Top 98 Grueling Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Grueling quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
When I look back at the span that Mr. Big lasted, we had some unbelievable times. But there were grueling times, too.
I was given two weeks to walk again, so I hooked up with a trainer, and he... had me walking. I'll never forget that, it was grueling.
You have to write or else the auditioning process becomes so grueling because it's so hard to work. — © Pell James
You have to write or else the auditioning process becomes so grueling because it's so hard to work.
I didn't know what to expect, having not been an artist before. From the outside, you only see romantic snapshots of what seems like a great lifestyle, and it is, but it's also grueling.
I know it sounds silly, but no one really anticipates just how mentally and emotionally taxing and unbelievably physically grueling it is to be the Bachelor.
Well, television is grueling. The hours are grueling, it's hard work, and there's a lot of pressure to get it done without a lot of rehearsal time.
I once went on the most grueling radio tour. Living in hotel rooms, sleeping in the backs of rental cars as my mom drove to three different cities in one day.
I can't wear the same outfit twice without washing it. And tennis is a grueling occupation.
The audition process is always grueling. You always hope to just get offered things, and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't.
As an actress, our hours can be grueling, and like any mother that has a career or job, it is difficult. Balancing spending time with your child in the morning and after they come home from daycare/school before is the key.
I spent a good part of the nineties roaming the Earth writing about conflict. It was very grueling. I was beginning to find this way of life was, wow, addictive and deeply meaningful.
Golf is the only sport where watching the game is arguably as grueling physically as playing it.
I have some friends who are actors. I've watched them work. And I would say that of all the arts, acting is the most grueling, thankless. Never apologize for your work.
The friends I knew who tutored were well paid for work that seemed far less grueling than waitressing or late-night newspaper copy editing or all the other side gigs I attempted in my early twenties.
The audition process is always grueling. You always hope to just get offered things, and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt. — © Jake Abel
The audition process is always grueling. You always hope to just get offered things, and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt.
After a grueling leg workout nothing feels better than a slow, deep massage on your quads.
This is the time it all starts, I'm telling you. Like, 16, I mean, forget it. You could just get beat up, you could go through these grueling schedules.
Writing is a grueling process for us, and once we finish an album, we go on tour for a couple of years. Plus, we're always very involved in our own business, so we need a break when we come back.
This is a grueling profession. Either you can't get work, or you can't get certain kinds of parts, or you get a part, and it kills you because it's not good enough, or you get successful and feel guilty about it.
The most dire of all of life's grueling deceptions wedge themselves in in our minds between truth and perceptions.
The Ironman World Championship is the hardest race I've competed in. Not only do the elements (heat, wind, humidity) make it grueling, but the quality of the field makes it a true test.
'The Road' was my first American film, my first film in the snow. The first of everything. So, I was jumping into it, and that was pretty grueling.
The hardest part is the grueling work of constantly being wrong.
Ballet can be grueling, for sure, but it gives you a certain discipline.
Living with a saint is more grueling than being one.
Well television is grueling. The hours are grueling, it's hard work, and there's a lot of pressure to get it done without a lot of rehearsal time.
A Supreme Court ruling is supposed to provide clarity to contentious legal issues, but in the case of reproductive rights, it was just the beginning of a long, heated, and grueling debate.
I took up boxing to get in shape for filming because it's grueling - all the running, the heat, the yelling, the crying that we do.
Times get tough sometimes, you lose cool. At the end of the day it is one of the most demanding and grueling sports.
'Rectify' has been beautiful and emotional but grueling. In a beautiful way, in the right way.
I'm used to working hard. Theater can be very grueling, and that's all I've ever known. It's what I've done for 20 years, which is crazy.
I really spent the better part of the first 12 years of my career wrestling for Mid South. Fond memories, but a grueling territory.
When you give your life over to your touring schedule, it's so grueling, you have to have moments where you have your own comfort places.
Certainly the life of a dancer is very difficult. The training is very hard and relentlessly grueling.
As soldiers in Israel's army, one of the most grueling training regimens we had to endure was a long march while carrying a comrade on a stretcher.
There's no better exercise than dancing. 'Dancing with the Stars' is amazing. I used to take it for granted, but the three months you spend on the show, with that grueling regimen, you just shed weight. You can eat anything you want and it doesn't stick.
I have never been depressed or thrown a plate, which I attribute to the cathartic effects of writing books about people whose lives are more grueling than mine.
Pilot season tends to be grueling, because you can be thrown all of these auditions at once - last-minute, always - and you're going on three a day, especially back in the day.
I had been offered other shows, before 'Meri Awaaz...' but honestly, the very thought of long and grueling working hours of TV shows gave me a cold feet. — © Amrita Rao
I had been offered other shows, before 'Meri Awaaz...' but honestly, the very thought of long and grueling working hours of TV shows gave me a cold feet.
I had never picked up a basketball before. I went through a grueling audition process. It was almost as if I was learning to walk. It would be like teaching somebody to dance ballet for a role.
Generally speaking, ROH championship matches are hard fought and grueling, and the fans are really into it. The ROH Championship means a lot to me for those reasons.
The more the government intervenes to delay the market's adjustment, the longer and more grueling the depression will be, and the more difficult will be the road to complete recovery.
I actually believed if you work hard enough it was inevitable you'd succeed. Then I lived the 'Social Network' movie, but only the first half. The hardest part is the grueling work of constantly being wrong.
Series work is just grueling.
When you're fighting for something, it's always a grueling battle.
I was so lucky that I didn't have to audition. It's just such a grueling process, in itself.
In a lot of ways, being a writer is a lousy job - grueling, emotionally taxing, terrible hours, no health care - so if it wasn't about love, what would be the point?
I think a lot of people have a misconception of what the kitchen is about, but you know the grueling part of it is also the pleasure of it. That's why I think you have to have a certain mentality to understand what that is and be able to handle it.
Receiving far less attention are the working class heroes, who go about their solitary work routines with quiet dignity, come home from another grueling day, yet still find time to interact with their children.
I really am not a weakling. We like to do a lot of takes, so it ends up being pretty physically grueling. — © Natalie Zea
I really am not a weakling. We like to do a lot of takes, so it ends up being pretty physically grueling.
Those who know the sport of swimming understand that the grueling practices that fill a pre-Olympic winter lay the base for any success that might come later in the Games, especially if one has it in mind to swim an astonishing eight events.
I've done a lot of different tours. For me, I try to go on tours that I think are gonna be fun. It's, like, grueling, and it's hard, and there's got to be an element to it that's exciting.
The last two years, ever since I became a Lok Sabhha member, I've been working round the clock. It's grueling work through the day.
To make a movie is very grueling at times. Long, long hours and cold weather.
Live TV is physically grueling. I'm concentrating very hard to recall numbers, dates and events to bolster my argument and win a debate. Every eight to 10 minutes, a new sport or topic is thrown at me.
Standing up and teaching is grueling, but grueling fun.
It's grueling never knowing if the audience is going to think you're funny. It's soul-destroying when they don't laugh.
I should perhaps warn you that I am about to faint from anxiety and general depression, though. The film I saw last night was especially grueling, a teen-age beach musical. I almost collapsed during the singing sequence on surfboard.
The top two goals of every presidential nominating convention are to unify the party and to define the candidate for the grueling weeks ahead.
Fame was thrilling only until it became grueling. Money was fun only until you ran out of things to buy.
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