Top 1200 Great Wine Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Great Wine quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
We need not be intimidated by the wine snob because we know that, in the last analysis, he is only putting on a front. He may know more than we do, but how little he knows in comparison with what there is to know Wine, a hobby as fascinating and as human as one can find. One of the most fascinating aspects of the wine-hobby is the extent to which you learn all the time
Who knows how to taste wine never drinks wine again, but tastes secrets instead
I rather like bad wine; one gets so bored with good wine. — © Benjamin Disraeli
I rather like bad wine; one gets so bored with good wine.
My husband and I do love a really great red wine.
From age 16, I lived and breathed wine. I read every magazine and book about wine.
There were a hundred booksellers in the old round city founded by the eighth-century caliph al-Mansur. The café and wine-drinking culture of Baghdad has been famous for centuries; there was a whole school of Iraqi poets who wrote poems about the wine bars of medieval Baghdad - the khamriyaat, or wine songs, that I quote in the book.
I want great food and wine, and friends to enjoy it all.
I enjoy wine collecting and great food.
In my view, using technology too soon is definitely detrimental to education. I have often used the analogy 'it's like wine-tasting for first-graders'. One can be both a strong advocate of first-graders and wine-tasting, but strongly opposed to wine-tasting for first-graders.
Wine drinking goes back at least six thousand years. Wine writing probably began a year or two later.
There are more people enjoying wine in India, they are interested in exploring new things and I think wine is part of that journey.
Red wine is a great accompaniment to meat.
Wine is similar to music in that it's a purely experiential realm, and it's a purely subjective practice. That's sort of the funny thing about wine criticism or, for that matter, music criticism. At times, those are useful guides, but ultimately it's all about how you react to that music or wine.
Good wine needs neither bush nor preface to make it welcome. And they drank the red wine through the helmet barr'd. — © Walter Scott
Good wine needs neither bush nor preface to make it welcome. And they drank the red wine through the helmet barr'd.
Never did a great man hate good wine.
I have this beautiful antique silver wine decanter that I bought at an auction. I always pour wine from that.
There are some pretty darn good bottles of wine for $50. I think I can tell that from a bottle of wine that costs $15 or $20.
Burgundy was the winiest wine, the central, essential, and typical wine, the soul and greatest common measure of all the kindly wines of the earth.
You do not need to be an expert, or even particularly interested in wine, in order to enjoy drinking it. But tasting is not the same as drinking. Drinking pleases, mellows, loosens the tongue and inhibitions; drinking wine with food is healthy and natural; drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life's most civilized pleasures.
Wine has class. I love wine. The drier, the better. But beer? I just can't do it.
It is great to share wine with friends, it is something I do all the time.
Bring the pure wine of love and freedom. But sir, a tornado is coming. More wine, we'll teach this storm A thing or two about whirling.
The wine I produce is not for keeping. It's the wine you want when meeting friends for a game of cards.
Bring me wine, but wine which never grew In the belly of the grape
To succeed you must add water to your wine, until there is no more wine.
In the early '90s, my parents weren't really drinking wine. They had a bottle or two laying around, but it had been a stigma where a bottle of wine had to be for a super special occasion. A bottle of wine had to go with a steak. And it was this thing that seemed so distant.
Wine give strenght to weary men. and And wine can of their wits the wise beguile. Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile. and Let those who drink not, but austerely dine, Dry up in law; the muses smell of wine. and No poem was ever written by a drinker of water. and Bacchus opens the gate of the heart. and Might to inspire new hopes and powerful To drown the bitterness of cares.
Wine is my passion. I'm not keen on the snobbery or elitism of wine, that's not what it's about - I just really enjoy it.
I spoke to the 'Wine Spectator' because that's PR; that's how you sell wine.
I love quality drinks - a really good beer, or a great wine.
I say that is wine," Brett held up her glass. "We ought to toast something. 'Here's to royalty.'" "This wine is too good for toast-drinking, my dear. you don't want to mix emotions up with a wine like that. you lose the taste." Brett's glass was empty.
I'm not a real big wine drinker. I enjoy wine from a distance.
The Gamma paused. “You have a crazed werewolf in your wine cellar?” “You can think of a better place to stash him?” “What about the wine?
Long ago, during my apprenticeship in the wine trade, I learned that wine is more than the sum of its parts, and more than an expression of its physical origin. The real significance of wine as the nexus of just about everything became clearer to me when I started writing about it. The more I read, the more I traveled, and the more questions I asked, the further I was pulled into the realms of history and economics, politics, literature, food, community, and all else that affects the way we live. Wine, I found, draws on everything and leads everywhere.
The rich want good wine, the poor, plenty of wine
Sometimes it would be nice to just have some red wine with dinner, but it's not worth the risk. I have a great life, a great situation. Why would I want to risk self-destructive behaviour?
No nation is drunken where wine is cheap, and none sober where the dearness of wine substitutes ardent spirits as the common beverage
Do not let friars enter your wine cellars for fear they will bless every barrel and change the wine into blood. — © John Wycliffe
Do not let friars enter your wine cellars for fear they will bless every barrel and change the wine into blood.
People who say that they can't appreciate a great wine generally haven't tasted one
I'm a winemaker and a wine collector, so I usually just drink wine.
I used to drink wine. This girl asked me, "Doesn't wine give you a headache?" "Yeah, eventually, but the first and the middle part are amazing!"
I love the experience and history that comes with selecting and enjoying a great bottle of wine.
Wine is the source of the greatest evils among communities. It causes diseases, quarrels, seditions, idleness, aversion to labor, and family disorders. . . . It is a species of poison that causes madness. It does not make a man die, but it degrades him into a brute. Men may preserve their health and vigor without wine; with wine they run the risk of ruining their health and losing their morals.
No need for confusion, my dear Mulgrave... Beautiful wine and sour vinegar come from exactly the same source. Curiously if one leaves a bottle of wine open for long enough it will become vinegar. Happily in this house wine never survives long enough to go bad.
The wine I produce is not for keeping. Its the wine you want when meeting friends for a game of cards.
A bottle of wine begs to be shared; I have never met a miserly wine lover.
Pinot grigio is a great Italian table wine.
It is especially taboo for a wine writer to admit that he or she likes the buzz. But wine is a full sensory experience. It's not just tasting notes.
Many writers are neither spirit nor wine, but rather spirits- of-wine: they can catch fire, and then they give off heat. — © Friedrich Nietzsche
Many writers are neither spirit nor wine, but rather spirits- of-wine: they can catch fire, and then they give off heat.
Where are the feasts we were promised? Where is the wine, the new wine, dying on the vine.
An old wine-bibber having been smashed in a railway collision, some wine was poured on his lips to revive him.
It's not sipping wine. It's a mourning wine. You drain it. Like this.
There in wine is found the great generalization: all life is fermentation.
I wouldn't say that I'm an Italian wine connoisseur. I do like red wine. I guess my favorites now are Bordeauxes. French.
Lovers drink wine all day and night and tear the veils of the mind. When drunk with love's wine, body, heart and soul become one.
I had a little epiphany when I was a writer at 'Chicago' magazine. I sat down to dinner at the Ritz-Carlton. Somebody poured a white dessert wine with chocolate cake. It was a wine I would never have expected to make sense. The idea of any wine tasting fabulous with chocolate cake was fascinating to me.
My mom wouldn't let me sing 'Strawberry Wine' because it had 'wine' in it.
When it comes to wine, I tell people to throw away the vintage charts and invest in a corkscrew. The best way to learn about wine is the drinking.
My wife and I really enjoy a glass of red wine. We're too old to drink cheap wine, and we don't.
Whenever a man is tired, wine is a great restorer of strength.
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