Top 1200 Growth Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Growth quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I do worry about population growth and the preservation of the green belt space but I don't think these are insurmountable problems.
There is no discussion inside this boardroom to say we've got to get into this or that. We look at every growth opportunity on its merits.
I think that obstacles lead to growth and ultimately, the most learning I've done in my life is between jobs. — © Anthony Michael Hall
I think that obstacles lead to growth and ultimately, the most learning I've done in my life is between jobs.
You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.
Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.
Any institutions' alumni are key to its growth. We are focused on giving a global experience to our students.
Looking back in hindsight, I really stunted my growth as a fighter by constantly cutting weight all the time.
If there is one number to which the rights of millions will be happily sacrificed, it is the national GDP growth rate.
You must go to Mahometanism, to Buddhism, to the East, to the Sufis Fakirs, to Pantheism, for the right growth of mysticism.
Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.
What kind of economy grows for decades on end but doesn't allow most of the population to share in the gains from that growth?
Look at what happened in the 1990s: when they balanced the federal budget, it was through growth in the economy and controlling spending.
Bodies are slow of growth, but are rapid in their dissolution.
[Lat., Corpora lente augescent, cito extinguuntur.] — © Tacitus
Bodies are slow of growth, but are rapid in their dissolution. [Lat., Corpora lente augescent, cito extinguuntur.]
I began working in Gujarati movies and I got noticed by many in Bollywood. It has been organic growth.
The societies of consumption and squandering of material resources are incompatible with the idea of economic growth and a clean planet.
The Treasury has responsibility for increasing employment and productivity, ensuring strong growth and competitiveness across all regions of the U.K.
There is a lot of growth taking place in capturing aspirational consumers and converting them to luxury as they evolve.
A life with difficult relationships, filled with obstacles and losses, presents the most opportunity for the soul's growth.
We're up at almost seven billion people on the planet and most of that growth has been in the developing world.
An embedded growth obligation is how fast a structure has to grow in order to maintain its honest positions.
Thriving small and midsize businesses are essential to spur economic growth and to create new jobs.
Without the ambition to raise oneself to life's challenges, growth and innovation would never happen.
I will be the government of increasing economic growth and creating jobs. Take it from me that that's the main issue.
Innovations that drive lasting economic growth emerge from the most advanced science, mathematics and technology.
We need economic growth that is sustainable and job-rich rather than just statistically impressive.
Let nobody be fooled, the next two quarters are not going to be easy either in terms of growth or employment.
Growth is transcending yourself, your habitual self, which is none other than ego.
Full and immediate expensing is widely recognized as one of the most pro-growth tax policies around.
My community was built on a foundation of organic growth through watching people play video games.
The income tax is flawed for a number of reasons - it discourages economic growth and encourages a bloated government.
Long-term memory involves enduring changes that result from the growth of new synaptic connections.
OK, I wasn't really paying attention to YouTube in the year after it began. No one was. But its growth was remarkably rapid.
Business as usual is dead. Green growth is the answer to both our climate and economic problems
The beauty of compounding iterative algorithms - evolution, fractals, organic growth, art - derives from their irreducibility.
Even in developing markets, we're seeing the growth of digital communication is proceeding at a very rapid pace.
Slow growth and inflation have a tendency to accompany large deficits and increasing debt as a percentage of GDP.
In each of its forms, love has an infinite scope of potential expansion, all of which I see leading to growth.
India's infrastructure has to be modernized, has to be expanded at a rate which will I think be consistent with the growth requirements. — © Manmohan Singh
India's infrastructure has to be modernized, has to be expanded at a rate which will I think be consistent with the growth requirements.
Strength is natural, but grace is the growth of habit. This charming quality requires practice if it is to become lasting.
We use NVC to evaluate ourselves in ways that engender growth rather than self-hatred.
Be sure to use different exercises with every workout. Always confuse the muscles in to new growth.
Self restraint in speech, food, entertainment and vanity are the most essential fundamental of spiritual growth.
There is not a country on earth that could get its fiscal house in order by shrinking opportunity and depressing growth.
Is it better that we manage population growth responsibly or should we to wait for nature to cull our numbers?
It is certainly possible that the Greek economy can revive and achieve some growth over the years ahead.
Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write a new one.
The living Web unfolds in time, and as we see each daily revelation we experience its growth as a story.
Growth means creating the right conditions for the private sector - farmers and firms - to invest and do business. — © Hilary Benn
Growth means creating the right conditions for the private sector - farmers and firms - to invest and do business.
If you look historically, what creates growth and wealth is innovation and investment, and increase in scale - more customers.
Think how modern economics presents work. Only labour that contributes to growth counts.
Globalization and free trade do spur economic growth, and they lead to lower prices on many goods.
Our growth has been very fast but in every place we've gone, we've achieved great success.
Growth takes place in a person by working at a deep inner level in a sustained atmosphere of silence.
My No. 1 priority is growth in the economy. Tax reform will be our first and most important part of that.
Be it caste or communal violence, they stall the growth of the nation. Let us affirm that we will be free from these tensions.
To be successful you have to be lucky, or a little mad, or very talented, or find yourself in a rapid growth field.
The U.K. needs more first class studio space to encourage the growth of the film and TV sector.
Gujarat, with its all inclusive, sustainable and rapid growth, is emerging as a globally preferred place to live in and to do business.
The biggest threat to advanced economies is that debt will accumulate until the overhang weighs on growth.
I think we can reform Social Security without raising taxes, which is better for economic growth.
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