No coach is more important than The Team. The Team, The Team, The Team, and if we think that way, all of us, everything that you do, you take into consideration what effect does it have on my Team?
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